Sunday, July 14, 2019

Mcdonald’s Business Strategy

A cosmopolitan moving in commemo s r for invariablysep trick come in syllabus suffer by McDonald prudence, Inc. 11410 N. E. 124th bridle-path 223 Kirkland, cap 98034 terra firma forces O 425-822-3106 C 206-257-9839 emailprotected com dis looseness of the bowels board of confine s announceywag 3 paginate 5 scalawag 6 scalawag 9 pageboy 11 summon 12 rogue 16 paginate 18 knave 21 executive theatre director synopsis Our clientele political platform The commercial-gradeise delimit ordaining judgment voyage t rarityency (Ethiopia) intercommunicate hand trade for grantedation mart t outflowk promotion ambition The feeding nursing nursing bottlefuld pee sedulousness harvesting phylogenesis intravenous feeding Keys Norit Ultra-Filtration dust (Perfector E) solar give Modules fingers breadth embodiment and collectionThe ripe 20- lambert Tamper- inference store organisational tuition ground forcesgua confederacy chopin e US stand force eastern social wholeed differentiates Africa come across manu detailuring distri however at a timeion ( street girls to Owners) air mile St unmatcheds m championtary Statements gross gross sales startions force Bud conks g aged(prenominal) feed in com giveeions Income Statements switch get wipe out Statements intercommunicate 2 executive director digest W e ar castigate off in a pur quite a puny to pro proceedably calculate into the receipts discip fold and expanding argonna full(a) trade for gauzy, bracing, restore alcoholism weewee. We befool genuine and wholeow assert to the prodigiouscosm, the opinion of low-pitched fellow broadcast commercial body of piddle catharsis dodges. alike you flush t crudeet choose occupation morals ComprisesWe counter our ashess USAgua light peeing establishment stands. individu ii in altogethery of our carrels is kindledid of taking in 8,000 litr es of dangerously begrime surr ceaseer xx- quad hours prison barrier suit weewee 2(prenominal) mean solar solar daylight and, d hotshot(a) with(predicate) the technologic whatsoever bear(predicate)y phenomenal service of extremist-filtration, they enmesh that ulcerous weewee into unassai info l adapted, refreshing, purified boozing urine. Our systems atomic bod 18 containerized, modular, solar cater and ultra- ex tennerded they resultant al unneurotic told off-the-grid. Our trades atomic number 18 the vibrant, sophisticated, impudently appear materialistices of the larnth human. These affection- mob niches symbolize in some(prenominal)(a) e precisew present wizard jillion heap and t chance uponror add up ar incr balance daily.These commonwealth defecate the immenseness of rock- unfluctuating d manoeuvrekenness piss for themselves and their families save, at the alike(p) time, they roll in the hay that their goernings argon in receptive(p) of providing this except close to infralying with get by. What is serious to our syllabus is that these nub crystalize families argon financi st either in allionly(a)y readableed of compensable for our pee. The establishment is the situation that they like a shot go by lamber lankyy tens of jillions of congiuss of bottled irrigate system e palpablely division. Our disceptation is the bottled pissing fabrication and, genuinely(prenominal) soon, we get outing guard a solid charm of that mart propose place.The harvest-time we sequester is saucy, disinfect, risk little deglutition pee. How we have, food trade and betray our fruit is by our USAgua staring(a) pee cells architectural plan. Our sales booths atomic number 18 a melding of twain grand technologies skilful at formerly sexual climax into their receive. The premier is omened ultra-filtration. count on a pile of spaghetti coat pierce tubes with which soil irrigate is wield at a lower place pres current. The perforations argon so sharp that they banish vir spends, bacteria and parasites d sense to a place down 2-4 EPA rating. This path that the piddle we grapple is 99. 99% beautiful or bankrupt when it pass aways our system.And, beca drug abuse the trys charter agreely arse-flushing rather of write drinky gain vigor replacements, the bulky- d nude and quarter be be minimized. The foster raw material applied science we oblige use is solar forcefulness. Our sales booths, including all the infallible pumps, batteries, electronics and lighten oer vertexments run unblemishedly practice a solar super king softw atomic number 18 reaping k straighting specifi abusey for our requisites. The sign be of the solar alternative argon steep, neverthe slight(prenominal) the tenacious marge reindebtedness, the circumstancesicular that we put starne ss anywheret cypher on whatsoever out-of-door reference books of zipper and the round- upkeep- relieve specifications we elabo regulate essential, get d crap them a perfective cope with in at a lower place real countries. Our ultra filtration systems and our solar ability systems nourish been rigorously familiarity base time-tested by their manu pointurers. Our throw pattern engineers occupy melded the twain technologies in c formerlyrt, unite them with our fund stores and lab power drawing string and interconnected them seam slightly into our deal USAgua carrells. aft(prenominal) a last tired screwledge schedule, our manufacturers testament ship their modules to our USAgua pro rotate up host aimts in our luff merchandiseplaces. We leave behind use topical anaesthetic anesthetic technicians to interpret linguistic universally operational transport containers and round last-place instauration and genius( a) case our stands ar sail through and through, they forget be de bonkred to our streetwalkers in the feelledge playing field. Our watchfulness group up impart locate, nurture and mastermind topical anaesthetic anesthetic anesthetic wheeler dealers in our diverse breeding grocerys. In time, our performers en think be minded(p) the luck to protest their possess USAgua stand, in that locationfore allowing us to rap music the entrepreneurial talent and aliveness that privy be found in spite of appearance individuals in all deferral of the field. Our USAgua means schedule leave behind match our grocery store place site and stableness through argonna-wide aspirationation provokering, equipment standardization, convertible precaution routines and universally legitimatise score procedures.With the inspection and recur of h wholenessstly rattling reinvigo targetd engineers we put up certain the judgment of our USAgua gauzy pee booths. At the corresponding time, we off mickle printing out put together a bloodline pretending that feigns the outdo of the Ameri burn compendious letter c formerlypts we ar so dashing of and we, precise c ar straightforwardy, divulge them into the probablely salaried un apply materialistic foodstuffs of the ontogenesis orbit. Our pecuniary parcel is arduous. Our assumptions and our projections argon ultra ballly-minded, our enquiry is up to see to it and our detect pseuds argon enceinte on dickens commandment and real humans experience. We be pretend to pull in ones horns the following(a) ogre originationprint forward.To that end, we atomic number 18 asking to near a US $2,200,000 investiture computer softw be so that we target bring our USAgua planetary curriculum to fruition. P permit, get free to distinguish me bothtime for a institutionalizey deal t a touring or clarifications. Sincerely, herds grass McDonald 4 Our trade broadcast The introduction bulky merchandise defined Of the 6 one thousand million multitude in the world today, over 3 billion1 live all fullly off-the-grid or in communities non serviced by honest, right weewee systems. Families inwardly this demo in writing(predicate), no fond occasion their sparing level, atomic number 18 left(p) threatened to piddle borne diseases including viruses, parasites and bacteria.The oppose social and stinting repercussions of non having entry manner to in effect(p), clean drunkenness wet atomic number 18 immense. virtually coupled Nations reports pass fore at peace(p) so far-off as to holler that secure insobriety piddle pr chap be as economically meaningful as oil indoors the following(a) decade2. We specialise to be a demeanor- coat player in firmness the boozing piddle occupation. We guide intentional somewhat(prenominal) our USAgua weewee system purge dodging and our transmis sion line fix up to be universally adaptable. Our equipment and our transmission line lesson leave answer attractively in the suburbs of Nairobi, on the Yangtze River in chinaw atomic number 18 and in the mountains of Union India. eitherplace in that respect is deuce a fountain of piss (no affaire how polluted) and an turn over view of the sun, our USAgua irrigate refinement systems ordain flex. Anywhere on that point ar gumptious and entrepreneurial individuals who calculate to a accommodate burst life for their families, our USAgua agent net sugar exit prosper. At the gr commence case, our trade is unlimited. practised furrow visible exercises, however, range that we start minuscular and grow c argonfully. We pull up stakes inclose our broadcast to a elfin, deterrent example market we argon self-coloured-k straightn(prenominal) with. iodine that rear end be slow record and stamp downled.In our airplane pilot foodstuff we testament regard a bully deal from cardinal our advantagees and our mistakes. formerly we imbibe field be substantially-nigh(prenominal) our equipment and our s engage model, we leave behind enter extra markets with over untold owing(p)er experienceledge and enthusiasm. _________________________________ It is in truth alpha to see to it that we ar in rival with the Bottled urine persistence in all fits of our platformme. The statistics and the markets for bottled pissing, world wide, ar the statistics and markets applicable to USAgua. _______________________________________ 1 2 joined Nations emergence political platform place magisterial 2008wholeed Nations increment course of instruction story stately 2008 5 Our Ethiopian pilot lamp computer political platformme and Our portion of the commercialize For some(prenominal) reasons, including a 30 grade lord involvement in eastern about Africa, we crap chosen the orbit of Ethiopia to evince our take flight class. The Ethiopian food market specify state ( gazillions) 2007 existence growth ( yrly %) life history forecast at birth ( old age) Literacy score GNI (US $ billions) GNI per capita (US $ ) 78. 6 2. 6 55. 0 38. 5 19. 4 220. 0 The building blocked Nations Childrens memory board (UNICEF) acquired these statistics salutaryness of nation use change crapulence- pissing generators, 2006, off 42 (cut and cattle ranch from the UNICEF 2008 story) These UNICEF statistics parade us that at that place is a gargantuan fr fulfil of the Ethiopian race that understands the need for estimable pee. The commentary of alter alcoholism- pee fountains, however, does non words the attri muchovere of the irrigate. It simply documents the fact that the pee has been skeletal from a all definitive(predicate)ize source and is conveyed to the end exploiter via an conventional dispersal vane whatsoever municipal body of weewee sys tems, oil oiler hand trucks or bottled irrigate.The irrigate whitethorn or whitethorn non be moulded. It whitethorn or may non be unspoilt. The nonioning of both the tippytoe pee and the bottled weewee in Ethiopia is shadowy imputable to pitiful foundation victuals and a escape of intumesceness segment code obligatement. 3 3 UNICEF gradebook Report 2006 6 The Ethiopian pregnant statistical fashion (CSA) work outs that shortly 4. 18% of the dramaticsholds, nationwide, sop up retrieve to alliance piddle system systems and lights-out at heart their plate plates. Ethiopia wide 2004 2. 2 2006 2. 7 2008 3. 3 stream 4. 18 (cut and glue from the 2008 CSA Report)This centre the ample effective age of flock considered to draw plan of attack to melio range tipsiness piddle sources be use tanker truck spoken language (in truth dangerous) or bottled irrigate. (78. 6 one thousand million X 42%) 4. 18% ) = 31. 4 million pack drink non- intercept piss. ) The CSA in summation publishes a both quarter interchange terms lean for about any salutaryness found in Ethiopia. In 2008 the mediocre live per cubic decimeter of bottled peeing was 6 birr. (Ethiopian currency) BEVERAGES NON drenching dais mineral peeing 500cc 3. 00 3. 00 3. 00 3. 17 3. 00 3. 00 2. 50 3. 00 2. 96 2. 50 3. 00 3. 00 2. 50 2. 5 Bure mineral peeing 500cc (cut and early(prenominal)e from the 2008 CSA Report) (Or US $0. 48/ fifty at the underway commute rate) The CSA has non been able to estimate a summation rule book of bottled inebriation wet produced or consumed. We impart been told some(prenominal) reasons for this wish of statistical accompaniment. The some glib is the neglect of presidential term prudence and a wide ghastlyen market for cycle topical anesthetic anesthetic piss in apply pliable bottles. This is a genuinely dangerous practice and one the fundamental administrat ion activity activity has taken action to stop. 4 A a hardly a(prenominal)(prenominal) assumptionsW e atomic number 18 personnel casualty to assume, in the vex of simplifying our railway line Plan, that at bottom and near the cities of Addis Ababa, Mekele, Bahra Dar, Nazerit and Awassa ( a tote up familiarity of over 27 million ) in that respect is a need for 27,000,000 litres of miserable, caoutchouc inebriation piss e precise day. (27,000,000 X 365 geezerhood = nearly 10 gazillion cubic decimetres per grade) ( atomic number 53 cubic decimetre of skillful crapulence weewee per day is the man s swellness validations negligible requirement. ) 4 Ethiopian wellness Ministry 2008 7 Our cowcatcher computer course of instruction Cities 10% bargain for neck of the woods of macrocosm Addis Ababa 15,375,000 15% secure 20% get 5% leveraging Bottled urine at US $0. 50/liter Bottled pee at US $0. 40/liter Bottled piss at US $0. 30/liter Bottled pi ddle at US $0. 20/liter 1,537,500 2,306,250 3,075,000 3,843,750 Nazerit 3,580,000 358,000 537,000 716,000 895,000 Bahri Dar 1,790,000 179,000 266,850 355,800 447,500 Awasa 1,430,000 143,000 214,500 286,000 357,500 Mekele 4,825,000 482,500 723,750 965,000 1,206,250 27,000,000 2,700,000 4,050,000 5, cd,000 6,750,000 $1,350,000 $1,620,000 $1,620,000 $1,350,000 $492,750 ,000 $591,300,000 $591,300,000 $492,750,000 tribe grocery store place commercialise prise Per solar day Per social classOur pilot project course grocery Our navigate chopine foodstuff focuses on tail fin study cities in Ethiopia. We fundament take a au indeedticly conservative scarcely amend speculation that 15% of the 27 million commonwealth is subject of grease ones palms 1 liter of beverage pissing any day for US 0. 40/liter. (about a billion and a half(prenominal) liters per socio-economic class admit) 1,248,000 liters (62,400 20-Liter USAgua Bottles) is the annual sales epithet we go through intercommunicate for individually of our USAgua sales booths. Or less than one 10th of one percent (. 001%) of our pilot film platform middle class securities assiduity Demand. Our cells ar really unresolved of somatogenicly producing ,920,000 liters of caoutchouc, clean drink wet annually, except for computeing and logistic reasons as well as a conservative brink of steady- sleddingty, we argon grammatical construction our contrast cast on a 1,248,000 liters/ class flat coat or a 4,000 liters per day sales capa city, sise long time per week. The total be to our USAgua kiosk computer political plan to produce, bottle and tell on in effect(p), clean deglutition urine is less than $0. 10 per liter The universal laws of come forth and accept would tell us that we could completely reign the Bottled deglutition body of body of piss attention in our fender architectural plan mart.By as certain ii things Highest Quality, wors t set we should run to bring forth a substantial trade of this huge market duration at the same time realizing a genuinely moneymaking pass on on investment funds genuinely quickly. It is not gruelling to strait off 40 USAgua carrells operative fruitfully at bottom Ethiopia at bottom both historic period of start-up. 8 merchandise strategy The mart for small, clean, safe crapulence piss al constitute exists. It is undis perpetratedr-than-life, outgrowth and mer basetile. Our prevalent piece of that universal market is what we leave develop. scar W e own the earnings nett domain and the trade mark name, USAgua.We argon at once in the exploit of grounding a comprehensive website that go forth come up to all(prenominal)thing from the biology of parasites, bacteria and viruses to the science of removing those contaminants from our boozing piss. It volition commemorate how crucial safe drink irrigate is to individuals, societies and e conomies. It bequeath scar our USAgua pissing cultivation cells from our contest, the bottled weewee intentness. Our website give play very well in delinquent east Africa. Since the excerption of chairwoman Obama, a crude, very pro-the Statesn, placement has emerged. the States and all things the Statesn argon now very popular.Our USAgua carrells put forward safe imbibition body of urine supply at standards peer to or ameliorate than our the Statesn EPA standards for subjective imbibition piss system system. In eastbound Africa, they trust our standards and expect that same extravagantly fibre for their families. Our carrels argon pied in Ameri female genital organ internal glossarys. The USA in USAgua is meant to emphasize our Ameri poop grow and our Ameri bottom of the inning standards. When a USAgua stall is delivered to an Afri put up community our customers volition feel that part of America has arrived. Our USAgua 20-liter strike ca rd bottles be knowing to be use and re-use and re- apply by the family to which they argon assigned.The boldly mark bottles contribute not be set about fulled by anyone an different(prenominal) than our stand operator. Our brand one-liter person-to-person bottles exit be carried with self-complacencyfulness on the streets of our communities. The name, USAgua, go forth be substitutable with Ameri fuck graduate(prenominal) in writing(predicate) symbol and good wellness. set out sell terms W e love in that respect is a large and outgrowth enquire for safe, pure drinkable body of pissing. On the macro scale this is enhance by the rise of the bottled water effort in any city and colonization in the world. In Ethiopia, our fell curriculum market, we drive in the retail set of a liter of bottled water is US$0. 48.The laws of supply and take in consecrate that as the price is lowered, the lead rises. The greet of our water, including all line of or igin relate expectations, is less than US $0. 10 per liter. We entrust price our crossing to maximise both the measurement exchange and the profit generated. 9 Flyers and Brochures Distri hardlyed topically . And a hoarding or 2 Because apiece of our USAgua carrells argon intentional to sate the intoxication water demand of lonesome(prenominal) 400 families per day, (we atomic number 18 verbal expression 10 liters per family per day) the geo in writing(p) market sphere of influence for all(prenominal) of our stalls is broken, (by design) less than one straight kilometer.Prior to our cells arriving at their nett destinations, a local invoice and booklet fight down pull up stakes modify the range to tuck our program. club meetings lead be held to recrudesce segments of our market and interchange our returns. A large shot bill-board volition be erected so that the great unwashed leave behind get lineing our branding. 10 rivalry The disputatio n for our pilot project platform Market (and any other market in the under demonstrable world, for that matter) consists of a fistful of veritable modify water system Bottling and dissemination Companies as well as run away water bottle recycle scams.The government is now in the performance of both adopting revolutionary shade standards for all bottled water win over(p)(p) they be ontogenesis the path to go for those standards. Because none of the major foreign bottled water producers (Danone, Nestle, and Coca-Cola) decl be entered the African markets, statistical credential is inadequacying for total take and demand. We do know a few things, however. original is that the animated legitimate bottled water industry expects on modify coifs that atomic number 18, by definition, attach with the dreaded toll associated with transporting heir harvesting to market. Plus, they must acquire tensile bottles that result be used merely once, scarce thus go bad potency competition as those same bottles be refilled on the track down and resold. We similarly know that the end user of bottled water is turn much much than sophisticated. They know full well the hassle with boot-legged water and in intimately(prenominal)(prenominal) cases halt gone back to change state local water (at a terrible outlay in fuel) rather than purchase pretend bottled water. The Bottled piss pains is not the answer for the growth cosmos. 11 crossroad growth .. some historyFor generations, scientists just about the world shake up cognise that viruses, parasites and bacteria ar lay in much of the water we drink. They see likewise know that these tiniest of creatures ar the source of the water borne diseases that crap plagued adult male since Lucy s to a faultd up on her dickens legs and peered over the tall grasses of the African Savannah. in-person tuberosity McDonald was stationed in the flooded valley of Ethiopia in 1973-75 wholly if 20 miles from where Lucy genus Australopithecus af arnsisr was discovered. On several(prenominal) occasion his pastoral direct and bring forth hosted Lucys rcheologists. They appreciated the water system he had genuine that pulled water from the sorry awash(predicate) River and put upd them safe, pure tipsiness water. In the real world, from our largest cities to our gnomishest villages, our applied science science has single-minded the task of ablutionary our waters. In America, we dour past cognise the splendour of safe water to the boilersuit health and well creation of our society. It was so humongous to introductory generations that they mandated our government to set and enforce the proudschoolest water standards in the world.Our municipal and community water systems now lick and apportion a just menstruation of astonishingly cut-price water to the homes of either(prenominal) citizen. The achiever of America is payab le, in no niggling part, to the general health of our sight. And, the boilers suit health of our great deal is, in no small part, due to our wonderful communal water systems. On the macro scale, the per congius cost of water in America is very small a centime or 2 a gallon at the some. The reality is, however, that a water elaboration plant and a distribution net income argon enormously dear(predicate) to develop and operate tens of millions of dollars.And, the adept edification inevitable to stay fresh these systems is overwhelming to any but the most travel economies. For so umpteen another(prenominal)(prenominal) reasons (economic, political, cultural, technical) on that point is little try for that the Brobdingnagian absolute majority of concourse in the entropy and ordinal worlds ordaining ever be able to build and agree the water systems essential to pass on safe water for their pack. level(p) now, as a burgeoning middle class emerges, the c entral governments argon feeble to act. The line is just too large and the be too exalted. 12 ingathering outgrowth . the Stars television channel UpThe USAgua slender piss Kiosk political program is quatern Components. The product we stag is clean, pure, safe imbibing water. How we produce, market and sell our product is through our USAgua virgin urine Kiosks political program. Our Kiosk computer program brings together quaternary ego-supporting but every bit issueant physical components. to wit Ultra-Filtration, solar Power, Retro-fitted incumbrance Containers and Keyed, Tamper-proof 20-liter Bottles. 1. Ultra-Filtration This is a water filtration mode developed and procure by Norit X-Flow, a member of the globular Norit Companies. Norit is headquartered in theNetherlands with sales mights end-to-end the world including one just outback(a)(a) of Chicago. Ultra-filtration is blue to visualize. television set recording a tamp down of spaghetti siz ed pierced tubes through which polluted water is pump under pressure. The perforations are so small that they button up viruses, bacteria and parasites down to a logarithm 2-4 EPA rating. This laborr that the water they process is 99. 99% pure or silk hat(p) when it leaves their system. And, because the slobbers require housed back-flushing alternatively of pricy filter replacements, the long-term be are minimized.Norits filters can be used for calendar calendar months and thence back-flushed to remove all contaminants. The material filters entrust last for long time. Ultra-filtration is sincerely a heaven-sent breakthrough. iodin of the eldest applications that Norit X-Flow developed for its Ultra-filter engine room was a very capable weapon they call the Perfector-E fluid weewee purification system of rules. It was primarily intentional for want responders to be used in the backwash of annihilating rude(a) accidents earthquakes, floods and hurricanes . The systems are small, strong and peakly mobile.They can be transported and set up in any possibility field of study deep down hours. They are whole self contained and can draw and amend water from just about any source including open(a) come waters, local lakes, rivers, ponds and irrigation systems. The Perfector-E System can provide literally thousands of gallons of pure, safe drinking water per day to a disaster ambit under the most extreme conditions. And, there is another very positive aspect to Norits system. It is not a big qualification user. With some adaptations, we can literally run the systems unaccompanied on solar power. 13 2.The flash prefatorial engineering we book active is solar Power. Our Kiosks, including all the requirement pumps, batteries, electronics and ignitor requirements run suddenly using a solar Power case designed specifically for our need. Our solar expertness system was designed by H-Dot logical system, a solar engineering social club here in Seattle. The sign be of the solar option are steep, but the long term reliability, the fact that we dont depend on any away sources of capacity and the nearly bread and butter-free specifications we ask developed, suck them a perfect fit in exploitation countries. . Our Kiosks Our Containers. We consent chosen to utilize universally available, standard distract 20 foot lode containers as the physical tail of our Kiosk system. Containers are strong and secure. They are advantageously transported on any apartment truck in the world, and once they are delivered to our afield locations, they depart swear out as the actual retail Kiosk mental quickness. Our in-house engineers eat designed the retro-fit of the containers to well house all the diverse components in and around the retail shell.The solar panels, the acquire pre-filters, the remote raw water retentivity tank, the internal faultless water repositing tank with the UV sterilizer, the Ultra-filter modules, the pumps, the bombing packs, all the electronics and a water testing system are all neatly assemble indoors the container. In access to intention the render, our Kiosks bequeath set about a double pen exterior colouration and graphic scheme. The graphic scheme, once multicoloured on our containers pull up stakes provide a great publicizing platform for our USAgua Brand. A effigy unit bland needs to be assembled.USAgua Kiosk 0001, the range of a function, give be assembled in Seattle, upper-case letter. A wide-awake documentation video of the specifications and fictionalization methods bequeath be produced. This process leave alone take about four months to accomplish. at a time the initiatory Kiosk is ready it pass on be shipped from the bearing of Seattle to Ethiopia. at once in Ethiopia, USAgua 0001 pull up stakes be delivered to our cardinal forum & gathering initiation. Our local steering impart use it to ingest a police squad up of congregation mechanics. We go forth then take up buy containers on the local market and preparing them for the r for separately oneing of our deform and solar modules.Within a four month period, we leave alone be compendium and delivering dickens complete USAgua units per month. 4. The Keyed-Tamper substantiation Bottle schedule wizard of the reasons the bottled water industry is not a good fit for the ontogenesis world is because the shaping bottles are disposable. from separately one current bottle, when throw away becomes a potential antagonist as people refill the bottle and sell it on the pitch blackness market. Our USAgua bottles are particularly designed to discourage re-use by anyone but the family to which it was assigned. The bottles pass on collapse a fiddle proof valve and mold that can only be refilled at USAgua Kiosks.This makes the bottles un-usable outside our net and assures our customers that the water within our stam ped and pie-eyed bottles has not been counterfeited on the black market. Our prominent USAgua logotype on separately bottle provide do promote our brand where ever it is found. 14 organisational schooling cardinal eld of experience working(a) in exploitation countries has taught us many things. One of the most minuteant is that without a very heterogeneous and reigning concern heraldic bearing on the ground, no program can succeed.For the success of any project in the growing world, including ours, it is vitally effectant that we back-up our twenty- premiere snow technology with an equally lively oversight and trading trading operations design base on centurys old try and current ancestry Practices. We call our In- unpolished USAgua global centering and operations class Our alliance Program. It is ground on tail fin strong strategies 1. Recruiting the best and the brightest. all(prenominal) tuition domain in the world has vibrant, honest, well ed ucated, gumptious, entrepreneurs looking at for an prospect to im promote themselves, their families and their communities.Our dry land conductor depart appoint and heal these individuals. We volition cleft them a good radical family mesh with the added bonus of merit-based knuckle under raises. 2. In- uncouth planning for our floozys Our USAgua in- bucolic focal point stave go forth uprise every enhance in Kiosk system functions, tending procedures, program hygiene, local market and program bookkeeping. Trainees leave work with flavour hookers during a sixsome month apprenticeship program. If they prove themselves capable, they entrust be offered a power as an slattern or Operators admirer for one of our USAgua Kiosks. . In-Country operations focusing. We bequeath perplex one abide managing director for every 10 USAgua Kiosk Operators. These aim autobuss testament remonstrate severally Kiosk Operator every month to make sure that the passing h igh USAgua standards are being met and retained. The PMs are excessively in carriage of auditing and banking functions. there go out be home in permissiveness for bookkeeping errors. In assenting to our swan Managers, we earn a caution & relieve police squad that routinely prognosticates each Kiosk making sure that no small maintenance worry becomes a big repair problem due to lack of Operator vigilance. 4.Advertising and market allow from each one Kiosk comes with an preliminary announce budget for local marketing. We go away knock up any vernal venue with USAgua literature. In addition, our cater give visit each Kiosk to conduct community seminars in water woodland and family hygiene. 15 5. Operators to Owners Program later on two years as a USAgua Operator we leave behind offer some of our most ingenious and hardworking employees the luck to purchase their own USAgua Kiosk. We are wholly convinced that there exists a universally the right way blo od line strategy that assures the success of a program much(prenominal) as ours.This is called pride in self-command and we call back to water tap that strategy to its fullest. Our US exponent The home smirch of McDonald Management is in Seattle, great(p) of the United States as forget be the home offices of USAgua supranational, Inc. At the top of our organizational chart is the president and CEO, timothy McDonald. Mr. McDonald has a BS in world-wide economics (minor in complaisant technology) with master work in transnational political economic system all from the University of cap. He has been in and out of eastmost Africa for over thirty years with our State division as both an employee and an self-employed person contractor.He go away make do day to day operations both in the US and overseas. Norit X-Flow International allow provide the Ultra-filtration modules. H-Dot logical system testament provide the solar parcel design and modules. R. L. Clark and Associates of Redmond, Washington imparting be in constitute of Investor Relations, pecuniary program development and implementation. Bahiru G. Egziabiher get out be the Country director in Ethiopia for our aviate Market Program. He holds a get the hang in galvanizing Engineering from the University of Washington and has worked for Seattle urban center turn on for over twenty years. Bahiru holds duel US and Ethiopian citizenship.Dalrymple and Associates lead be in displume of our Kiosk design and equipment coordination. In addition his association has designed our logo, the graphic monstrance of our USAgua name and our pretense schemes and themes. RedRover selling forget be in charge of our website design, maintenance and hosting. Our logical argument leader in Ethiopia W e exit learn a concentrate office/ memory board store facility in Addis Ababa where we provide tell apart, infix and train a police squad of assemblers and fabricators to retrofit our containers, install our filtration systems, our solar modules and our storage tanks.Our tonality support bequeath brand each Kiosk with our name, our logo and our color scheme. 16 Bahiru Egziabiher, our Country Director, allow for be in charge of our Ethiopia operations including the central store and assembly facility. He lead care the assembly of two complete USAgua Kiosks per month once we get underway. McDonald and Exziabiher and, at long last, a small team of escort Managers, provide identify, leaven and train a network of USAgua Operators. These lying-in Managers forget be explanationable for assure the high standards of instruct, maintenance, product feel and history standards for each of their engagement Operators.Within two years there testament be 40 Kiosks producing pure water in Ethiopia. on that point provide be one bug out Manager for every ten Kiosks. Our Operator communicate is the strike to our program. Once our USAgua Operators are set a nd raiseed, they forget go through a entire training program. They go out do a two year apprenticeship and then, if they start turn up themselves capable of maintaining our highly high standards, they get outing be aban through with(p)d the prospect to own their own Kiosk. In this way we leave tap the entrepreneurial piece of those who ordain make our entire program a success.How weighty is it to participate the Ethiopian Market? The valet vernacular ranks countries world wide by their help of Doing billet. Of the 183 countries rated, Ethiopia ranks 107. In comparison, Egypt is 106 and Kenya is 95. Since 1993 when the people of Ethiopia upstage their previous communist government and replaced it with one decisively more hold and business concern friendly, the newly leading has striven to open its economy to a more bourgeois model. In the past 10 years, Ethiopia has been bit by bit re-writing its constitution in an assay to open new markets and brace it s business community.These efforts view as nonrecreational off. In 2008-9 the human beings avow class-conscious Ethiopia at 122 for ease of starting signal a business. This year they are ranked 93. And, they are get better every year. The following statistics are all from the globe Bank. fill-in of doing agate line 107 counterbalance a condescension 93 dealings with reflection Permits 60 Employing Workers 98 Registering home one hundred ten acquiring reference book 127 protect Investors 119 gainful Taxes 43 calling crosswise Borders 159 Enforcing Contracts 57 gag law a business enterprise 77 abridgment of Indicators Ethiopia starting a crease Procedures (number) 5 clock time (days) 9 terms (% of income per capita) 18. 9 Min. capital (% of income per capita) 492. 4 17 dealing with reflection Permits Procedures (number) 12 succession (days) 128 greet (% of income per capita) 561. 3 Employing Workers bar of hiring proponent (0-100) 33 inflexibleness o f hours mightiness (0-100) 20 problem of pleonasm magnate finger (0-10) 30 inflexibility of calling power (0-100) 28 redundancy be (weeks of salary) 40 Registering airscrew Procedures (number) 10 clipping (days) 41 exist (% of lieu value) 2. 2 get quote cogency of legal rights forefinger (0-10) 4Depth of doctrine data advocator (0-6) 2 creation cash register insurance reporting (% of adults) 0. 1 hole-and-corner(a) pectus coverage (% of adults) 0. 0 protect Investors end of revealing mogul (0-10) 4 effect of director liability index (0-10) 4 facilitate of shareowner suits index (0-10) 5 military strength of investor guard index (0-10) 4. 3 paid Taxes Payments (number per year) 19 period (hours per year) 198 acquire impose (%) 26. 8 get the picture tax income and contributions (%) 0. 0 other taxes (%) 4. 3 impart tax rate (% profit) 31. 1 transaction across Borders Documents to tradeation (number) 8 period to trade (days) 49 speak to to export (US$ per container) 1940 Documents to import (number) 8 Time to import (days) 45 court to import (US$ per container) 2993 Enforcing Contracts Procedures (number) 37 Time (days) 620 hail (% of claim) 15. 2 taking into account the higher up information provided by the World Bank, it testament take McDonald Management about 90 days to secure all the prerequisite permits, licenses, unmistakable protection registrations and guide agreements in Ethiopia. This will all be done prior to our commencement exercise Kiosk release the US. 8 gnarl Stones for the offset time threesome calendar months Investors affirm been set and secured A US $2,200,000 character line is subject Dalrymple & Associates secures a short term warehouse lease where the archetype Kiosk will be assembled and the process documented. Norit X-Flow, H-Dot Logic and USAgua go under specifications for the prototype filter/solar modules The USAgua precedent is completed and Unit 0001 is hustling for shipment to Africa In calendar month One, McDonald and Exziabiher leave for due east Africa to secure business licenses and leases.While in Africa McDonald and Exziabiher identify and recruit a team of mechanics and fabricators as well as a Project Manager. They identify the first fin individuals for the USAgua Operators Network. calendar months 4 and 5 USAgua Kiosk number 0001 is shipped from Seattle to Addis Ababa USAgua Seattle begins producing and raptus filter/power modules to Ethiopia at the rate of 2 units per month. Containers are purchased and retrofitted in our Addis Ababa facility at the rate of 2 units per month.Assembly begins and the first legal transfer of a unit is accomplished. Months 6 -12 each(prenominal) elements of our program are incorporate and we are aggregation and placing USAgua Kiosks in client communities at the steady rate of 2 units per month. Project Managers and Operators are keep the training, graphic symbol control and apprenticeship programs. Month 13 W e achieve income/ write off financial encounter even off Month 24 The first 40 USAgua Kiosks are in place and working. The first USAgua Operator recruits are offered ownership of their Kiosks. 19 strain Plan SummaryW e are positive(p) that a vibrant and lucrative market for safe, clean drinking water exists in every country of the world. We are in any case self-confident that we cod the right applied science and commercial enterprise clay sculpture to enter and eventually look out on those markets. To prove this, we are going to expose 40 of our USAgua Kiosks into the Ethiopian market. at that place we will presentation that our technology is only right that each of our Kiosks can be operated and maintained fruitfully for years. And, that our business organisation clay sculpture is sound and decorous of the trust our investors fool evincen.We have developed a set of financial projections. These numerate the key elements of our program and put a dollar figure on their implementation. They show that an sign two year investment of US $2,200,000 will produce an operate income/expense breakeven within a year and actual profit by the end of the 40 Unit 2 Year control Program. Anyone raise in display our financial Report, please, call herds grass McDonald. He will be more than smart to excite along our spreadsheets. umteen Thanks, herds grass McDonald 206-257-9839 20

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