Friday, July 19, 2019

Hate Speeches -- Rights Equality Papers

Hate Speeches What do the words Cracker, Kike, Nigger, Jap, Chinc, Faggot, Queer, Dike and Spic all have in common? They are all derogatory remarks that humans call one another on a daily basis. Why can people use these terms and not have to worry about receiving any punishment or any ridicule? The reason is because of the First Amendment right of free speech. The first amendment gives people the right to basically say anything that comes to mind whether it is something nice or something like a derogatory remark. The first amendment is good and freedom of speech has its advantages like most things, but however, it also has its disadvantages. The disadvantages are that people can say words that are extremely hurtful to someone and nothing will happen to the one saying it. Most people will have a bigger problem with the people who are the victim, for stating that their rights were being violated. The first amendment rights do have certain restrictions on them as of now, such as yo u are able to say what you so choose as long as it does not infringe on any other persons rights. In my opinion the first amendment right should have restrictions or more restrictions than what it has now. Restrictions that deal with the derogatory remarks in public, many think that this will not work, but with the proper guidelines and cooperation I believe that we as a nation can have derogatory remarks not hurt anyone, or be said in public, where they can be heard by everyone not only the person who is the target of the name calling. Many people have opinions on the subject of free speech. Censorship of free speech is something that the random â€Å"Joe Shmo† can argue against because he feels that he will not be ab... ... against the KKK, they will also be removed and the proper punishment, will be served justice. As one can see, the bill does not and will not discriminate against a certain group or groups that are known for having such views and causing such problems in public. Many people say don’t take there free speech away, because of racial slurs and discrimination, but it not taking it away, they have the right to say it anywhere else, but in public. Some same why not just educate them? The reason for the censorship and not educating them is because people are stubborn when it comes to their beliefs and the way they were raised. People will never learn to deal with racial differences, and by trying to educate them we will be wasting money and time and efforts of the nation and the state governments. Education will not work, but censorship of free speech in public will.

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