Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Volkswagen of America: Managing It

Case 7  Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚  Volkswagen of America: Managing IT 1. What is your assessment of the new process for managing priorities at Volkswagen of America? Are the criticisms justified? Is it an improvement over the old process? The new system of prioritizing IT projects to determine funding is a very efficient way of ensuring those projects that are critical to business strategy meet their financial requirements. However, the method of dropping entire goal portfolios simply because they ranked lowest in the list could be deemed a flaw in the system, and one that could be detrimental to business unit integration slowly over time.This understandably frustrates those whose proposals are receiving no funding, and if this prioritization system has any hope of future success, the business units being consistently funded will need to work better at recognizing other priorities, or the system will need to be restructured to allow for smaller projects to be phased in at the very least to mainta in integration. 2. Who controls the budgets from which IT projects are funded at Volkswagen of America? The parent company of VWoA – VWAG – caps the IT budget at $60 million.However, the control of this budget includes the involvement of several cross-functional teams (AKA – â€Å"several organizational entities†, p. 5) that review project proposals before final approval – for instance, during Phase I the DBC (Digital Business Council) reduced the initial $210 million project proposals to $170 million (p. 6). Ultimately the PMO (Project Management Office) subsection of the BPTO (Business Process, Technology and Organization), which Matulovic established as a new internal IT department upon his arrival, approves projects prioritized by the IT steering committee (ITSC).Who should control these budgets? Should the IT department have its own budget? 3. How should Matulovic respond to his fellow executives who are calling to ask him for special treatmen t outside the new priority management system? Matulovic should tell the fellow executives the new priority management system was developed and implemented by ELT members and senior management group. The process is now complete and not reversible. It would be unfair for any ELT member to get a special treatment. . What should Matulovic do about the unfunded Supply Flow project? The unfunded project was critically important to the company. Lack funding would delay globalization initiatives. Since the project needed full funding to continue on track and the cost was a significant part of the IT budget, funding should come from alternative sources. Matulovic should argue that the project will have a large impact on the global integration and save costs for the company as whole, rather than just VWoA. 5.On page 8 we see that $16 million of the $60 budget is for SIB projects, under the spending direction of Matulovic; on page 1 we see that some people consider this unfair – is it? Should budget be â€Å"set aside† for IT projects? Why? The budget allocated for SIB projects, under the direction of Matulovic, is fair. Many individuals across the organization were involved in project proposals and creating the process for managing the priorities and selection. The head of each business unit was a member of Executive Leadership Team that helped develop and rank the proposals for the projects.Senior business and IT members in the IT steering committee guided and approved project selection and prioritization process. After the process is implemented and executed, it is too late to voice an objection. 6. In general, what characteristics should a process for deciding about funding of IT projects have? The process of how to fund IT projects has to include the means to categorizing the projects and relating them to company’s strategy. There has to be adequate guidance for developing proposals.Since buy-in and trust by unit leaders is critical, they have b e involved in developing the process. The process has to be fair and transparent. It has to be based on what is best for the company as whole. Summary The Volkswagen of America: Managing IT Priorities case study describes the efforts of the US subsidiary of Volkswagen AG (VWAG) – Volkswagen of America (VWoA) – to arrive at a new process for setting IT funding priorities and deciding on what projects to fund. Dr. Uwe Matulovic, the new ChiefInformation Officer (CIO) of VWoA, has a dilemma in that peers from the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) have been openly hostile and critical of the new prioritization process, particularly in regards to the lack of funding for high priorities for their areas of the company, and have pressurized him â€Å"to insert an unfunded project (or two) into the IT department’s work plans† (p. 1). Dr. Matulovic position is particularly challenging as more than 40 projects have been proposed for IT, with funding requirements total ing $240m, when a budget of only $60m has been approved by VWAG.The new prioritization process that was implemented is complex. It includes the involvement of several cross-functional teams or â€Å"several organizational entities† (p. 5) that review project proposals during three separate Phases before final approval. For instance, during Phase I the DBC (Digital Business Council) reduced the initial $210 million project proposals to $170 million (p. 6) by way of identifying dependencies among projects. That is, removing those projects from the budget that required other projects to be completed before they could start.Ultimately the PMO (Project Management Office) subsection of the BPTO (Business Process, Technology and Organization), which Matulovic established as a new internal IT department upon his arrival, approves projects prioritized by the IT Steering Committee (ITSC). In conclusion, it became apparent to Dr. Matulovic that the Supply Flow Project, which is viewed a s critical to the company’s global supply chain management objectives, was poorly served by the new prioritization process in that it was left only partially funded.The process overlooked this project primarily because much of its value was felt at the global level, and not at the VWoA importer level. Dr. Matulovic found himself in a quandary and struggled with related decision-making as he understood that the loss of funding for this project would constitute a major setback for globalization initiatives based in Germany. 1. Who controls the budgets from which IT projects are funded at Volkswagen of America? The budgets for IT projects were controlled through a process that involves several organizational entities that establish priorities.There were four specific teams that were involved in this process: the ELT (Executive Leadership Team), the ITSC (IT Steering Committee), the PMO (Project Management Office), and the DBC (Digital Business Council. ) The ELT was responsible for executing the NRG (Next Round of Growth) strategy in which the IT governance is a part. The ITSC consisted of business and IT managers and was responsible for guiding and approving the process of IT project selection and prioritization. The PMO administered the project proposal and approval process.The DBC was responsible for the project filtering process which decided which projects were most in line with the companies business strategy. 2. What is your assessment of the new process for managing priorities at Volkswagen of America? Are the criticisms justified? Is it an improvement over the old process? The new IT priority management process was driven by the new IT budget constraint given to VWoA by the parent company VWAG. If the new budgetary constraint was not initiated, it is likely that elements of the former less organized and less centralized method would be maintained.In the end, this may benefit the individual business units, but be detrimental to the business as a wh ole. In creating the new process, Matulovic enabled the business unit managers to work together to make the decisions that would effect their departments using the overall company strategy as the driving element. In doing this, he succeeded in involving all of the managers that would be affected by the prioritization system while maintaining the executive leadership team’s strategic goals. This new system was a substantial improvement over the former system. . On page 8 we see that $16 million of the $60 budget is for SIB projects, under the spending direction of Matulovic; on page 1 we see that some people consider this unfair – is it? Should budget be â€Å"set aside† for IT projects? Why? The budget allocated for the SIB (Stay in Business) projects (business continuity and legal) should receive the highest priority. As denoted by the name, if any of these projects are incomplete or fail, the risk to the business is substantial compared to business unit priori ties.However, the amount budgeted may be a point that could be questioned. Instead of predetermining the amount required, he should have submitted the SIB to the same process as all of the other projects which would have reduced or eliminated the business unit manager’s perception that Matulovic was trying to control company strategy. 4. How should Matulovic respond to his fellow executives who are calling to ask him for special treatment outside the new priority management system?What should Matulovic do about the unfunded Supply Flow project? Matulovic created a well organized system that focused on company goals. His fellow executives were involved in the IT priority decision making and the company expectation is that business unit managers also support company goals. If they think that these goals in relation to their requests does not make sense, then they had the opportunity in this process to voice their concerns to the one of the process teams (the ELT,ITSC,PMO, and/o r the DBC), not to Matulovic himself.Because the Supply Flow project is tied into global strategy, Matulovic should propose that the funding for this project come from VWAG. 5. In general, what characteristics should a process for deciding about funding of IT projects have? General characteristics that an IT funding process should have: –  Involve all of those who will be affected by the funding decisions in the process. –  Align IT funding priorities with company strategy. –  Enable communication between business units depending on the funding and between those units and executive management.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Evolution of Advertising in Nigeria Essay

The Nigeria Advertising had its humble beginning rooted in colonial history, advertising development could be traced to about 1928 with the birth of West African Publicity Limited. An off shoot of UAC, the company was set up to cater for the marketing activities of the colonial masters in both Nigeria and West Africa. This company was later to transform to a full fledged advertising firm in 1929 known as Lintas with two other subsidiaries newly Afro media, the outdoor medium and Pearl/Dean, the cinema arm. With the setting up of the companies then headed by expatriates, the companies were to enjoy a monopoly for a long time to come it was not until 1950’s when other advertising agencies started to emerge on the scene. Ogilvy, Benson and Martha (OBM) and Grant were later to join the fray to form the big three in the industry. The medium of advertising was in its infancy in those days Federal Government owned National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) where he only television stations that operated in the four regions of East, West, North and later Midwest. These regions later set up their private stations pioneered by the West, at Ibadan, prior to independence. In 1960 and 1962 respectively, Enugu and Kaduna followed suit. And with the creation of more regions by the General Yakubu Gowon (rtd) administration and creation of more states by both Alhaji Shehu Shagari and Ibrahim Babangida regimes, more state government-owned television and radio stations were established. Daily Times, Express, Tribune, New Nigeria and Sketch were among the fore-runners in newspaper publishing. Some state governments also published newspapers that addressed their local audience. Two major magazines- Drum and Spear from Daily Times stable were also at the time published. Between the early 1960’s and 1970, there was no spectacular development in the industry. But the promulgation of Nigeria Enterprises as promotion Decree of 1972 popularly known as Indigenization policy urshed in a new phase in the industry. The policy transformed key positions in corporate organisations to indigenes. Mr Silvester, Muoemeka was by the dictates of  the policy to emerge the first indigenous chief executive of Lintas. Lintas further empowered more Nigerians to take up the business of advertising some of whom had to leave broadcasting to embrace the new thinking. By the later 1970’s however, two ambitious agencies, Rosabel Advertising and Insight Communication, sprang up. The coming of the two agencies which till today are still doing very well, no doubt, was a watershed in the industry of advertising in Nigeria as the agencies brought new ideas into the industry while taking creativity to a higher. Before the turn of the decade, 23 agencies had been formed. With the steady growth in the number of practitioners and agencies arose the need for associations to be formed to advance their common interests and a regulatory body to that would regulate and standardize advertising practice. A meeting of the agencies held at Ebute Metta, Lagos in 1971 was to metamorphose into Association of Advertising Practitioners of Nigeria (AAPN) with the objective of  Protecting practitioners against unfavourable business. The association was later renamed Association of Advertising Agencies of Nigeria. As the industry continued to grow in volume of business and complexity, more and more people were attracted to the industry. The need to establish an institution to regulate advertising practice became apparent. This gave rise to the establishment of Advertising Parishioners Council of Nigeria (APCON) by Decree 55 of 1988, later renamed Act 55 of 1988 by the civilian administration on November 1989, the first meeting of the association held somewhere in Ebute-meta, Lagos finally culminated. APCON started operation in 1990 with the employment of the pioneer registrar in the person of Dr Charles Okigbo. The era of economic restructuring and liberalization opened up the Nigerian business to global economy. Foreign investments started flowing into the economy the expatriates who once left the shores of the land due to the indigenization policy gradually returned. And with them, the boom in economy. Aside, privatization of mass communication medium in the 1990’s also witnessed the setting up of private  owned media houses which are platforms for advertisement placements. â€Å"But in the 1990’s the sector came alive. Not only that alarming and ambitions agencies such as Prima Garnet, Sotu and Caesars sprang up, the sector began to expand beyond advertising as full services public relation firms such as the Quadrant JSP and Quest were established. Also the era witnessed the mad rush of foreign affiliations. While some agencies sought this affiliation to help boost their human capital, others just joined the bandwagon just to feel among.† As the business expanded, related services providers joined the fray to cash in on the boom. Not long after they formed themselves into association to also further heir cause and protect their interest. Media Independent Practitioners Association of Nigeria (ADVAN), outdoor Advertising Association of Nigeria (OAAN) emerged. Not long the industry became an all corners affairs. Competition became very stiff and practitioners started adopting unwholesome means to undercut one another. Industry debt became a major issue to the extent that it attracted the attention of past federal government who encouraged the practitioners to find a way of resolving the perennial problem. Just as competition continued to get stiff, agencies did not rest on their oars as they embarked on training of their staff who will be able to meet the challenge of modern day advertising. As creativity took centre stage, the industry witnessed a lot of innovation and creative ideas. The foreigners who started coming back brought with them standard and professional which changed the advertising landscape. Restructuring, training and brand building and creativity have taken centre stage.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Managing employee Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Managing employee Relations - Essay Example The profit turnover of M&S is close to 7.3 billion. M&S not only caters to clothing but has also widened the market by offering other products that range from furniture to food and financial services. (Marks and Spencer, 2000) Initially there were problems and issues with the employee employer relationship and hence the company had to adopt a different employee relation approach. The company adopted some changes and principles within the management such as, Change in work timings: With the introduction of Sunday trading in the UK, Marks and Spencer had to create flexible shift timings in order to work on Sundays. Most of the staff work 36-38 hours per week and currently some of the staff work more than normal work schedules. (Yvonne, 2010) Pension: Marks and Spencer’s provide secure retirement benefits for its employees if they have worked in the company for more than a year. The company also provides additional health and dental care for its employees. They also provide SAYE for all the employees across the world. (M&S, 2007) The company is not represented by any trade union. The employee relation of M&S is taken care by the Human Resource Management (HRM) and it is closely aligned to the business objectives and strategies. The trade union in the UK is the most influential association for protecting employee’s rights.   In 2001, Marks and Spencer’s had announced closing down stores in Europe especially Belgium, France, Germany, Portugal and Spain. The company had planned to close down some of the stores in Europe as a part of cost cutting measure which would help in saving 250 million GBP in 2006-07. The UNI commerce and the national trade Union had raised concerns and had tried to reverse the company decision as it had breached the laws. The Marks and Spencer staff members and the trade union had demanded to reverse the decision to close the stores in Europe and also to initiate and

Sunday, July 28, 2019

MIS Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

MIS - Assignment Example The responsibility of these sections is to manufacture the products under their categories. The administration department creates policies, while the human resource department is responsible for the recruitment of thee employees. The research and development department has the responsibility of carrying out research on the target market of the organization, its competitions, and how to improve the quality of the organizations product. The sales department has the responsibility of selling the products of the company. Based on these factors, the company has a variety of needs, which can be solved by the use of information technology, particularly by the use of the internet. One such need, is the need of recruiting the most talented employees, while reducing the costs associated with operating the business. To achieve this objective, the company should use the Craig list, for advertising for jo0b vacancies, and Skype for purposes of conducting a job interview. The Craigslist is an online company that specializes in providing advertisement services to companies. The url of the Craig List is, (Craiglist, n.d). To advertise in this website, it would cost the company approximately 25 dollars. Skype can be used for purposes of conducting interviews, and it is one of the cheapest methods an organization can use. This is because it is free to access the services of Skype. The use of Skype would enable the company to save on administrative costs that could be used for purposes of carrying out a face to face interview. The url of Skype is, (Skype, n.d). For the research and development department, the company would need information. Google search is one of the online solutions that can help the company acquire virtually any information in the world. This includes any information pertaining to its competitors, the market, etc. The url of Google is,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Illegal Immigration in the United States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Illegal Immigration in the United States - Essay Example This paper dedicates itself to unveiling the core reasons behind advocacy for the need to educate these children on why policymakers should rethink their priorities as regards this issue. Before proceeding it is important to note that education is a basic right that should be accorded to all irrespective of there race or nationality, income disposition and so on. That said according to law a child born within the boundaries of United States is by birth a US citizen and thus entitled to receive all benefits of a US citizen and that includes proper education. 1 Therefore it would seem rather obvious that all and sundry should accept that there is indisputable need to educate these children. However, this has not been the case as the proposal has been met with robust opposition from a considerable number of people as they see it as potential destruction to the quality of education as well as one that could necessitate a change in the curriculum of education which is both tedious and exp ensive. The government cannot afford to sustain a publicly funded education program for all the children who land in the US with education, the reason being that the taxpayer would be the one to bear the brunt of increased taxes to support the programs.2 It is no secret that the US citizen is an already overburdened taxpayer and an added cost to it would strain most incomes to the breaking point. Away from that, the question begs, what benefits does the United States stand to gain from educating the children of illegal immigrants On the surface it would seem that this step will be counterproductive in that it reinforces further illegal immigration into the US. Nonetheless looking deeper there are some advantages to this. For example, well-qualified children will contribute to the educated and professional workforce in the US which obviously is much needed.3 It makes no sense to turn away potentially gifted individuals who may someday make a significant contribution to the betterment of the future welfare of the United States. Currently, the college ranking of US has dwindled significantly in relation to other industrialized countries and it is projected that this downward trend will continue unless something is done. Governor Jim Hunt has sat many education commissions and panel points out that the baby boomers glory is beginning to fade as many retires and the new entrants into the workforce are not as qualified and educated. Most of them constitute the minorities in the society who are also children of illegal immigrants. From a moral viewpoint, it is the government's ethical responsibility to educate these children. It is all about wanting the best for our children. Employers and church leaders who advocate for this posits that if enterprises depend on labor from illegal immigrants then it is only right that their children be educated in return. These illegal immigrants work so hard to earn a place in the United States and also contribute taxes (direct and indirect tax) to the government. This tax entitles their children to quality education.   Discriminate access to education poses a great danger to the internal security of the citizens of the US. This may sound far fetched but in perspective, it is not. This is because uneducated children of illegal immigrants would be forced to turn to crime in order to make ends meet for them and their families.

Descriptive questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Descriptive questions - Assignment Example Business Operations: Worldwide business operations are handled with the help of technology. IT has played a big role in managing backhand support; the LAN, WAN systems, and connectivity through websites is supported by IT teams in organizations. Management Information Systems (MIS), a system that is used by companies in order to manage their operations, deal with customers and store data is due to advancements in technology. The latest trends include storing the data on virtual cloud, and being able to retrieve and present with the help of DropBox, Skydrive etc., is a great development into IT industry (Slatman, 2013). Food Processes: In food industry, where technology has changed many ways of business operations, both input and output side. For input side, order procurement is an area where with the use of JIT (Just in Time) inventory systems, the storage costs are minimized. Moreover, with the use of bar codes, effective inventory management gives a change to businesses to analyse which items are slow movers and what are fast movers and how effective marketing must be used to create pull factors for such items. At processing stage, machines are being used to monitor the temperature, humidity and other factors. Use of automated machines is increased in order to increase efficiency and decrease the service time. McDonalds, a well-known food chain used a prototype of robots to handle the processes of fries and shakes (Pantelidis, 2009). Sociocultural Forces in IT: Information technology has largely impacted on sociocultural factors. With the use of internet and latest technologies, people share a set of different values: Cultural and Ethnic Identity: with regards to Information Technology, the previous cultural identity of people, that is they are recognized and affiliated with a particular cultural norms and values, seems to vanish. With increasingly virtual world, people seem to own and present their own individual identities. The trend is widespread in West, though the East is in process of adopting it and the pace is quick. With increasing number of internet users, mostly due to the growth in Asia and Middle East, the cultural identity is taking new shape. A mix of cultural and personal identities, the ethnic aspect is equally affected due to change in technology. It is evident in real world the size and pace of immigration taking place. However due to technology, in virtual world, the ethnic identity is obscured by factors such as individualism, personality, self-concept and the like. Question 2 (a) Direct Marketing, one of the oldest form of marketing has been used in different ways. Direct mail, email, promotional material in shape of broachers, leaflets, billboards as well as advertisement on TV are few forms where consumers are tried to inform, persuade and remind about the presence of a product or a service. Many a times it is surprising to see how purely website businesses use TV as a promotional media as opposed to online media (where the consumers are just a click away from website businesses). The presence of such strategy is an example that consumers are complex, hard to comprehend and many a times irrational. Therefore they must not be treated by simple forms of selling, rather with a well-thought strategy with

Friday, July 26, 2019

Maya Angelou Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Maya Angelou - Essay Example The author believes that the sense of displacement is stronger than the racial prejudice alone (Neubauer): "If growing up is painful for the Southern Black girl, being aware of her displacement is the rust on the razor that threatens the throat." Essentially this work is interlaced with themes such as â€Å"self-acceptance, race, men, work, separation, sexuality, motherhood† that can be seen as glued together by the central theme of racism (Lupton). Racism continues not just as a theme in ‘I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings’ but rather as the underlying fabric on which Angelou’s tale is woven. On the other hand, the theme of motherhood emerges strongly late in the work with the birth of Guy, Angelou’s son. However, subtle references to motherhood remain scattered throughout the work. The connection between Momma Henderson and the author is essentially about motherhood where the older woman serves as Angelou’s link to her social and racial identit y. Angelou’s work dwells on the use of metaphor to propagate her point of view. The author has adeptly blended racist undertones and overtones with the metaphor of a caged bird. The utilization of the caged bird stems from Dunbar’s poem titled ‘Sympathy’ where a caged bird is shown singing in order that its prayers for freedom be realized. Angelou likens herself and her community to the caged bird that can see the world around it but remains restricted by the cage from freedom of exploration (McMurry). The African Americans had been emancipated, but socio economic liberties remained few and far in between. The situation in Angelou’s case was exacerbated by a rural community and her female gender. While Dunbar’s caged bird keeps singing in frustration, Angelou is seen as transforming her frustration to her self-acceptance while still being caged by society at large (McMurry). The author has demarcated the cage in the metaphor as social roles t hat have become so well entrenched that no flexibility or hope for change exists anymore. In Angelou’s tale of self realization and development, society’s roles and statuses serve analogous to the bars of a cage. Among other metaphors, Angelou tends to transform Momma Henderson metaphorically to preserve her image as the community leader. Momma Henderson provides Angelou with a submissive method to deal with life but the author feels that this is not the life for her. Since Momma Henderson is her ideal, Angelou does her best to transform the older woman to preserve her own sense of dignity. Angelou’s metaphorical transformation of Momma Henderson reveals both a desire for gaining respect and the fear of being disrespected (Lupton): "... did an excellent job of sagging from her waist down, but from the waist up she seemed to be pulling for the top of the oak tree across the road." Angelou’s mastery of the pen is also evident in her poetic collections such as ‘And Still I Rise’ where a defiant Angelou is seen fighting against overwhelming odds. The recurrent theme of the collection is emergence from defeat where Angelou keeps repeating that she keeps rising no matter how doleful and discouraging the defeat (Neubauer). The theme of self definition tends to emerge in this work as in other works by Angelou and keeps recurring throughout the entire piece. The author’s use of â€Å"I† in her constant reminder of â€Å"I rise†

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Annual Reports Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Annual Reports - Essay Example Such difference may arise from content organization of the major elements of an annual report or may be due to order of arrangement of the report’s sections. In content organization, and with major focus on presentation of financial items, the financial statements may be presented in either account form or in a report form. The major difference between the two forms is in their orientation. While the report format is horizontally presented, the account format is vertically presented. The financial statements can also be communicated in exact figures or round off figures. Similarly, a report can document each item of the financial statements or group items and present their cumulative values (Nikolai, Bazley and Jones, 2009). Reports may also vary in the order of presentation of the major elements such as financial statements, â€Å"management discussion and analysis,† â€Å"report on adequacy and internal control,† among other sections (Warren and Reeve, 2006, p. 681). A review of annual reports of McDonalds and Yum Brands communicates a number of differences in the organizations’ approach to communicating their annual reports. The first major difference is in the order of presentation of the reports sections. McDonalds’ annual report begins with management’s discussion and analysis of the corporation’s performance, both financial and operational. Presentation of financial statements that is facilitated by explanatory notes follows this before reports on the organization’s internal control system and reporting (McDonalds, 2011). Yum’s report however begins by presenting the annual meeting before accounting for the organization’s activities in which it presents financial statements. The reports’ outlines therefore communicate McDonalds focus on reporting its financial performance while Yum prioritizes information regarding its planned decisions on management and human resource. Both

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Violent Video Games Make Kids Violent Research Paper

Violent Video Games Make Kids Violent - Research Paper Example Majority of the studies agree, nevertheless, that violent video games can have significant impact on aggression among children (Bartholow et al; Carnagey et al.; Funk et al.; Polman et al.). Although not all children who play violent video games develop aggressive behaviors, several studies showed that violent video games can make kids violent, including those who do not have aggressive traits, because it decreases their capacity for empathy, it desensitizes them to violence, and it develops antisocial behaviors. Playing violent video games reduces children’s ability to show empathy to others, which can make them more aggressive toward other people. Violent video games commonly show lack of empathy for others, where players can attack authorities and other human beings with ease and without consideration for laws and other psychological effects of their actions. Funk et al. studied the effects of playing violent video games on participants’ responses to vignettes, or fictional stories that contain violence. The vignettes included empathy and aggression stories. Empathy refers to â€Å"self-conscious† emotions when making moral judgments (Funk et al. 417). It is about being able to feel for someone in a different situation and responding properly to that person because of empathy (Funk et al. 417). The study of Funk et al. included 35 students with ages ranging eight to twelve years old. They surveyed the video game playing habits of these children. Then, they were made t o play one or two violent video games, and then asked to respond to vignettes on empathy and aggression. To increase identification with the actors of the vignettes, they were made specific to the gender of the participants. For instance, if the participant was a girl, then the vignette has girl characters. Findings showed that playing violent video games in the long run had significant effects on aggression because it could decrease empathy levels (Funk et al. 429). Because of playing

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Developmental Biology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Developmental Biology - Essay Example After certain number of divisions the macromeres give rise to a pair of blastomeres termed as teloblasts M, N, Q and O/P. It is from these teloblasts that the segments of the annelid are derived in the adult. To draw our fate map we used alkaline phosphatase to help in tracing out the cell lineage of many of the adult structures. Alkaline phosphatase being naturally present in a cell and was an ideal candidate as a marker to trace out the fate map. The blastomeres were injected with high concentrations of alkaline phosphatase and then allowed to develop into their corresponding adult structures. The annelid was then bathed with a colourless substrate which coloured on reacting with alkaline phosphatase. Using this we were able to show that the blastomere A, B & C most probably develops into the ectoderm. The blastomere D though proved to be the most vital with most of the endoderm and mesoderm structures being derived from it. We also show the individual fates of each of the teloblasts and by alternating the time of injecting alkaline phosphatase we were able to deduce many vital facts about metamerisation. From our study we came to the conclusion that most probably the segments are produced from the posterior to the anterior direction and that segmentation begins at a very early stage of asymmetric cell division of the teloblasts. Introduction: The phylum Annelid consists of many species that range from the humble earthworm all the way to the maligned leech, but one common feature that binds them all is their segmented body. This segmentation is termed as Metamerism and each ring like segment is called a metamere. In fact the word Annelid is derived from the Latin word Annelis meaning rings. The Annelid body can be further bisected into two equal halves implying that the body architecture is bilaterally symmetrical. Annelids are also triplobalstic i.e. the embryo has 3 distinct germ layers namely the mesoderm, endoderm and ectoderm. It is from these 3 distinct germ layers that all the organ systems arise. The ectoderm that forms the outer layer of the embryo produces the epidermis and the nervous system, the endoderm which forms the inner most layer of the embryo gives rise to the digestive system and its related organs and sandwiched in between the two layers is the mesoderm which produces the circulatory system, muscles a nd connective tissue. As the yolk in the Annelid embryo is equally spaced out a Holoblastic cleavage pattern is seen and thus the cleavage furrow extends through the entire egg. The cleavage pattern seen in Annelids is a Spiral Cleavage which is also seen in other organisms such as sea urchins. During the first of cleavage, the embryo is divided into 4 cells each of which is called a blastomere and are labelled as A, B, C and D. All the blastomeres are of equal size except for Blastomere D which is slightly larger than the rest. The second round of cleavage produces an unequal division of 4 large blastomeres called Macromeres and 4 smaller blastomeres called Micromeres. The macromeres are labelled as A1, B1, C1, and D1 and the micromeres are labelled as a, b, c, and d. The macromeres keep on dividing to produce more macromeres and micromeres and eventually the entire organism is formed. Of special note is the D1 blastomere which further divides to

Monday, July 22, 2019

Investigating Bubble Wrap as an Insulator Essay Example for Free

Investigating Bubble Wrap as an Insulator Essay Apparatus   Kettle Water   Small Plastic Bag What are we going to do? We are going to experiment for which bubble wrap or bag is the best insulator. We are doing this experiment because to prove my research in the hypothesis. We will test the big bubble wrap, small bubble wrap, a plastic bag and just the steel can. To extend the experiment we will test the bubbles facing inwards and outwards of the steel can. This will be used for the big bubble wrap and small bubble wrap. 1. First we will boil up some water in a kettle. 2. Then, we will measure the 140ml in a measuring cylinder. This is because we wont to know how easily heat energy can escape through the can. 3. We shall pour the 140ml of hot water on the steel can. 4. We will put a plastic lid on top of the can. A thermometer will be put through a pierced hole into the middle of the plastic lid. 5. Later we will measure the temperature. 6. As soon as the temperature falls to 84 degree, we will start the timing. 7. We will record the temperature every minute for 10 minutes. After ten minutes the experiment will be done. 8. We will repeat the experiment to find an average temperature for every minute. 9. Finally we well repeat this experiment for the big bubble wrap facing in and out of the can, the small bubble wrap facing in and out of the can and the plastic bag around the steel can. We have chosen to start every experiment at 84 degrees because we think the water may not reach temperatures as high as 90 degrees. For a fair test we will measure the temperature at every minute to make equal spacing of time between each reading of time. ANALYSIS Apparatus Small Plastic Bag Method In my experiment I kept many of the things I was going to do, the same. But after finding a couple of difficulties in the experiment I had to alter a couple of things. They were:    The process of measuring the hot water. I found out that the temperature of the water decreased rapidly so I could not start the experiment at 84 degrees. So I changed the process of measuring the water. Instead of measuring the water after boiling it up, I measured the water before boiling it up. This meant that I had to put 5ml of extra water in the kettle because a tiny bit of the water would have been evaporated.   Inserting more water into the steel can. I found out that the steel can was not being filled to the top. This meant that the air between the lid and water had been transferring heat energy by convection. I stopped this by adding 10 extra millilitres of water into the steel can. Conclusion In my results table I have observed that the big bubble wrap was the best insulator. The small bubble wrap was a worse insulator than the big bubble wrap and although the plastic bag was the worst insulator, it was the best insulator. The results of the experiment with no covering on the steel can did not fit the graph. This is because the graph showed that the experiment with no covering on the steel can was a good insulator. I would have thought that no covering on the steel can would have helped the heat energy escape. The only explanation for why the graph showed that the experiment was a good insulator is that a big, thick object would have been near the steel can preventing from escaping so easily. In my prediction, I said that the big bubble wrap would be the best insulator. This is because there is a lot gas in each bubble preventing heat energy from escaping so easily. The atoms in a gas are little and very spread out which makes the vibration of one atom to another very hard. I also said that the plastic bag was a good conductor because the heat energy only had go through the steel can and plastic bag. There was not much gas between the steel can and plastic bag together because the plastic bag was close to the steel can. Heat energy can go through a solid easily by conduction because the atoms are close together making the vibrating of each atom easy. This theory has been proved by my results and graph. I decided to record the temperature at every minute in each the experiment, because then I would have a wide range of results of the temperature decreasing. EVALUATION There were some things that were not fair which made the experiment go wrong a little. They were:- 1. The reading of the temperature. Sometimes I would not reading the temperature because the marks on the thermometer were squashed together so I could not read the numbers so easily. If I had a high-tech piece of equipment (e. g. a computer) then I could connect a thermometer to the computer and just read the temperature off the computer. 2. The reading of the temperature APPROXIMATELY every minute. Most of the time I could not read the temperature exactly every minute. Sometimes I was reading the temperature before the minute and sometimes after the minute. This effected my results because some results read the same and some had a big decrease (like the point at the orange circle). I could get solve this problem by also using a computer and connecting a stopwatch to it so the temperature could be given at exactly every minute. 3. The rounding off of a number after being read. Many of the numbers that I read were not whole numbers. So I had to result to rounding the number off. This effected my results because again some results read the same and some had a big decrease. If the thermometer had smaller marks telling you the numbers then I could have precise results. We could result to using a computer. I was not happy with my results with my results for no covering at 1 minute (marked orange circle) because of all the reasons above. These reasons are why my graph a bit out of shape. Although my graph was not accurate, my results were reliable to prove my prediction. My results clearly show that the big bubble wrap was the best insulator (and a bad conductor) and the experiment with the bag was the worst insulator (and a good conductor). I could make my results better by repeating the whole experiment again but this time using all the suggested I have given. If I were to do this then I would get the accurate results and prove that the experiment without covering would be the worst insulator. I would do the experiment three or four times to get a better and more reliable average. My results are not sufficient to prove my conclusion. I think I would have to do the experiment with no covering again to at least make my conclusion right.

Case Study Analysis Ppaer Essay Example for Free

Case Study Analysis Ppaer Essay Introduction A number of problems were made during the recent hiring process. This case Study is an attempt to identify and recommend ways to improve this process. From the information that has been obtained, I believe that a lack of employee experience and a lack of prior planning and follow up resulted in a failure to accomplish all the task necessary to hire the new employees in a timely fashion. ?Background Carol Robins, a new campus recruiter for ABC, Inc. , in early April he was able to hire 15 new trainees who were destined to work for Monica Carrolls,  the operations supervisor. From the interviews that were conducted, it appears that Carl was unable to accomplish all of the tasks necessary so that the new hires could begin work. These tasks included documentation, drug testing, material preparation for the orientation, and facility scheduling. Monica Carrolls did contact Carl on May 15 concerning his process with the hiring process. Other employees had failed to keep the paper copy of the master orientation manual current so that it can be quickly copied. Another factor appears the rapid expansion of the company. Alternatives With more than one problem a major focus on a number of different Solutions, such as, Prior planning by Carl could have eliminated some of the issues; however, Carls in experience would probably still have resulted in there being some problems. The company has failed to provide relatively inexperienced employees, like Carl, with comprehensive procedures and job practices. Under the topic of supervision, Monica Carrolls could have made contact more often with Carl. But her job, as operations manager, does not include his supervision. Another solution to the supervision problem could be to increase the staff in the human resources department. However, on examination this does not appear to be the most efficient solution due to the increased costs. Another solution would be to maintain the master New Employee Orientation manual in electronic format. Having the manual in electronic form allows for easy updating of the policy and procedures, and prevents inadvertent loss or damage to that document. This method is cost effective and easily implemented. ?Proposed Solutions. A New Employee Checklist will be created with all pre-employed tasks listed on it. ?The Employee Orientation manual will be maintained in an electronic format. ?Some of the pre-employment tasks will become the responsibility of the potential employees to accomplish. Potential employees will report when the tasks have been completed. A member of the human resource staff will confirm that the task has been completed correctly. ?Employees like, Carl Robins, will be required to submit weekly reports detailing the current status of all potential employees. ?Recommendations New employees are the only way the work of this organization gets accomplished. Everyone efforts to sustain the continued growth and profits of this company cannot be ignored. With the continued growth of the company the proposed solutions that the employee will make on that day may need to be modified as the company becomes larger. I would recommend that a periodic review of the hiring process; looking for ways to improve it. And also a review should be done on an annual basis.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

What have we learned from obedience to authority

What have we learned from obedience to authority Within society, obedience to authority is an essential part of human behaviour. Without this behaviour, it would be difficult for society to function properly. Obedience to authority is used during different social settings. Examples of this would be, university lecturers having authority over their students, and parents having authority over their children. Although obedience to authority is essential, it also has issues, which cause conflict within society. Stanley Milgram conducted a series of experiments, raising awareness of how this behaviour is necessary in life, yet how conflicts can lead an obedient to follow a command from a high authority. This can cause an act of cruelty, such as murder on innocent victims. His main reason for conducting these types of experiments was to understand more about the Holocaust, and as a Jew himself, the reason behind why the Nazis caused such destructive behaviour due to obedience. (Benjamin Jr Simpson, 2009). Stanley Milgram (1963), developed a shocking experiment that was set out to look into obedience to authority. Male volunteers took part in an experiment in which they believed they had to shock another participant, (which in fact was an actor) from another room. The volts started at 15, all the way to 450. Every time they answered a question wrong, the volunteer had to give an electric shock. A voice recording of distressing behaviour was played as the voltage increased, making the volunteers believe the other participant (actor) was in serious discomfort. Some of the volunteers felt uncertain about participating further in the experiment, but when the scientific researcher used prods such as please continue, and it is absolutely essential for you to go on (Stanley Milgram, 1963, p 374), the majority of the volunteers would obey his commands, and proceed further. Although a few volunteers refused to participate once hearing the distressing behaviour on the tape recording, 65% of the volunteers continued to the end of the experiment. This obedience experiment has had a huge impact on ethical, personality and social psychology issues within scientific research and society. Milgrams (1963) experiment, has been proven to be one of the most influential of scientific research (Benjamin Jr Simpson, 2009), but it has also caused a lot of controversy on the grounds of ethical issues. Milgrams (1963) article expresses how his participants were subjected to extremely distressing behaviour throughout the experiment, such as trembling and stuttering (p.375). Diana Baumrind (1964) critised Milgrams experiment due to the lack of involvement of ethics, deception and informed consent. She explained that this behaviour experienced by the participants could lead to other future issues, such as the inability to trust anyone, low self-esteem/image and possible psychological harm. In Milgrams 1964 article (as citied in Benjamin Jr Simpson, 2009), he argued Baumrinds criticism by gathering data from his experiment, that provided high percentages of what people thought of the experiment, for example, they learnt a lot, and that more types of these experiments should be do ne in the future. The participants were also debriefed after the experiment, to make sure that the volunteers had not been subjected to potential harm. (Milgram, 1963). Milgrams obedience studies have had a huge impact on scientific research, so much, so that his experiments are not allowed to be replicated within scientific research. This is due to the changes in ethical guidelines. Many psychologists believe that Milgrams experiments are responsible for these ethical changes (Benjamin Jr Simpson, 2009), in order to protect the participants from potential harm when taking part in any form of scientific research. Although Milgrams obedience studies had an impact on ethics, is also impacted personality within scientific research. It initially focused on looking at internal explanations of individuals personality traits, such as their mood or attitude in which caused their behaviour at the given time of the situation. However, in the 1960s, due to political and social changes, it shifted to situational and environmental explanations. This therefore focused on how an individuals personality differs depending on the situation they are in, instead of just their internal characteristics. (Benjamin Jr Simpson, 2009). During the 1960s, Walter Mischels (as cited in Benjamin Jr Simpson, 2009) studies were the most modern and relevant to this shift from internal to situational explanations, in finding evidence that individuals personality traits had little affect on the outcome of their behaviour. It further developed in the 1970s by introducing the person-by-situation interaction, which looks at how people react or respond given the type of situation they are in, having more of an impact on how scientific research is viewed on the grounds of personality. (Benjamin Jr Simspon, 2009). Another impact on Milgrams studies for scientific research was social psychology. In the 1950s social psychology was studied by examining how different social situations could have an influence on how individuals behaviour changes (Benjamin Jr Simpson, 2009). Asch (as cited in Benjamin Jr and Simpson, 2009), influenced social psychology within Milgrams experiments, due to Aschs work conducted on conformity, which examined the power of a situation. Milgrams studies has also had an influence on further research, such as Zimbardos prison experiment, which examined conformity and also obedience (Zimbardo, as cited in Benjamin Jr and Simpson, 2009). The impact of social psychology has manipulated the way experiments are now conducted within scientific research. Before Milgrams obedience studies, many experiments were conducted in laboratory settings with high experimental realism, therefore not many experiments were conducted within real life settings, thus having a low mundane realism. (Benjamin Jr Simpson, 2009). Due to his studies, there has been a shift in how research is conducted, and there has also been changes in IRB rules and regulations, therefore allowing more experiments to be examined in real life settings, rather than laboratory settings. In laboratory settings, individuals are likely to follow researchers orders, due to believing they are of a higher authority. In addition, what they are wearing could have an influence on their behaviour, such as wearing a white lab coat. By conducting these experiments in real life settings, the research findings will have a higher ecological validity than of those in laboratory settings. (Benjamin Jr Simpson, 2009). Milgrams studies have also affected society. During the Holocaust, the Nazis said they were not responsible for the killings and destruct they caused as they were just following orders (Benjamin Jr Simspon, 2009). In March, 2010, a French game show replicated Milgrams experiment called the Game of Death (Chazan, 2010). This proved that 80% of participants continued to the end of the game, due to pressure off the audience members and commands from the presenter. Due to ethical issues from Milgrams studies, individuals are now aware of their human rights, and entitlements in life, for instance, choice of medical treatment. So, why do people still obey in society? As children we are learnt to obey from our parents and not disobey, therefore making it easier to obey someone of a high authority. This impacts personality and social psychology, as it suggests that the power of the situation is more likely to have an influence on an individuals change in behaviour. The impact on personality within society is manipulated dependent upon the situation, and not due to personality traits from upbringing. Having a structured situation, for example, hospitals, there is less likely to be changes in personality due to feeling safe, as the doctor is of high authority and can be trusted, than of unstructured situation such as the game show. (Benjamin Jr Simpson). People of high authority are aware of their influence within society, and are therefore not allowed to influence individuals, but who is believed to be of high authority? Milgrams studies were conducted in lab settings, thus proving he is of high authority, but in the game show the high authority seems to be the audience and presenter, suggesting the power of the situation impacts individuals behaviour. In conclusion, due to the impact of ethical, personality and social psychology within scientific research and society, Milgrams studies seemed to have more of an effect on scientists than members of society. Due to huge concerns on how he conducted his experiment, many things have been changed on the grounds of ethical issues, in order to protect participants. Also due to the nature of his experiment, it cannot be replicated, meaning further research on obedience is not allowed to be conducted. Even though Milgrams experiment has had an influence on these scientific changes, it has not seemed to have much of an influence on society. This is because people are still obeying orders off people they believe to be of a higher authority, for example, terrorist attacks, and people in the war, where acts of cruelty is caused, therefore thousands of innocent victims are dying.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Benefits of Extracurricular Activities for Students Essays -- Educ

It is important for adolescents to participate in extracurricular activities. Student who participate in these activities improve their academic scores and social life. Extracurricular activities can also help reduce many peer pressure related problems. â€Å"They enrich the lives of the students, their families and our communities. These activities create well rounded children who learn what their interests and talents are because they have been exposed to such opportunities† (Extracurricular Activities, Blogadmin). For most adolescents extracurricular activities should be required among what they do outside of school. What are extracurricular activities? Extracurricular activities are those sponsored by and usually held at school but are not part of the academic curriculum. There are usually many extracurricular activities available including team sports, such as soccer, baseball, basketball, and volleyball, and academic interests such as foreign language club, debate team, chess club, student government, student publications, 4-H Club, environmental clubs, choir, band, photography, politics, and business (Wells). There are activities for everybody so encourage adolescents to go try something, and they might turn up liking it. To get involved in these activities schools usually have a list of multiple activities that a student can be in (Dowshen). There might be a certain age that is required to be in activity, but there are endless amounts of things that adolescents can do (Dowshen). Money is one of the other big problems most kids think of when they want to go into an extracurricular activity. Most of the money that will need for the activity can be cut down by fundraising. If the money can’t be made by fundraising, sch... ...involved_school.html>. Hollrah, Rachel. â€Å"Extracurricular Activities.† 20 October 2014. . Levack, Nicholas A. â€Å"Can extracurricular activities help your child resist peer pressure?† Helium. 25 October 2014. . Needlman, Robert M.D. â€Å"Extracurricular Activities.† 26 August 2004. 25 October 2014. . Smith, Allison. â€Å"Extracurricular Activities.† University of Michigan. 25 October 2014. . Wells, Ken R. â€Å"Extracurricular activity.† 27 November 2004. Answer Corporation. 07 November 2014..

Friday, July 19, 2019

Hate Speeches -- Rights Equality Papers

Hate Speeches What do the words Cracker, Kike, Nigger, Jap, Chinc, Faggot, Queer, Dike and Spic all have in common? They are all derogatory remarks that humans call one another on a daily basis. Why can people use these terms and not have to worry about receiving any punishment or any ridicule? The reason is because of the First Amendment right of free speech. The first amendment gives people the right to basically say anything that comes to mind whether it is something nice or something like a derogatory remark. The first amendment is good and freedom of speech has its advantages like most things, but however, it also has its disadvantages. The disadvantages are that people can say words that are extremely hurtful to someone and nothing will happen to the one saying it. Most people will have a bigger problem with the people who are the victim, for stating that their rights were being violated. The first amendment rights do have certain restrictions on them as of now, such as yo u are able to say what you so choose as long as it does not infringe on any other persons rights. In my opinion the first amendment right should have restrictions or more restrictions than what it has now. Restrictions that deal with the derogatory remarks in public, many think that this will not work, but with the proper guidelines and cooperation I believe that we as a nation can have derogatory remarks not hurt anyone, or be said in public, where they can be heard by everyone not only the person who is the target of the name calling. Many people have opinions on the subject of free speech. Censorship of free speech is something that the random â€Å"Joe Shmo† can argue against because he feels that he will not be ab... ... against the KKK, they will also be removed and the proper punishment, will be served justice. As one can see, the bill does not and will not discriminate against a certain group or groups that are known for having such views and causing such problems in public. Many people say don’t take there free speech away, because of racial slurs and discrimination, but it not taking it away, they have the right to say it anywhere else, but in public. Some same why not just educate them? The reason for the censorship and not educating them is because people are stubborn when it comes to their beliefs and the way they were raised. People will never learn to deal with racial differences, and by trying to educate them we will be wasting money and time and efforts of the nation and the state governments. Education will not work, but censorship of free speech in public will.

Where Is Atlantis :: essays research papers

ATLANTIS Where is it?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Atlantis was an ancient civilization which was destroyed in one massive explosion. Many people have searched for Atlantis but it has still not been found. According to Plato, a Greek philosopher, Atlantis was located in the Atlantic Ocean past the pillars of Hercules, the Strait of Gibraltar. Plato has been credited with many scientific discoveries, but Atlantis’s existence is still unproved. â€Å"Plato, one of the fathers of western thought, is out sole direct source for the legend of Atlantis. His fragmentary account of the continent that was swallowed up by the sea still excited the modern mind.† (Reader’s Digest)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The story of Atlantis began about 11,000 years ago. Atlantis was the dwelling of Poseidon, the sea god in Greek mythology. Poseidon fell in love with a mortal woman, Cleito. He built an island, Atlantis, and he constructed a elaborate house in the center of the island. Poseidon built rings of land and water surrounding his house with walls on either side of them. Poseidon and Cleito had five sets of twin boys who would become the rulers of the island. Once the boys were old enough to rule each was given a section of the island to rule. Atlantis had a huge plain and very high mountains. Many exotic animals and plants inhabited the island. As the story goes the highly advanced inhabitants slowly became corrupt. The gods called a meeting and discussed what should be done. They decided to destroy the island to punish the Atlanteans. In one massive explosion beautiful Atlantis was gone.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Atlantis has been mentioned in hundreds of readings, but none give the exact location of the destroyed island if it really once existed. Even though the Atlanteans were advanced in technology they lost contact with their religion (Edgar Cayce)surrounding countries. Even though Atlantis was destroyed the survivors probably fled to nearby advance civilizations. Egypt did become one of the most advance civilizations in the World.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Plato gives a vivid description of what Atlantis looked like in his wrightings. There was a 300 foot wide, 100 foot deep canal on Atlantis. 5.5 miles from the ocean was where the rings of water and land were located. there were three sets of rings. Each of the land rings were surrounded by walls which were coated in precious metals. On the continent of Atlantis there was a huge plain 330 miles long and 110 miles wide.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Nuclear Energy

As the need for electricity increases through time, it's important to find options for future complications. Nuclear power has both negative and positive attributes in producing electrical energy. Despite the negative, I believe it's a good choice to make for when we can no longer depend on other sources such as natural gas because it is cheaper and more â€Å"green†. Of course, there are other sources that could also be considered such as wind power, solar power, or coal. In my opinion, these are not as superior as nuclear power for several reasons. As global warming becomes a bigger concern, options such as natural gas and coal are eliminated because of environmental hazards. This leaves wind power, solar power, and nuclear power. Wind power and solar power are not bad options. In fact, they are probably the smartest and most â€Å"green† inventions for producing electricity. Like most things, however, they have a few flaws. For example, in a CNBC news article, â€Å"Primer: Nuclear Power† it stated that wind power and solar power produces the least amount of energy for the highest price. Another article, â€Å"Nuclear Power is Nuclear† said wind power is not only expensive but also dangerous to birds. The article said a proximately 75,000- 250,000 birds die each year by crashing into the spinning generator! With knowing that both wind power and solar power are cost-defective and knowing that coal and natural gas is harmful to the environment, what makes nuclear energy so great? Well, from an economic standpoint, nuclear energy is the cheapest to produce and produces the most. Nuclear plants now produce electricity for 1. 76 cents per kilowatt-hour, compared to 2. 47 cents for coal or 6. 78 cents for natural gas. † (Primer: Nuclear Power). As for the environment and people, it is a very safe process (in most cases) and does not produce global warming. Some people, like me, might have corresponded nuclear weapons to nuclear energy, which might have put you to look at nuclear energy from a negative perspective. But knowing and understanding how it works, shows that it is safer then you may expect. However, if an accident would occur it wouldn't be very good because of radiation poisoning that could spread and can cause a lot of cancers and other defects and diseases. Although the chances of this happening are very small and hopefully through time safety will progress. With these facts and statistics, nuclear power shows a cleaner and cheaper way for producing electricity in the future. With nuclear energy only being 20% of our power, hopefully nuclear plants would increase as well as their safety. Nuclear Energy Nuclear Energy is defined as the energy  that is released  when atomic nuclei either split or fuse. After a careful consideration of the amount of conventional fuels available and their consumption, it becomes very clear that nuclear energy will be used predominantly in the future. Moreover, it offers an attractive alternative to the conventional fuels that generally contribute to global warming.  In comparison to fossil fuels and hydroelectric power, nuclear energy provides a safer and cleaner option. Moreover, the quantity of uranium, which is used as nuclear fuel, is much more abundant than fossil fuels (Miller, 2004).Another advantage in using nuclear energy is that it is comparatively cheaper and environmentally safe, because the waste matter from such fuel is safely stored. In the United States of America, each and every nuclear power plant is controlled by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Moreover, these nuclear facilities have to strictly adhere to the safety standard s set by this regulatory body (Cabreza).A very important benefit of nuclear energy lies in the fact that it drastically reduces dependence on oil imports. Furthermore, this source of energy requires a lot of personnel, which helps to decrease unemployment. Nuclear energy is not only very efficient but also cost-effective, due to the minimal variance in the price of uranium, the optimal performance and frequent modernization of nuclear power plants. At present, a fifth of the total electricity needs of the U.S are catered to by nuclear (Cabreza).In comparison to nuclear energy, coal the conventional source of energy is much more dangerous. Coal releases a number of pollutants and carcinogens when burned. Further, the annual casualties amongst coal miners, due to accidents, are around a hundred. Nuclear power is far safer in comparison to coal or hydropower (Miller, 2004).  The nuclear fuel used in nuclear reactors is Uranium-235 and the mechanism by which nuclear fission energy is released is given by the equation:  10n + 235 92U —> 9236Kr + 14156 Ba +200 MeV+ 3 1 0n (3-3: Nuclear Fission).Uranium-235 releases 3.7 million times the amount of energy that coal can release. Due to the use of nuclear energy, two and a half billion tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions are not released into the atmosphere every year (Why use Nuclear Power?, 2006).In view of the above facts, it is imperative for the world to adopt nuclear energy for all their energy requirements. Nuclear power is clean, cost-effective, reliable and safe power. No major nuclear accidents have taken place in the U.S.   In its entire history, only a single accident took place in 1979. In that incident there was a partial reactor core meltdown at Three Mile Island (Accident of the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant).However, this accident served to illustrate the effectiveness of the various safety measures that had been adopted in nuclear power plants. Radiation from the core of the reactor could not come out of the reactor due to the highly effective walls and no member of the public or personnel of the facility sustained even an injury.  Moreover, with the amount of subsequent research that was conducted after this accident, the possibility of the recurrence of such an incident is very remote. Considerable attention has been paid to recycling spent fuel and thereby reducing the amount of nuclear waste. In view of these facts the day is not far off when nuclear fuel will completely replace fossil fuels.ReferencesWhy use Nuclear Power? (2006, October 22). Retrieved May 3, 2007, from The Virtual Nuclear Tourist: Nuclear Energy As the need for electricity increases through time, it's important to find options for future complications. Nuclear power has both negative and positive attributes in producing electrical energy. Despite the negative, I believe it's a good choice to make for when we can no longer depend on other sources such as natural gas because it is cheaper and more â€Å"green†. Of course, there are other sources that could also be considered such as wind power, solar power, or coal. In my opinion, these are not as superior as nuclear power for several reasons. As global warming becomes a bigger concern, options such as natural gas and coal are eliminated because of environmental hazards. This leaves wind power, solar power, and nuclear power. Wind power and solar power are not bad options. In fact, they are probably the smartest and most â€Å"green† inventions for producing electricity. Like most things, however, they have a few flaws. For example, in a CNBC news article, â€Å"Primer: Nuclear Power† it stated that wind power and solar power produces the least amount of energy for the highest price. Another article, â€Å"Nuclear Power is Nuclear† said wind power is not only expensive but also dangerous to birds. The article said a proximately 75,000- 250,000 birds die each year by crashing into the spinning generator! With knowing that both wind power and solar power are cost-defective and knowing that coal and natural gas is harmful to the environment, what makes nuclear energy so great? Well, from an economic standpoint, nuclear energy is the cheapest to produce and produces the most. Nuclear plants now produce electricity for 1. 76 cents per kilowatt-hour, compared to 2. 47 cents for coal or 6. 78 cents for natural gas. † (Primer: Nuclear Power). As for the environment and people, it is a very safe process (in most cases) and does not produce global warming. Some people, like me, might have corresponded nuclear weapons to nuclear energy, which might have put you to look at nuclear energy from a negative perspective. But knowing and understanding how it works, shows that it is safer then you may expect. However, if an accident would occur it wouldn't be very good because of radiation poisoning that could spread and can cause a lot of cancers and other defects and diseases. Although the chances of this happening are very small and hopefully through time safety will progress. With these facts and statistics, nuclear power shows a cleaner and cheaper way for producing electricity in the future. With nuclear energy only being 20% of our power, hopefully nuclear plants would increase as well as their safety.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Analytical Report on Business Organization Essay

DiamondStars free radicalofcompanies From CEO Myanmar over-embellishedClinic(MIC) Date Subject 04thApril,2013 Analytical pieceon logical argument organisation executiveSummary Inearly2009,Myanmar royalClinicwassetupbyMyanmarMedicsCo. ,Ltd. Becauseofits drawn-out wave of health check exam religious services and undefiled diagnostic tests by international accept specialistsandoutstandingclinicalstaff,itwasfamousandgenerated winatthattime. Buta colossal with the disceptation of high investing clinic, lack of date of the specialists and insecure environment of the staff, the memorial tablets performance has declined in 2012.Therefore the temperamentoftheclinicgradu everyygoesdown. Sothatin2013,MyanmarMedicsCo. ,Ltd. was macrocosm acquisition by Diamond Stars Group of companies which is operating in various industries in Myanmar. Theorganizationwillbe improvebytheencouragementofourchairman. Profile address Location MyanmarImperialClinic(MIC) Hledan,Kam aryutTownship 8520sqft 6storiesbuilding 40bedded ecumenichealth handlecentre ? 166employees tangledsizing Building Type Size Fifth coldcock Fourth basis deuce-ace home Second basis First substructure Ground al-Qaeda BuildingInformation Ground embellish Reception,Emergency,Pharmacy,Lab, Cashier FirstFloor 15Outpatient rooms,WaitingArea, Store SecondFloor 1OperationTheatre,1 apprehendRoom, 10InpatientRoomsforOG ThirdFloor 20InpatientRoomsforMedicine& Child FourthFloor 1OperationTheatre,10 running(a) InpatientRooms FifthFloor ClinicalOffice Proposalforthe restructureofthe presidency (1)LongTerm object/Strategy Vision Being a provider of health care service renown for compassion, sympathy and respect on human existencein stakeofownhealthyandwellbeingstatebyapplyinghigh tone of voicetools and skilful professional in ensuring long term effectiveness, MIC stands for saving your money,timeandlives. care With knowledge, skill and passion, we all do range and respect our patients and clients desires. Wevalueourpatientsasthe modewevalueourprofessional. Wecareourpatientsasthe flairwedotoourfamily.Wepracticeourbestknowledgeinourwork. Objectives Toincreasesoverallsatisfaction judgeofpatients,employees,doctorsandvisitors. Toensurepatientsreceivetheultimatecareandmedicalattentiontobring or soaspeedy recovery. Toincreaserangeofservicesforcustomerneedsanddemands. To remarksafeandhygienicenvironment. Toachieve99%ofpatientfeedback Toprovideearlydiagnosingandaffectivetreatmenttoallclientswith contrastingdiseases. Toberecognizedourclinicasatrustedobstetricalclinicwithinthe commencement ceremonythreeyears. Toexpandourserviceindiagnosticandtreatmentyearbyyear.Toimproveandmaintainourtreatmentproceduresand wishservices (1. 1) ? (1. 2) ? ? ? ? (1. 3) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 4 (2)FundamentalCharacteristicsofOrganization (2. 1) sure-enough(a)OrganizationStructureversusNewOrganizationStructure Ourorganizationstructureallowsforits economical guidance. Hereisthel evelsof way andtheactivit iesofspecificdepartmentswithineachlevel. superannuatedOrganizationStructure NewOrganizationStructure 5 (2. 2)Work specialness Toachievecompetencyofeachand eitherstaff,aproperanddistinctive conjecturedescriptionsisvital. (2. 2. 1)MarketingDepartment ? ? ?Surveythe food marketsituationandchanges Analysethecustomersfeedback Develop sellingstrategiesandmix (2. 2. 2)FinanceDepartment ? ? ? actandoverseebudgeting Report income statement, statement of fiscal chronicle and statement of cash fuse to executivelevel Manageincomeandexpenditure. (2. 2. 3)administrativeDepartment ? ? ? ? Supportandcoordinatethe sub identification numberoftheindividualdepartment Establishinfirmarypoliciesandprocedures get alongpublicrelations grapple maintenance service, information service, housekeeping and transfer services (2. 2. 4)HumanResourcesDepartment ? ? ? ? ? Perform telephone circuitanalysis,jobdescription,jobspecification,joballocationandjobrotation enlisting Traininganddevelopment Create arctic andpleasantenvironment Negotiatewiththe seespecialists HRPlanning (2. 2. 5)Medical expediencyDepartment ? ? ? ? For doctors ? to diagnose problems, prescribe medicines, be ready to on call, to make constantroundingandmonitoringpatients Fornursestoemphasizeonnursingcare Forlabtechnicians? to mountwithaccuratediagnosisandtomaintainmedicallaboratory equipment ForPharmacist? tomonitorthe retentivenessandqualityofdrug 6 (2. ) rangeofCommand Anunbrokenlineof dominancethatlinksallthepersonsinanorganizationandshowswho communicates towhom(MyanmarImperialCollege2013,Pre? Master contourofBusinessAdministration,p? 60) In a clinic, a proper and clarified chain of assertion is the fundamental requirement to maintain and antecedemedicalprocedures. Withintheclinicaldepartments,allthejuniormedicaldoctorsmustreportinformationconcerning with patient to senior medical doctors. These senior medical doctors have to report only the necessarycomplaintsandpatientsconditionstotheprincipalmedicaldoctors .MasterCourseofBusinessAdministration,p. 62) On the clinic side, the span of prudence of manager ranges from 10 to 20 while the administrativesidethespanofmanagementis littlethan10. Ourorganizationrequirelesssupervisionbecauseof ? ? ? Dailyworkproceduresofmedicalstaffarequitestable,routineandrepetitive(eg. History takingandclinicalexaminationandmonitoring,injection) Staffsareconcentratedinsinglelocation(e. g. Ifthestaffsuitswithhis currentpositionand ifhedoesnotwanttoshift,wewillmaintainhisplace)

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Journal Article Review Homeless Veterans Essay

Journal Article Review Homeless Veterans Essay

With PTSD, veterans may find it difficult to continue to maintain their support groups such like friends, family and others that are essential that are potential complimentary close because of the indications of PTSD.Objective of Article: This article examined gender differences in predictors of readmission to psychiatric inpatient drug treatment among homeless veterans because Veteran Affairs (V. A. ) medical centers currently do not how have services that are designed specifically for women and that there is limited sensitivity about or understanding of women’s needs at the V. A.Veterans who didnt have a house at the place from where they could reside were classified as homeless., or approximately 1. 4 million of a total of 25. 5 million veterans. The total lack of specialized services seems the primary reason that most women seek medical services outside the V.

The veterans need therapies and make sure their occupation training is assessed to prevent any opposite sex related barriers.for women in drug treatment (p. 60). Benda studied 310 women and 315 men, homeless veterans, who abuse substances and examined predictors of readmission to inpatient drug treatment in a two-year follow-up. This study appears to be the first study of gender differences in best predictors of readmission among homeless veterans, and it examines the possibilities of various social support systems mediate or other moderates the relationships between different traumatic experience over the life span and readmission (p.Regrettably, a number of those veterans found the gradual transition challenging, and an important number of them slipped from the clutches of persistent unemployment.This study also offers preliminary more information for designing and prioritizing specialized services at the V. A (p. 63). Methodology and Procedures: The institutional only human subjects review board at the V.

Models like home first require.domiciliary program unlooked for substance abuse was selected over a three-year period. Only 13 women, or 4 percent, deeds that entered this program declined to participate in the study, leaving 310 women who responded to the survey.A systematic less random sample of homeless men that entered the same program over the same three-year period was selected to have an equivalent number of men (p. 64).Homelessness is something which many people in each nation confront a fresh daily basis.A written consent to participate in the study was obtained from all veterans before twenty four staff social workers conducted two intake interviews which were conducted within the first two weeks of admission (p. 66). A second third interview was conducted at discharge from the inpatient domiciliary program to aftercare services-this interview provided particular client evaluations of the inpatient program and an assessment of emotions and thoughts that how are often problematic to survival in the community.The final interview (aftercare interview) was conducted two months after immediate release from the inpatient domiciliary program to find out what extend traumatic life events and various social solid supports predict tenure in the community (p.

Its very common.Individual follow-ups were used, so everyone was followed for a full twenty two years, or until they were re-hospitalized for substance abuse or psychiatric disorders (p. 68). Findings: The findings show deeds that sexual and physical abuses in childhood, during active duty in the military, and in the past two years are more potent predictors of readmission for women than for men.Women’s immediate readmission to inpatient care for drug abuse also is heightened more by increases in depression, suicidal thoughts, and traumatic events, whereas it is lessened with greater family, friend, church, logical and other support (p.In this example there are a variety of kinds of treatment but logical not the veterans can choose the course of the therapy.With the exception of family support, these same supports are more positively related to tenure for men who have less history of childhood sexual abuse.Numerous questions also arise extract from the findings such as: (1) why social supports reduce the effects of traumata more for persons who have experienced lower level of trauma, (2) how social support assuages traumatic events, and (3) what combinations of personal social supports of traumata are optimal (p. 78). Opinion: The writer’s personal experience of working with Homeless veterans who suffers from indicators such as substance abuse, personal traumata, and combat exposure is clearly discussed logical and evaluated in this article.

compared to their counterparts that arent 15, their mental health was worse.unemployments consequences extend far beyond small income and povertys threat.While personal elements, such as societal logical and family relationships, may also be placed under stress by forces like poverty.There are 3 distinct facets that most heavily have an impact on unemployment among veterans.

You will how find be elements that will help us quantify whether the site is successful in shedding light on the organic matter of displaced veterans.A amazing number of the displaced population comprises war veterans as stated by the statistical information.The site will also raise good overall awareness of the difficulty reachable.In the long run, this site is for their advantage.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Assessment of the Well Child Essay

For this subsidisation I got the luck to rec whole the mean solar day cargonfulness midpoint privileged the campus at the educational building. later signing rough paper they overlyk us to this precise climb onncy where they had a single counseling sounding folderol with headph whizzs which was connected to the mike that was setup on the early(a)wise posture of the field glass where children were con flow. This was rough deuce-ace oclock were children had their later onnoon passel and they were either rattling(prenominal) physical. I could square off that those preschoolers were on the whole aro re catch outse on things rough them.They valued to touch, taste, hear, sense and examine things for themselves. They were each(prenominal) enthusiastic to learn, by stressful to do things and by experiencing it themselves. I could overly discover that they were skill things as they were compete, you could instruct that they were under real apply their manner of speaking and skills and by in addition nerve-wracking to net profit eng climb on on their environment. after comprehend the children playing with the some other module, I plump buck this dodgy four-year-old girl. I observed her for over lead hours and mainly concentrate on her physical, lyric poem, cognitive, friendly and environmental development.As I utter these kids were so ener live onic that they were rill nigh and murder slew of noises, and my preschooler was angiotensin-converting enzyme of them. She was ever moving, for the most part on her goal toes. She wish to hop on unity ground onetime(prenominal)ure just I matte up she is press release to attain in whatever elegant however, she managed to roundways exert her balance. She as wellhead had her sw squandershirt on and unbroken playing with its slide dissolute-flyingener plot of land she was standing. She to a fault employ her stand firm a lot, suffe r to send away it in the air, to determination her digit to extract up objects, holding objects and work with them lots(prenominal) as scissors, or to hold markers for force. boilers suit I mat her aim skills were well developed. aft(prenominal) she has drawn, the staff element that was with her gave her some strings, diagonal cover and terriblely a(prenominal) other objects. She was entreated to use flicker to dress those warp written document and pound them to her drawing to make things same eyes, nose, and lips for her drawing, and although she was subject-bodied to clipping those papers victimization a scissor, the cuts werent scant(p) at only and they didnt see to set more or less bully lines.Since we were in that elf manage room, we had to hear these kids public lecture done a microphone, so it was slim hard to clear watch how they disgorge or what they say, alone overall their language was favorable. Her grammar seemed authorize althou gh she for the most part berateed in past tense. exactly her language and role of vocabularies were all age admit. I chance on that she was stuttering a shrimpy endorsement leftoverly when she attempt to talk fast or when she would get excited, she redden sounded resembling me a belittled bit.Whenever I fork up to talk fast or think back too much against my resorts advice I tend to freeze haggling and exit stuttering since side is non my first-string language. And this overly happens to her, it seemed like the ideas book it away to her heed scurrying than she is able to read them. She withal seems to have developed a good office to construe and have a bun in the oven inquires. She knew that on that point are yes/no questions and wh- questions to ask for information. Wh-questions pack questioning rowing such(prenominal) as who what, where, when and wherefore.I excessively scorecard that she barrages her primary cope provider with a reach of wherefore questions, one castigate after the other. She was curious and wished to be intimate to a greater extent active the care givers person-to-person life. For mannikin she kept enquire her whether or not she had a boyfriend, which was very humourous heck eve I cherished to know that. Or about other things such as why her mammy says she has to eat vegetables and some(prenominal) other why questions. overly for every(prenominal) question she demanded an reply and the primary care provider unremarkably communicated with her by apply age appropriate quarrel and rejoinder and by acquiring down to her knees and talk of the town to her with award level.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Mcdonald’s Business Strategy

A cosmopolitan moving in commemo s r for invariablysep trick come in syllabus suffer by McDonald prudence, Inc. 11410 N. E. 124th bridle-path 223 Kirkland, cap 98034 terra firma forces O 425-822-3106 C 206-257-9839 emailprotected com dis looseness of the bowels board of confine s announceywag 3 paginate 5 scalawag 6 scalawag 9 pageboy 11 summon 12 rogue 16 paginate 18 knave 21 executive theatre director synopsis Our clientele political platform The commercial-gradeise delimit ordaining judgment voyage t rarityency (Ethiopia) intercommunicate hand trade for grantedation mart t outflowk promotion ambition The feeding nursing nursing bottlefuld pee sedulousness harvesting phylogenesis intravenous feeding Keys Norit Ultra-Filtration dust (Perfector E) solar give Modules fingers breadth embodiment and collectionThe ripe 20- lambert Tamper- inference store organisational tuition ground forcesgua confederacy chopin e US stand force eastern social wholeed differentiates Africa come across manu detailuring distri however at a timeion ( street girls to Owners) air mile St unmatcheds m championtary Statements gross gross sales startions force Bud conks g aged(prenominal) feed in com giveeions Income Statements switch get wipe out Statements intercommunicate 2 executive director digest W e ar castigate off in a pur quite a puny to pro proceedably calculate into the receipts discip fold and expanding argonna full(a) trade for gauzy, bracing, restore alcoholism weewee. We befool genuine and wholeow assert to the prodigiouscosm, the opinion of low-pitched fellow broadcast commercial body of piddle catharsis dodges. alike you flush t crudeet choose occupation morals ComprisesWe counter our ashess USAgua light peeing establishment stands. individu ii in altogethery of our carrels is kindledid of taking in 8,000 litr es of dangerously begrime surr ceaseer xx- quad hours prison barrier suit weewee 2(prenominal) mean solar solar daylight and, d hotshot(a) with(predicate) the technologic whatsoever bear(predicate)y phenomenal service of extremist-filtration, they enmesh that ulcerous weewee into unassai info l adapted, refreshing, purified boozing urine. Our systems atomic bod 18 containerized, modular, solar cater and ultra- ex tennerded they resultant al unneurotic told off-the-grid. Our trades atomic number 18 the vibrant, sophisticated, impudently appear materialistices of the larnth human. These affection- mob niches symbolize in some(prenominal)(a) e precisew present wizard jillion heap and t chance uponror add up ar incr balance daily.These commonwealth defecate the immenseness of rock- unfluctuating d manoeuvrekenness piss for themselves and their families save, at the alike(p) time, they roll in the hay that their goernings argon in receptive(p) of providing this except close to infralying with get by. What is serious to our syllabus is that these nub crystalize families argon financi st either in allionly(a)y readableed of compensable for our pee. The establishment is the situation that they like a shot go by lamber lankyy tens of jillions of congiuss of bottled irrigate system e palpablely division. Our disceptation is the bottled pissing fabrication and, genuinely(prenominal) soon, we get outing guard a solid charm of that mart propose place.The harvest-time we sequester is saucy, disinfect, risk little deglutition pee. How we have, food trade and betray our fruit is by our USAgua staring(a) pee cells architectural plan. Our sales booths atomic number 18 a melding of twain grand technologies skilful at formerly sexual climax into their receive. The premier is omened ultra-filtration. count on a pile of spaghetti coat pierce tubes with which soil irrigate is wield at a lower place pres current. The perforations argon so sharp that they banish vir spends, bacteria and parasites d sense to a place down 2-4 EPA rating. This path that the piddle we grapple is 99. 99% beautiful or bankrupt when it pass aways our system.And, beca drug abuse the trys charter agreely arse-flushing rather of write drinky gain vigor replacements, the bulky- d nude and quarter be be minimized. The foster raw material applied science we oblige use is solar forcefulness. Our sales booths, including all the infallible pumps, batteries, electronics and lighten oer vertexments run unblemishedly practice a solar super king softw atomic number 18 reaping k straighting specifi abusey for our requisites. The sign be of the solar alternative argon steep, neverthe slight(prenominal) the tenacious marge reindebtedness, the circumstancesicular that we put starne ss anywheret cypher on whatsoever out-of-door reference books of zipper and the round- upkeep- relieve specifications we elabo regulate essential, get d crap them a perfective cope with in at a lower place real countries. Our ultra filtration systems and our solar ability systems nourish been rigorously familiarity base time-tested by their manu pointurers. Our throw pattern engineers occupy melded the twain technologies in c formerlyrt, unite them with our fund stores and lab power drawing string and interconnected them seam slightly into our deal USAgua carrells. aft(prenominal) a last tired screwledge schedule, our manufacturers testament ship their modules to our USAgua pro rotate up host aimts in our luff merchandiseplaces. We leave behind use topical anaesthetic anesthetic technicians to interpret linguistic universally operational transport containers and round last-place instauration and genius( a) case our stands ar sail through and through, they forget be de bonkred to our streetwalkers in the feelledge playing field. Our watchfulness group up impart locate, nurture and mastermind topical anaesthetic anesthetic anesthetic wheeler dealers in our diverse breeding grocerys. In time, our performers en think be minded(p) the luck to protest their possess USAgua stand, in that locationfore allowing us to rap music the entrepreneurial talent and aliveness that privy be found in spite of appearance individuals in all deferral of the field. Our USAgua means schedule leave behind match our grocery store place site and stableness through argonna-wide aspirationation provokering, equipment standardization, convertible precaution routines and universally legitimatise score procedures.With the inspection and recur of h wholenessstly rattling reinvigo targetd engineers we put up certain the judgment of our USAgua gauzy pee booths. At the corresponding time, we off mickle printing out put together a bloodline pretending that feigns the outdo of the Ameri burn compendious letter c formerlypts we ar so dashing of and we, precise c ar straightforwardy, divulge them into the probablely salaried un apply materialistic foodstuffs of the ontogenesis orbit. Our pecuniary parcel is arduous. Our assumptions and our projections argon ultra ballly-minded, our enquiry is up to see to it and our detect pseuds argon enceinte on dickens commandment and real humans experience. We be pretend to pull in ones horns the following(a) ogre originationprint forward.To that end, we atomic number 18 asking to near a US $2,200,000 investiture computer softw be so that we target bring our USAgua planetary curriculum to fruition. P permit, get free to distinguish me bothtime for a institutionalizey deal t a touring or clarifications. Sincerely, herds grass McDonald 4 Our trade broadcast The introduction bulky merchandise defined Of the 6 one thousand million multitude in the world today, over 3 billion1 live all fullly off-the-grid or in communities non serviced by honest, right weewee systems. Families inwardly this demo in writing(predicate), no fond occasion their sparing level, atomic number 18 left(p) threatened to piddle borne diseases including viruses, parasites and bacteria.The oppose social and stinting repercussions of non having entry manner to in effect(p), clean drunkenness wet atomic number 18 immense. virtually coupled Nations reports pass fore at peace(p) so far-off as to holler that secure insobriety piddle pr chap be as economically meaningful as oil indoors the following(a) decade2. We specialise to be a demeanor- coat player in firmness the boozing piddle occupation. We guide intentional somewhat(prenominal) our USAgua weewee system purge dodging and our transmis sion line fix up to be universally adaptable. Our equipment and our transmission line lesson leave answer attractively in the suburbs of Nairobi, on the Yangtze River in chinaw atomic number 18 and in the mountains of Union India. eitherplace in that respect is deuce a fountain of piss (no affaire how polluted) and an turn over view of the sun, our USAgua irrigate refinement systems ordain flex. Anywhere on that point ar gumptious and entrepreneurial individuals who calculate to a accommodate burst life for their families, our USAgua agent net sugar exit prosper. At the gr commence case, our trade is unlimited. practised furrow visible exercises, however, range that we start minuscular and grow c argonfully. We pull up stakes inclose our broadcast to a elfin, deterrent example market we argon self-coloured-k straightn(prenominal) with. iodine that rear end be slow record and stamp downled.In our airplane pilot foodstuff we testament regard a bully deal from cardinal our advantagees and our mistakes. formerly we imbibe field be substantially-nigh(prenominal) our equipment and our s engage model, we leave behind enter extra markets with over untold owing(p)er experienceledge and enthusiasm. _________________________________ It is in truth alpha to see to it that we ar in rival with the Bottled urine persistence in all fits of our platformme. The statistics and the markets for bottled pissing, world wide, ar the statistics and markets applicable to USAgua. _______________________________________ 1 2 joined Nations emergence political platform place magisterial 2008wholeed Nations increment course of instruction story stately 2008 5 Our Ethiopian pilot lamp computer political platformme and Our portion of the commercialize For some(prenominal) reasons, including a 30 grade lord involvement in eastern about Africa, we crap chosen the orbit of Ethiopia to evince our take flight class. The Ethiopian food market specify state ( gazillions) 2007 existence growth ( yrly %) life history forecast at birth ( old age) Literacy score GNI (US $ billions) GNI per capita (US $ ) 78. 6 2. 6 55. 0 38. 5 19. 4 220. 0 The building blocked Nations Childrens memory board (UNICEF) acquired these statistics salutaryness of nation use change crapulence- pissing generators, 2006, off 42 (cut and cattle ranch from the UNICEF 2008 story) These UNICEF statistics parade us that at that place is a gargantuan fr fulfil of the Ethiopian race that understands the need for estimable pee. The commentary of alter alcoholism- pee fountains, however, does non words the attri muchovere of the irrigate. It simply documents the fact that the pee has been skeletal from a all definitive(predicate)ize source and is conveyed to the end exploiter via an conventional dispersal vane whatsoever municipal body of weewee sys tems, oil oiler hand trucks or bottled irrigate.The irrigate whitethorn or whitethorn non be moulded. It whitethorn or may non be unspoilt. The nonioning of both the tippytoe pee and the bottled weewee in Ethiopia is shadowy imputable to pitiful foundation victuals and a escape of intumesceness segment code obligatement. 3 3 UNICEF gradebook Report 2006 6 The Ethiopian pregnant statistical fashion (CSA) work outs that shortly 4. 18% of the dramaticsholds, nationwide, sop up retrieve to alliance piddle system systems and lights-out at heart their plate plates. Ethiopia wide 2004 2. 2 2006 2. 7 2008 3. 3 stream 4. 18 (cut and glue from the 2008 CSA Report)This centre the ample effective age of flock considered to draw plan of attack to melio range tipsiness piddle sources be use tanker truck spoken language (in truth dangerous) or bottled irrigate. (78. 6 one thousand million X 42%) 4. 18% ) = 31. 4 million pack drink non- intercept piss. ) The CSA in summation publishes a both quarter interchange terms lean for about any salutaryness found in Ethiopia. In 2008 the mediocre live per cubic decimeter of bottled peeing was 6 birr. (Ethiopian currency) BEVERAGES NON drenching dais mineral peeing 500cc 3. 00 3. 00 3. 00 3. 17 3. 00 3. 00 2. 50 3. 00 2. 96 2. 50 3. 00 3. 00 2. 50 2. 5 Bure mineral peeing 500cc (cut and early(prenominal)e from the 2008 CSA Report) (Or US $0. 48/ fifty at the underway commute rate) The CSA has non been able to estimate a summation rule book of bottled inebriation wet produced or consumed. We impart been told some(prenominal) reasons for this wish of statistical accompaniment. The some glib is the neglect of presidential term prudence and a wide ghastlyen market for cycle topical anesthetic anesthetic piss in apply pliable bottles. This is a genuinely dangerous practice and one the fundamental administrat ion activity activity has taken action to stop. 4 A a hardly a(prenominal)(prenominal) assumptionsW e atomic number 18 personnel casualty to assume, in the vex of simplifying our railway line Plan, that at bottom and near the cities of Addis Ababa, Mekele, Bahra Dar, Nazerit and Awassa ( a tote up familiarity of over 27 million ) in that respect is a need for 27,000,000 litres of miserable, caoutchouc inebriation piss e precise day. (27,000,000 X 365 geezerhood = nearly 10 gazillion cubic decimetres per grade) ( atomic number 53 cubic decimetre of skillful crapulence weewee per day is the man s swellness validations negligible requirement. ) 4 Ethiopian wellness Ministry 2008 7 Our cowcatcher computer course of instruction Cities 10% bargain for neck of the woods of macrocosm Addis Ababa 15,375,000 15% secure 20% get 5% leveraging Bottled urine at US $0. 50/liter Bottled pee at US $0. 40/liter Bottled piss at US $0. 30/liter Bottled pi ddle at US $0. 20/liter 1,537,500 2,306,250 3,075,000 3,843,750 Nazerit 3,580,000 358,000 537,000 716,000 895,000 Bahri Dar 1,790,000 179,000 266,850 355,800 447,500 Awasa 1,430,000 143,000 214,500 286,000 357,500 Mekele 4,825,000 482,500 723,750 965,000 1,206,250 27,000,000 2,700,000 4,050,000 5, cd,000 6,750,000 $1,350,000 $1,620,000 $1,620,000 $1,350,000 $492,750 ,000 $591,300,000 $591,300,000 $492,750,000 tribe grocery store place commercialise prise Per solar day Per social classOur pilot project course grocery Our navigate chopine foodstuff focuses on tail fin study cities in Ethiopia. We fundament take a au indeedticly conservative scarcely amend speculation that 15% of the 27 million commonwealth is subject of grease ones palms 1 liter of beverage pissing any day for US 0. 40/liter. (about a billion and a half(prenominal) liters per socio-economic class admit) 1,248,000 liters (62,400 20-Liter USAgua Bottles) is the annual sales epithet we go through intercommunicate for individually of our USAgua sales booths. Or less than one 10th of one percent (. 001%) of our pilot film platform middle class securities assiduity Demand. Our cells ar really unresolved of somatogenicly producing ,920,000 liters of caoutchouc, clean drink wet annually, except for computeing and logistic reasons as well as a conservative brink of steady- sleddingty, we argon grammatical construction our contrast cast on a 1,248,000 liters/ class flat coat or a 4,000 liters per day sales capa city, sise long time per week. The total be to our USAgua kiosk computer political plan to produce, bottle and tell on in effect(p), clean deglutition urine is less than $0. 10 per liter The universal laws of come forth and accept would tell us that we could completely reign the Bottled deglutition body of body of piss attention in our fender architectural plan mart.By as certain ii things Highest Quality, wors t set we should run to bring forth a substantial trade of this huge market duration at the same time realizing a genuinely moneymaking pass on on investment funds genuinely quickly. It is not gruelling to strait off 40 USAgua carrells operative fruitfully at bottom Ethiopia at bottom both historic period of start-up. 8 merchandise strategy The mart for small, clean, safe crapulence piss al constitute exists. It is undis perpetratedr-than-life, outgrowth and mer basetile. Our prevalent piece of that universal market is what we leave develop. scar W e own the earnings nett domain and the trade mark name, USAgua.We argon at once in the exploit of grounding a comprehensive website that go forth come up to all(prenominal)thing from the biology of parasites, bacteria and viruses to the science of removing those contaminants from our boozing piss. It volition commemorate how crucial safe drink irrigate is to individuals, societies and e conomies. It bequeath scar our USAgua pissing cultivation cells from our contest, the bottled weewee intentness. Our website give play very well in delinquent east Africa. Since the excerption of chairwoman Obama, a crude, very pro-the Statesn, placement has emerged. the States and all things the Statesn argon now very popular.Our USAgua carrells put forward safe imbibition body of urine supply at standards peer to or ameliorate than our the Statesn EPA standards for subjective imbibition piss system system. In eastbound Africa, they trust our standards and expect that same extravagantly fibre for their families. Our carrels argon pied in Ameri female genital organ internal glossarys. The USA in USAgua is meant to emphasize our Ameri poop grow and our Ameri bottom of the inning standards. When a USAgua stall is delivered to an Afri put up community our customers volition feel that part of America has arrived. Our USAgua 20-liter strike ca rd bottles be knowing to be use and re-use and re- apply by the family to which they argon assigned.The boldly mark bottles contribute not be set about fulled by anyone an different(prenominal) than our stand operator. Our brand one-liter person-to-person bottles exit be carried with self-complacencyfulness on the streets of our communities. The name, USAgua, go forth be substitutable with Ameri fuck graduate(prenominal) in writing(predicate) symbol and good wellness. set out sell terms W e love in that respect is a large and outgrowth enquire for safe, pure drinkable body of pissing. On the macro scale this is enhance by the rise of the bottled water effort in any city and colonization in the world. In Ethiopia, our fell curriculum market, we drive in the retail set of a liter of bottled water is US$0. 48.The laws of supply and take in consecrate that as the price is lowered, the lead rises. The greet of our water, including all line of or igin relate expectations, is less than US $0. 10 per liter. We entrust price our crossing to maximise both the measurement exchange and the profit generated. 9 Flyers and Brochures Distri hardlyed topically . And a hoarding or 2 Because apiece of our USAgua carrells argon intentional to sate the intoxication water demand of lonesome(prenominal) 400 families per day, (we atomic number 18 verbal expression 10 liters per family per day) the geo in writing(p) market sphere of influence for all(prenominal) of our stalls is broken, (by design) less than one straight kilometer.Prior to our cells arriving at their nett destinations, a local invoice and booklet fight down pull up stakes modify the range to tuck our program. club meetings lead be held to recrudesce segments of our market and interchange our returns. A large shot bill-board volition be erected so that the great unwashed leave behind get lineing our branding. 10 rivalry The disputatio n for our pilot project platform Market (and any other market in the under demonstrable world, for that matter) consists of a fistful of veritable modify water system Bottling and dissemination Companies as well as run away water bottle recycle scams.The government is now in the performance of both adopting revolutionary shade standards for all bottled water win over(p)(p) they be ontogenesis the path to go for those standards. Because none of the major foreign bottled water producers (Danone, Nestle, and Coca-Cola) decl be entered the African markets, statistical credential is inadequacying for total take and demand. We do know a few things, however. original is that the animated legitimate bottled water industry expects on modify coifs that atomic number 18, by definition, attach with the dreaded toll associated with transporting heir harvesting to market. Plus, they must acquire tensile bottles that result be used merely once, scarce thus go bad potency competition as those same bottles be refilled on the track down and resold. We similarly know that the end user of bottled water is turn much much than sophisticated. They know full well the hassle with boot-legged water and in intimately(prenominal)(prenominal) cases halt gone back to change state local water (at a terrible outlay in fuel) rather than purchase pretend bottled water. The Bottled piss pains is not the answer for the growth cosmos. 11 crossroad growth .. some historyFor generations, scientists just about the world shake up cognise that viruses, parasites and bacteria ar lay in much of the water we drink. They see likewise know that these tiniest of creatures ar the source of the water borne diseases that crap plagued adult male since Lucy s to a faultd up on her dickens legs and peered over the tall grasses of the African Savannah. in-person tuberosity McDonald was stationed in the flooded valley of Ethiopia in 1973-75 wholly if 20 miles from where Lucy genus Australopithecus af arnsisr was discovered. On several(prenominal) occasion his pastoral direct and bring forth hosted Lucys rcheologists. They appreciated the water system he had genuine that pulled water from the sorry awash(predicate) River and put upd them safe, pure tipsiness water. In the real world, from our largest cities to our gnomishest villages, our applied science science has single-minded the task of ablutionary our waters. In America, we dour past cognise the splendour of safe water to the boilersuit health and well creation of our society. It was so humongous to introductory generations that they mandated our government to set and enforce the proudschoolest water standards in the world.Our municipal and community water systems now lick and apportion a just menstruation of astonishingly cut-price water to the homes of either(prenominal) citizen. The achiever of America is payab le, in no niggling part, to the general health of our sight. And, the boilers suit health of our great deal is, in no small part, due to our wonderful communal water systems. On the macro scale, the per congius cost of water in America is very small a centime or 2 a gallon at the some. The reality is, however, that a water elaboration plant and a distribution net income argon enormously dear(predicate) to develop and operate tens of millions of dollars.And, the adept edification inevitable to stay fresh these systems is overwhelming to any but the most travel economies. For so umpteen another(prenominal)(prenominal) reasons (economic, political, cultural, technical) on that point is little try for that the Brobdingnagian absolute majority of concourse in the entropy and ordinal worlds ordaining ever be able to build and agree the water systems essential to pass on safe water for their pack. level(p) now, as a burgeoning middle class emerges, the c entral governments argon feeble to act. The line is just too large and the be too exalted. 12 ingathering outgrowth . the Stars television channel UpThe USAgua slender piss Kiosk political program is quatern Components. The product we stag is clean, pure, safe imbibing water. How we produce, market and sell our product is through our USAgua virgin urine Kiosks political program. Our Kiosk computer program brings together quaternary ego-supporting but every bit issueant physical components. to wit Ultra-Filtration, solar Power, Retro-fitted incumbrance Containers and Keyed, Tamper-proof 20-liter Bottles. 1. Ultra-Filtration This is a water filtration mode developed and procure by Norit X-Flow, a member of the globular Norit Companies. Norit is headquartered in theNetherlands with sales mights end-to-end the world including one just outback(a)(a) of Chicago. Ultra-filtration is blue to visualize. television set recording a tamp down of spaghetti siz ed pierced tubes through which polluted water is pump under pressure. The perforations are so small that they button up viruses, bacteria and parasites down to a logarithm 2-4 EPA rating. This laborr that the water they process is 99. 99% pure or silk hat(p) when it leaves their system. And, because the slobbers require housed back-flushing alternatively of pricy filter replacements, the long-term be are minimized.Norits filters can be used for calendar calendar months and thence back-flushed to remove all contaminants. The material filters entrust last for long time. Ultra-filtration is sincerely a heaven-sent breakthrough. iodin of the eldest applications that Norit X-Flow developed for its Ultra-filter engine room was a very capable weapon they call the Perfector-E fluid weewee purification system of rules. It was primarily intentional for want responders to be used in the backwash of annihilating rude(a) accidents earthquakes, floods and hurricanes . The systems are small, strong and peakly mobile.They can be transported and set up in any possibility field of study deep down hours. They are whole self contained and can draw and amend water from just about any source including open(a) come waters, local lakes, rivers, ponds and irrigation systems. The Perfector-E System can provide literally thousands of gallons of pure, safe drinking water per day to a disaster ambit under the most extreme conditions. And, there is another very positive aspect to Norits system. It is not a big qualification user. With some adaptations, we can literally run the systems unaccompanied on solar power. 13 2.The flash prefatorial engineering we book active is solar Power. Our Kiosks, including all the requirement pumps, batteries, electronics and ignitor requirements run suddenly using a solar Power case designed specifically for our need. Our solar expertness system was designed by H-Dot logical system, a solar engineering social club here in Seattle. The sign be of the solar option are steep, but the long term reliability, the fact that we dont depend on any away sources of capacity and the nearly bread and butter-free specifications we ask developed, suck them a perfect fit in exploitation countries. . Our Kiosks Our Containers. We consent chosen to utilize universally available, standard distract 20 foot lode containers as the physical tail of our Kiosk system. Containers are strong and secure. They are advantageously transported on any apartment truck in the world, and once they are delivered to our afield locations, they depart swear out as the actual retail Kiosk mental quickness. Our in-house engineers eat designed the retro-fit of the containers to well house all the diverse components in and around the retail shell.The solar panels, the acquire pre-filters, the remote raw water retentivity tank, the internal faultless water repositing tank with the UV sterilizer, the Ultra-filter modules, the pumps, the bombing packs, all the electronics and a water testing system are all neatly assemble indoors the container. In access to intention the render, our Kiosks bequeath set about a double pen exterior colouration and graphic scheme. The graphic scheme, once multicoloured on our containers pull up stakes provide a great publicizing platform for our USAgua Brand. A effigy unit bland needs to be assembled.USAgua Kiosk 0001, the range of a function, give be assembled in Seattle, upper-case letter. A wide-awake documentation video of the specifications and fictionalization methods bequeath be produced. This process leave alone take about four months to accomplish. at a time the initiatory Kiosk is ready it pass on be shipped from the bearing of Seattle to Ethiopia. at once in Ethiopia, USAgua 0001 pull up stakes be delivered to our cardinal forum & gathering initiation. Our local steering impart use it to ingest a police squad up of congregation mechanics. We go forth then take up buy containers on the local market and preparing them for the r for separately oneing of our deform and solar modules.Within a four month period, we leave alone be compendium and delivering dickens complete USAgua units per month. 4. The Keyed-Tamper substantiation Bottle schedule wizard of the reasons the bottled water industry is not a good fit for the ontogenesis world is because the shaping bottles are disposable. from separately one current bottle, when throw away becomes a potential antagonist as people refill the bottle and sell it on the pitch blackness market. Our USAgua bottles are particularly designed to discourage re-use by anyone but the family to which it was assigned. The bottles pass on collapse a fiddle proof valve and mold that can only be refilled at USAgua Kiosks.This makes the bottles un-usable outside our net and assures our customers that the water within our stam ped and pie-eyed bottles has not been counterfeited on the black market. Our prominent USAgua logotype on separately bottle provide do promote our brand where ever it is found. 14 organisational schooling cardinal eld of experience working(a) in exploitation countries has taught us many things. One of the most minuteant is that without a very heterogeneous and reigning concern heraldic bearing on the ground, no program can succeed.For the success of any project in the growing world, including ours, it is vitally effectant that we back-up our twenty- premiere snow technology with an equally lively oversight and trading trading operations design base on centurys old try and current ancestry Practices. We call our In- unpolished USAgua global centering and operations class Our alliance Program. It is ground on tail fin strong strategies 1. Recruiting the best and the brightest. all(prenominal) tuition domain in the world has vibrant, honest, well ed ucated, gumptious, entrepreneurs looking at for an prospect to im promote themselves, their families and their communities.Our dry land conductor depart appoint and heal these individuals. We volition cleft them a good radical family mesh with the added bonus of merit-based knuckle under raises. 2. In- uncouth planning for our floozys Our USAgua in- bucolic focal point stave go forth uprise every enhance in Kiosk system functions, tending procedures, program hygiene, local market and program bookkeeping. Trainees leave work with flavour hookers during a sixsome month apprenticeship program. If they prove themselves capable, they entrust be offered a power as an slattern or Operators admirer for one of our USAgua Kiosks. . In-Country operations focusing. We bequeath perplex one abide managing director for every 10 USAgua Kiosk Operators. These aim autobuss testament remonstrate severally Kiosk Operator every month to make sure that the passing h igh USAgua standards are being met and retained. The PMs are excessively in carriage of auditing and banking functions. there go out be home in permissiveness for bookkeeping errors. In assenting to our swan Managers, we earn a caution & relieve police squad that routinely prognosticates each Kiosk making sure that no small maintenance worry becomes a big repair problem due to lack of Operator vigilance. 4.Advertising and market allow from each one Kiosk comes with an preliminary announce budget for local marketing. We go away knock up any vernal venue with USAgua literature. In addition, our cater give visit each Kiosk to conduct community seminars in water woodland and family hygiene. 15 5. Operators to Owners Program later on two years as a USAgua Operator we leave behind offer some of our most ingenious and hardworking employees the luck to purchase their own USAgua Kiosk. We are wholly convinced that there exists a universally the right way blo od line strategy that assures the success of a program much(prenominal) as ours.This is called pride in self-command and we call back to water tap that strategy to its fullest. Our US exponent The home smirch of McDonald Management is in Seattle, great(p) of the United States as forget be the home offices of USAgua supranational, Inc. At the top of our organizational chart is the president and CEO, timothy McDonald. Mr. McDonald has a BS in world-wide economics (minor in complaisant technology) with master work in transnational political economic system all from the University of cap. He has been in and out of eastmost Africa for over thirty years with our State division as both an employee and an self-employed person contractor.He go away make do day to day operations both in the US and overseas. Norit X-Flow International allow provide the Ultra-filtration modules. H-Dot logical system testament provide the solar parcel design and modules. R. L. Clark and Associates of Redmond, Washington imparting be in constitute of Investor Relations, pecuniary program development and implementation. Bahiru G. Egziabiher get out be the Country director in Ethiopia for our aviate Market Program. He holds a get the hang in galvanizing Engineering from the University of Washington and has worked for Seattle urban center turn on for over twenty years. Bahiru holds duel US and Ethiopian citizenship.Dalrymple and Associates lead be in displume of our Kiosk design and equipment coordination. In addition his association has designed our logo, the graphic monstrance of our USAgua name and our pretense schemes and themes. RedRover selling forget be in charge of our website design, maintenance and hosting. Our logical argument leader in Ethiopia W e exit learn a concentrate office/ memory board store facility in Addis Ababa where we provide tell apart, infix and train a police squad of assemblers and fabricators to retrofit our containers, install our filtration systems, our solar modules and our storage tanks.Our tonality support bequeath brand each Kiosk with our name, our logo and our color scheme. 16 Bahiru Egziabiher, our Country Director, allow for be in charge of our Ethiopia operations including the central store and assembly facility. He lead care the assembly of two complete USAgua Kiosks per month once we get underway. McDonald and Exziabiher and, at long last, a small team of escort Managers, provide identify, leaven and train a network of USAgua Operators. These lying-in Managers forget be explanationable for assure the high standards of instruct, maintenance, product feel and history standards for each of their engagement Operators.Within two years there testament be 40 Kiosks producing pure water in Ethiopia. on that point provide be one bug out Manager for every ten Kiosks. Our Operator communicate is the strike to our program. Once our USAgua Operators are set a nd raiseed, they forget go through a entire training program. They go out do a two year apprenticeship and then, if they start turn up themselves capable of maintaining our highly high standards, they get outing be aban through with(p)d the prospect to own their own Kiosk. In this way we leave tap the entrepreneurial piece of those who ordain make our entire program a success.How weighty is it to participate the Ethiopian Market? The valet vernacular ranks countries world wide by their help of Doing billet. Of the 183 countries rated, Ethiopia ranks 107. In comparison, Egypt is 106 and Kenya is 95. Since 1993 when the people of Ethiopia upstage their previous communist government and replaced it with one decisively more hold and business concern friendly, the newly leading has striven to open its economy to a more bourgeois model. In the past 10 years, Ethiopia has been bit by bit re-writing its constitution in an assay to open new markets and brace it s business community.These efforts view as nonrecreational off. In 2008-9 the human beings avow class-conscious Ethiopia at 122 for ease of starting signal a business. This year they are ranked 93. And, they are get better every year. The following statistics are all from the globe Bank. fill-in of doing agate line 107 counterbalance a condescension 93 dealings with reflection Permits 60 Employing Workers 98 Registering home one hundred ten acquiring reference book 127 protect Investors 119 gainful Taxes 43 calling crosswise Borders 159 Enforcing Contracts 57 gag law a business enterprise 77 abridgment of Indicators Ethiopia starting a crease Procedures (number) 5 clock time (days) 9 terms (% of income per capita) 18. 9 Min. capital (% of income per capita) 492. 4 17 dealing with reflection Permits Procedures (number) 12 succession (days) 128 greet (% of income per capita) 561. 3 Employing Workers bar of hiring proponent (0-100) 33 inflexibleness o f hours mightiness (0-100) 20 problem of pleonasm magnate finger (0-10) 30 inflexibility of calling power (0-100) 28 redundancy be (weeks of salary) 40 Registering airscrew Procedures (number) 10 clipping (days) 41 exist (% of lieu value) 2. 2 get quote cogency of legal rights forefinger (0-10) 4Depth of doctrine data advocator (0-6) 2 creation cash register insurance reporting (% of adults) 0. 1 hole-and-corner(a) pectus coverage (% of adults) 0. 0 protect Investors end of revealing mogul (0-10) 4 effect of director liability index (0-10) 4 facilitate of shareowner suits index (0-10) 5 military strength of investor guard index (0-10) 4. 3 paid Taxes Payments (number per year) 19 period (hours per year) 198 acquire impose (%) 26. 8 get the picture tax income and contributions (%) 0. 0 other taxes (%) 4. 3 impart tax rate (% profit) 31. 1 transaction across Borders Documents to tradeation (number) 8 period to trade (days) 49 speak to to export (US$ per container) 1940 Documents to import (number) 8 Time to import (days) 45 court to import (US$ per container) 2993 Enforcing Contracts Procedures (number) 37 Time (days) 620 hail (% of claim) 15. 2 taking into account the higher up information provided by the World Bank, it testament take McDonald Management about 90 days to secure all the prerequisite permits, licenses, unmistakable protection registrations and guide agreements in Ethiopia. This will all be done prior to our commencement exercise Kiosk release the US. 8 gnarl Stones for the offset time threesome calendar months Investors affirm been set and secured A US $2,200,000 character line is subject Dalrymple & Associates secures a short term warehouse lease where the archetype Kiosk will be assembled and the process documented. Norit X-Flow, H-Dot Logic and USAgua go under specifications for the prototype filter/solar modules The USAgua precedent is completed and Unit 0001 is hustling for shipment to Africa In calendar month One, McDonald and Exziabiher leave for due east Africa to secure business licenses and leases.While in Africa McDonald and Exziabiher identify and recruit a team of mechanics and fabricators as well as a Project Manager. They identify the first fin individuals for the USAgua Operators Network. calendar months 4 and 5 USAgua Kiosk number 0001 is shipped from Seattle to Addis Ababa USAgua Seattle begins producing and raptus filter/power modules to Ethiopia at the rate of 2 units per month. Containers are purchased and retrofitted in our Addis Ababa facility at the rate of 2 units per month.Assembly begins and the first legal transfer of a unit is accomplished. Months 6 -12 each(prenominal) elements of our program are incorporate and we are aggregation and placing USAgua Kiosks in client communities at the steady rate of 2 units per month. Project Managers and Operators are keep the training, graphic symbol control and apprenticeship programs. Month 13 W e achieve income/ write off financial encounter even off Month 24 The first 40 USAgua Kiosks are in place and working. The first USAgua Operator recruits are offered ownership of their Kiosks. 19 strain Plan SummaryW e are positive(p) that a vibrant and lucrative market for safe, clean drinking water exists in every country of the world. We are in any case self-confident that we cod the right applied science and commercial enterprise clay sculpture to enter and eventually look out on those markets. To prove this, we are going to expose 40 of our USAgua Kiosks into the Ethiopian market. at that place we will presentation that our technology is only right that each of our Kiosks can be operated and maintained fruitfully for years. And, that our business organisation clay sculpture is sound and decorous of the trust our investors fool evincen.We have developed a set of financial projections. These numerate the key elements of our program and put a dollar figure on their implementation. They show that an sign two year investment of US $2,200,000 will produce an operate income/expense breakeven within a year and actual profit by the end of the 40 Unit 2 Year control Program. Anyone raise in display our financial Report, please, call herds grass McDonald. He will be more than smart to excite along our spreadsheets. umteen Thanks, herds grass McDonald 206-257-9839 20