Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Integumentary System

INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM - INTEGUMEN = covering - Composition of the integumentary arranging 1. skin 4. specialise glands (i.e. sweat and oil glands) 2. hair5. change cells (i.e. keratinocyte) 3. nails6. specialized receptors (i.e. Meissner and Pacinian Corpuscles) - Functions of the Integumentary System 1. Maintain Body Temperature * The production of sudation by sudoriferous (sweat) glands helps to begin system temperature back to general. * Changes in the feast of blood to the skin in like manner deviate its insulating properties and help to adjust corpse temperature. 2. Protection * The skin covers the body and provides a physical barrier that protects tissues from physical abrasion, bacterial invasion, dehydration, and UV radiation. * Hair and nails also have protective function. 3. Perception of Stimuli * Contains fount endings and r eceptors that detect stimuli link to temperature, touch, pressure, and pain. 4. Excretion * Not only does hidrosis gestate a role in helping to beat normal body temperature, it also assists in the excretion of pocketable amounts of water and salts. 5. deduction of Vitamin D * Vitamin D is actually a group of closely related compounds. Synthesis of vitamin D begins with the activating of a precursor molecule in skin by UV rays in sunlight. Enzymes in the coloured and kidney then diversify the molecule making vitamin D. 6. Immunity * Certain cells (i.e. Langerhans cells) of the cuticle are important components of immunity. 7. Blood Reservoir * The dermis has an abrupt blood vessel network that accounts for 8-10% of blood flow in an adult. Skin - 2 Principal Parts of Skin 1. shell - avascular; epithelial tissue 2. dermis - ! vascular; hypodermic layer;...If you want to get a full essay, couch it on our website:

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