Thursday, February 6, 2014

Analysis Of The House Of Bernarda Alba

The significance of protect in The House of Bernarda Alba The imagery of wall in The House of Bernarda Alba by Garcia Lorca has a significant fusion with Bernarda Alba. The walls made up the House of Bernarda Alba, which do not pull up show the everyplace protection of Bernarda towards her daughters but also shows Bernardas power everyplace the inbuilt house. Although her daughters changed as time pass around shows as the colors of the walls change throughout the bump, due to the invariant pressure given by Bernarda. The very white bailiwick room in the stage direction of Act I point in times out how Bernarda require the family to be protect from the world outdoors that is considered as an evil environment in Bernardas point of view as she knows about the gossips about her around the colony told by Poncia. From the first snap of the appearance of Bernarda in the lend in Act I, the forge silence shows her power oer others in the house, which is also employ at the end of the play to show that no depend what happens, she still has the power that controls the entire house. The sentence No subject, not unmatched button on rapscallion 212 also shows that Bernarda doesnt want to have any confederacy with the world because she doesnt contribution with other people. Bernardas controversy towards Angustias, women should look at no man but the priestwhoever turns her head is on the keel for a man (p.201), shows her over protection of her daughters, as she told her daughters that they atomic number 18 going to stay in the house for eight eld of mourning on scallywag 205 by seal up the windows and doors to prevent any alliance with the world outside to vex sure that her daughters live in the environment made up of white walls which will nurture her daughters having the same thoughts and feelings as herself, this achieves the estimation of powerful controlling over each member of the family. By lockin g her mother up in a subatomic room which i! s also go away of the house, Bernarda does the same thing on her daughters to...If you want to get a full essay, line of battle it on our website:

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