Friday, January 31, 2014

Transference Countertransference

Dissecting Transference and CountertransferenceTransference and countertransference argon feelings towards an undivided which be brought about by past experiences and bloods . These feelings occur unconsciously and can be confirmative or contradict in nature Transference is oft carried by the tolerant into the clinician-patient alliance as brought about by their history with past public mannikins of authority in their lives (Pearson , 2001 ) For pattern , a patient may perceive the clinician to be confusable to his or her m separate and as such views them as a nurturing presage whom he or she then strives hard to brCountertransference , in the medical exam setting , is brought by the clinician and is usually seen in his or her negative feelings towards the patient again as a result of previous(prenominal) experienc es he or she had early on in action (Pearson , 2001 ) The effects of those previous experiences argon triggered by the clincian s beset with the patient . For example , a clinician might be more(prenominal) pity and compassionate towards a patient that reminds him or her of his or her grandp atomic number 18nts thus invoking similar filial emotions for the patientThe concepts of transference and countertransference were first set forth by Sigmund Freud as emotions patients and doctors projected on each other , which had fare from past experiences . The two terms are employ ofttimes in psychoanalytical literature and occur in some instances of psychoanalytic preaching . The role projection plays on some(prenominal) transference and countertransference was emphasized not only by Freud still also by many other members of the medical communityProjection takes strain more often in clinician-patient relationships than in other settings . The interpretation of projection as a means of adaptation and confabulation! , a form of defense mechanism by the someone , provides insight to its frequency in medical settings (Waska , 1999 ) The patient lay out with his or her illness and the clinician faced with the task of aiding the patient may revert to projection in to cope with their different tasks . thus transference and countertransference occur as an aftermath of the dynamics of the let the cat out of the bag projection as well as of the initial relationship between the patient and the clinician (Waska , 1999In physical therapy , patient therapist relationships are important factors in the rehabilitation process . Therapists need to be effective communicators and develop rapports with patients that facilitate trust compliance , and powderpuff . A patient who projects unconsciously past experiences into their new and represent reality can create a barrier in the relationship and hinder their progress . Transference and countertransference brought about by these projections are the mos t direct causes for the communication barriers - barriers that can prolong to detrimental and even fatal results in the patient s interposition . These work through mechanisms produced through positive feelings , such as a patient who sees the therapist as a nurturer figure and tries to the therapist and therefore does not disclose functional deficits , which are not improving , and report only positive . negative feelings can also create a barrier in that the patient becomes hostile or resistive toward the therapist s suggestions and...If you impulse to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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