Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Post-transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS).

1.0Introduction: Post reproductionional agent silencing (PTGS), was starting developed in industrial fixs in array to control, plant size, colour manipulation in petunias a species of flower. And is now one of the hottest topics in molecular biology. It was by and by disc everywhereed that PTGS occurs in puppet species as well as plants, and can be use to divine service research into viral defence and jumping gene silencing methods. It has now appeared that PTGS and in particular ribonucleic acid interference (RNAi) PTGS initiated by the introduction of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA), shut off the expression of unique(predicate) genes in a variety of organisms (Cogoni et al., 2000). The technique involves using RNAi in a do were by double-stranded RNA induces the silencing of homologous endogenic genes (Hammond et al., 2001). In the beginning, PTGS was head start used in plants over a decade ago. The first observation was made in petunias a species of flower (as mentioned above) by Jorgensen et al, (1996), eon trying to manipulate the plant by deepening the plants purple colour. But, the exit that he obtained was not a deeper purple colour, but kind of the opposite. The colour of the flowers appeared pale and regular(a) white in slightly cases. Jorgensen then coined the observation Co suppression, because the suppression of two the introduced gene and homologous endogenetic gene was suppressed. Jorgensen first pattern this to be a cope associated with petunias, but was later found that this happens in approximately plant species, for example this has been flesh outd in fungi and was oddly present in Nuerospora Carassa (Jorgensen et al., 1996). Although trans-gene-induced silencing in almost plants appears to involve gene-specific methylation this is transcriptional gene silencing (TGS), in other plants silencing occurs at the post-transcriptional train this is post-transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS). atomic run-on experiments in th e later cases illustrate that the homologous! transcript is made, but that it is rapidly...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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