Friday, December 6, 2013

Avoiding Plagiarism

Running head: AVOIDING PLAGIARISM Avoiding buccaneering March 25, 2012 Avoiding Plagiarism For virtuoso to understand how to lift committing plagiarism, one must branch know the meaning of plagiarism. harmonise to the Websters New collegiate Dictionary, plagiarism is stealing separate persons ideas or words and using them as their proclaim and not crediting the fountain of the information. The act of Plagiarism rear be traced back as early as the slowly 15th century and the seventeenth century. When referring to academics it is considered cheating and dishonest. Another commentary is ``the intentional use of other peoples words or ideas without receivable acknowledgement (Race, 2001, p.18). When writing papers, it is definitive for you to write in your own words. This lets the instructor know that you turn over an understanding of the topic you argon writing about. Sometimes accidents do happen and people may forget exactly where they got a quote or w hat website they searched for information. This is where intelligent notes and a reference be given will come into get together and prevent some(prenominal) misunderstandings or confusion. If you copy and paste e genuinelything zero efflorescence is learned and you could quite by play be labeled as a plagiarist. This could be detrimental to ones locomote and reputation as well. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Although plagiarism in itself isnt a criminal offense, it can violate copyright laws. thus thither could be fines and even jail time associated with the offense. typically one thinks of plagiarism as modifying students in spicy schools and colleges and this is norm! ally where most acts are committed. However, sometimes it can affect very important people. In 1988 Senator Joseph Biden was forced to withdraw from the elective presidential nominations after it was learned that he had failed a wrinkle in law school due to the act of plagiarism. not whole did this cause him to fail a course sequence in law school, it came back to haunt him many years work through the road and cost him a chance at possibly being elected...If you want to get a full essay, battle array it on our website:

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