Friday, November 29, 2013

Is Jealousy a Destructive Emotion?

Is jealousy a destructive sense? Yes. Excessive jealousy frequently spawns allkinds of violent crime and manifests itself in several acidulent forms. green-eyed monster apprize affect alltypes of relationships; it is certainly non throttle to love relationships. jealousy is found inall age groups, genders and classes and is specifically the imposing emotion within theTurkish culture. Universally known as ?the envious monster? the emotion of jealousy is as onetime(a) asmankind itself, and soothe holds its original destructive meaning ?where jealousy andselfish competition exist, thither is dis request and ein truth evil thing? (New American Standard,James. 3.16). Jealousy is recognized as a very ardent emotion ?Jealousy is as severeas Sheol; its flashes are flashes of fire? (Song of Solomon. 8.6). Jealousy is withal referredto in two of the ten commandments in the grey Testament. Women a good deal find a very mild level of jealousy as an endearing type in a pair off; however, most can not appreciate being on the receiving end of overwhelmingpathological jealousy. To stalk, executing and rape can all be ?crimes of passion? arisingfrom jealousy or other behaviors derived from jealousy, such as obsession. Statisticsshow that an amazing 89% of murdered femicide victims had been stalked by their killersin the 12 months prior to their murders (? straw?). Psychologistskeenly study jealousy and have prove many alert relationships between jealousy and violence. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
One psychological study on Intimate Partner Violence proved that women whointerpret jealousy as love are more credibly to su ffer violence at the hands of their jealousp! artners. (Power et al.). Although this study was carried bulge out in the US, its thesis is veryrelevant regarding jealousy related crimes in Turkey. backing the findings of thisMcAndrew 2US study, other study was carried specifically on the Turkish culture. Results foundthat ?in Turkish culture, jealousy is often equated with love? (Mandel 40). Unlike in theUS, statistics and nurture regarding stalking, crimes of... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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