Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Communication Devices :: essays research papers

Recently, while enjoying a sunny afternoon with some friends, a few baby boomers I know were relating some experiences that seem quite pertinent to the subject of how communication is or will change. Young Aaron, the son of a guest, was at a loss when told to call home. It seems our young guest had never had to use a rotary telephone. Confronted with this icon of past technology, Aaron went away with a new experience to relate. Another guest, upon hearing of Aaron's plight, related a similar experience. It seems that Diane had given her son a watch for Christmas. It seems that this wristwatch, complete with hands and a face was foreign to this young child who has had the time electronically flashed at him in numeric form for all of his life, without need of knowing how to tell time conventionally. So it seems in this day and age, that the old continues to be replaced by the newer and faster technology. We in turn are caused to learn newer and faster ways of dealing with these new technologies. Technology grows exponentially, meaning that the more it grows the faster it grows, yet in dealing with this technology we can in turn learn how to decrease our work time while increasing our productivity. We have definitely come a long way from the pony express and telegraph, yet it is not so long ago that we do not still use their predecessors, surface mail and telephones. With current technological advancements it is now possible to communicate across the planet instantaneously, thanks to wide-band technology, fiber optics, and satellites all of which make possible this possible. With the invention of the printing press by Gutenburg in 1434, and subsequently the first book in print, he can be credited as the father of the information age. Accompanying the birth of the information age came an explosion of new technological advances designed to improve how we communicate. These advancement have had many glitches and shortcomings which have been improved upon again and again. in the years since, yet they were always time consuming, Overcoming these time constraints has been the goal of assorted scientists and inventors. Painstakingly they moved forward with limited progress until the twentieth century. With the birth of the twentieth century we see a drastic increase in advancements, which have grown by leaps and

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