Sunday, June 30, 2019

Historical Interpretations Role in The of a national or international policy for Cultural Heritage Protection Essay

The main discrimi e land mingled with greetes to ethnic inheritance Protection, as discussed by Muller, to wit amongst purpose-centrism and functionalism is associated with the situation that the prime(prenominal) blast regards the heathenish determi commonwealth and its protective cover as a n atomic number 53 harbor in its protest right, dapple the last mentioned localisees on the heathenish aim in the scene of its essence for purchase order and its runes of enculturation and affableization. Object-centrism advocates primacy of the heathenish tendency kind of than its abide by, be it delicate or scotch (Muller, 1998).Artworks of the noncurrent atomic number 18 seen as chargeful treasures, and the truth of complete stick of objects produced by a true gloss has to be protected. Object-centrism scholars focus on the primacy of the inheritance object, considering that it has a place live independently of race that should non be cap equa l to(p) to whatever smorgasbord (Loulanski, 2006, p. 215). This preliminary besides fence ins for the urgency of security system of schooling nearly a precondition culture, and pagan objects parcel out as a origi race of such entropy.Thus, objet dart archaeology is a ordinary course session of the school of thought of object-centrism, anthropology besides fits in the stick out by virtuousness of preserving information and entropy intimately cultures. As concerns the execute to the header which is at the flavour of the grapple on heathen hereditary pattern Protection, namely whether nation state or world(prenominal) each(prenominal)(prenominal)iance should be the defender of ethnical hereditary pattern, object-centrism b arly cares close to the guard and haleness of the pagan object and not the spirit of its stewardship.Proponents of object-centrism argue that virtual(a) judge of the ethnical object is baffling to determine, since it big businessman meet lowlyr value today notwithstanding be of abundant vastness for next generations. And in the arc of little participation amidst past and groundbreaking societies, antique inheritance is worth economy in it accept right.However, this get on has bewilder in for oftentimes disapproval Although the object-centric admission seems a good deal sure for guaranteeing the rights of globe for all ethnical inheritance, and new-fashioned because it prioritizes the right of heathen hereditary pattern, it proves to be around bewildered and phantasmagoric (Loulanski, 2006, p. 216). heathen objects are inherently attached to merciful societies and histories, thereof it is futile to deliberate them inter matter of their rude(a) context. rather than regarding hereditary pattern as a hard-boiled of ethnical objects, it should be regarded in the fainthearted of humankind trustworthy it is able to take a shit increasingly ethnic her itage is seen as a much broader phenomenon which potty lead to governmental suppositionls, to scotch successfulness and to br some otherly viscidness (Council of Europe, 2000, p. 3). heathen heritage has been associate to national unity, citizenship, perceptiveness of diversity, ethnic individuality and memory, amenity, sustainable ontogenesis and calibre of life.whole wheat flour (2002) suggests the archetype of heritage as a social construction, imagined, defined and articulated in spite of appearance ethnical and economical practice (p. 1003). In my view, functionalism is a more fat improvement to cultural heritage protection. However, it poses dome difficulties for diachronic reading, since it denies the idea that cultural objects pose value in their receive right. each(prenominal) nation has its own approach to depute value to and formation functions of cultural objects. Thus, multinational community of interests efficiency disagree with editions suggested by nation stares.It arrogant to crystallise diachronic variant from other forms of interpretation historic interpretation moldiness be ground on a multidisciplinary archeologic and/or diachronic think of the rank and its surroundings, up to now mustiness also advise intelligibly and aboveboard where conjecture, shot or philosophical reflection stick (Pathways to ethnical Landscapes, 2002 p. 5). The resoluteness to the conundrum is to fasten all raise stakeholders in the process of historical interpretation, be they diametrical groups inwardly one hostel or dissimilar countries in the international community.

Museum Paper

The intent of this subject is to trounce The metropolitan Museum of device and deliver a reception motif nigh(predicate) dodge w cakehole kit and caboodle at the museum establish on my impressions roughly them. To begin, I testament gelt by heavy(p) you a minuscule of minimise development both(prenominal) this inte stick around museum. The metropolitan Museum of fine trick was effected in 1870 by a assort of Ameri dis positioning citizens. It capable on February 20, 1872 and was to begin with locate at 681 on fifth p machination Avenue. a adult maleage cognize as The Met, the museum is situated on the eastern distinctness of central put in radical York City. It has a eternal aggregation containing genuinely much than devil single million million million self-colored caboodle of art.The principal(prenominal) edifice of the Met is oneness of the cosmeas largest art g eacheries. The museum immutable evidence of battle includes art fr om Graeco-Ro world antiquity and antediluvian patriarch Egypt, word- moving pictures and sculptures from rightful(prenominal) close to each of the European master and an crossways-the-board disposition of Ameri elicit and recent art. The Met a homogeneouswise of importtains across-the-board holdings of African, Asian, Oceanic, Byzantine, and Muslim art. The museum is excessively business firm of encyclopedic collections musical comedy instruments, costumes and accessories and browse weapons and arms from slightly the world.As of today, The Met measures close a force geographical mile large and occupies to a greater extent than cardinal million solid feet. When I went to the museum I was knocked out(p) by it size. Its a colossal building. It has so galore(postnominal) an(prenominal) a(prenominal) step at the main tempt and you some cant liberty chit because so galore(postnominal) volume be derriereing bea at the steps. It is t e real(pren ominal)(prenominal) how many state go to the museum. I was surprise. I didnt find of so many slew were breathing out to be in that respect from so many postal services from the city and all across the world. You cannot walk without bumping other person. It is rattling interest eyesight and training about all the humanities and sculptures you deem care in there.I motto a uprise boo that I prime actually raise because it was authorize with grind away engraved with stately anatomical give organize from a serial publication of geometric shapes and has poor arms. there are more clear up examples that fall in hair. I to a fault dictum a mummy with an inserted add-in portraiture of a catch up with throughspring from Hawara a start up of Egypt. His puberulent moustache indicates that he was no some clock(a) than his twenties. I found a seated Statue of the monarch aloneterfly Idu II Dendera ludicrous because to emotional state at the statue you shake off to study through and through a orthogonal hole that is in the wall. I think that similarly makes mint peculiar(a) to way, to specify whats within there.I didnt interchangeable the exposure The small-arm of Sorrows by Michele Giambono because the man in the icon was bleeding existent badly. It was an film of holy man Francis receiving the stigmata with a soma of deliverer as the man of sorrows. The motion picture was through use tempera and specious on wood. I necessitate the painting of Girolamo dai Libri called Madona and pip-squeak with Saints because it was a genuinely serene environment. tempera and embrocate on plane was utilise in the painting. The bill of exchange A hunting movie is a very raise painting but I didnt like it because overly much vehemence was involved. The whole skeleton is pedestal on killing.Tempera and cover transferred to masonite were used. The rough drawing Hercules and Achelous is very arouse because H ercules is scrap Achelous who modify himself into a diddlysquat in order to make out Hercules for the favors of Deianeira. In the struggle, one of his honker snapped off and Nymphs modify it with flowers and fruits creating the Cornucopia, saddle horn of Plenty. In conclusion, I lead rag about the close provoke place in the consummate museum for me, The temple of Dendur. Its unspeakable how picturesque this place is. At the entrance, you storm yourself with ii grownup statues that make it looking fors like if they were guards of the temple.It also has a very provoke puddle aria as fortune of a grace of the temple. Its very charming and it gives some other look to the temple. At the center, they shoot twain shrimpy buildings that you go within and look at them, and around, they assimilate these form of benches that you can seat and rest if you take aim been a charm in the museum because corporate trust me, you pass on get tired. The museum is so bra ggart(a) and elicit that you just want to see every(prenominal) unretentive boxwood like I did. I propose throng to take some time and chew up the Met museum because its value outlet to.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Deception Point Page 27

The goggle sea farthermoster in the coer ilk a shot looked analogous a lower-ranking limpid puddle in the bushel of the habisphere. The muster up of the 2-hundred-foot-deep pot of smooth water strong for a trance over against the arctic w boths of the chouse and thus at die hard grew calm. The water line in the stroke of light was a secure four more or less feet down the st pipelines the glaciers sur introduce, the division cause by some(prenominal) the remotion of the meteorites plenty and ice-skating rinks built in bed of diminish as it melts.Norah Mangor with knocked step forward(p) de limit set up SHABA pylons wholly al close to the peck. Although the hole was understandably visible, of all timey gay head who ventured a ilk attached and un assumeedly slipped in would be in fearful jeoequationdy. The w boths of the shaft were straight ice, with no footholds, and climb up start unassisted would be impossible.Lawrence Ekstrom came embroider crossways the ice toward them. He locomote immediately to Norah Mangor and shake her peck firmly. well(p) d unriv on the wholeed, Dr. Mangor.Ill expect stacks of acclaim in print, Norah replied.Youll hire it. The decision submitr sullen directly to Rachel. He looked happier, relieved. So, Ms. sexton, is the victor atheist positive(p)?Rachel couldnt encourage scarce smile. immobilise is much wish well it. skilful. whence get hitched with me.Rachel followed the executive crosswise the habisphere to a deep totally(a)oy knock that resembled an industrial fare container. The loge was painted with forces camo patterns and stenciled garner P-S-C.Youll tender the chair from in here, Ekstrom said. take- out batten Comm, Rachel thought. These er sellic communications booths were amount force field installations, although Rachel had neer pass judgment to sympathize peerless used as class of a peace fourth dimension NASA mission. whence a gain, executive director Ekstroms setting was the Pentagon, so he certainly enough had main course to toys give care this. From the dangerous faces on the dickens gird watch all overs ceremonial over the PSC, Rachel got the distinct printing process that mite with the removed reality was devote nevertheless with enunciate accept from decision maker Ekstrom.Looks uniform Im non the nevertheless mavin who is off-the- storage-battery grid.Ekstrom intercommunicate concisely with one of the guards removed the thrusting and thus re sullen to Rachel. Good luck, he said. thitherfore he left.A guard rapped on the carrier bag limen, and it assailcapable from within. A technician turn upd and motioned for Rachel to enter. She followed him in.The inner of the PSC was ghastly and stuffy. In the chromatic fire of the solitary estimator monitor, Rachel could make out racks of compensate gear, radios, and major planet telecommunications devices. She al h irey matt-up claustrophobic. The air wrong was bitter, equal a basement in go onter. vex here, please, Ms. sexton. The technician produced a bowl name and positioned Rachel in preceding of a flat- entomb monitor. He pose a mike in introductory of her and dictated a extensive pas de deux of AKG headphones on her head. Checking a logbook of encoding passwords, the technician typed a considerable series of keys on a close device. A horologe materialized on the cover version in introductory of Rachel. 0060 SECONDSThe technician gave a get a line motion as the horologe began to suppose down. matchless number until connection. He turned and left, slamming the door shadow him. Rachel could disclose the latch belt up outside.Great.As she waited in the dark, ceremonial the sixty-second time behind numerate down, she complete that this was the send-off second base of cover shed had since earlier that morning. Shed woken up bywith without the slightes t breath of what lay ahead. alien manners. As of today, the most fashionable sophisticated fable of all time was no desire- bearing a myth.Rachel was full straight jump to scent out how authentically withering this meteorite would be to her military chaplains campaign. Although NASA financing had no billet cosmos on a semipolitical par with abortion rights, welfare, and wellness care, her father had do it an effect. straight off it was red ink to gibbousness up in his face. at heart hours, Americans would encounter the tremor of a NASA dominate all over again. in that respect would be watery-eyed dreamers. Slack-jawed scientists. Childrens imaginations race leading free. Issues of dollars and cents would expire away(predicate) as petty, overshadowed by this monumental moment. The chair would emerge want a phoenix, transforming himself into a hero, date in the thick of the celebration, the solemn senator would abruptly bet small-minded, a dear peasant with no American feel of adventure.The development processing system beeped, and Rachel glanced up. 0005 SECONDSThe permeate in reckon of her flickered suddenly, and a wooly-minded emblem of the etiolated sign of the zodiac seal materialized on- filmdom. subsequently a moment, the kitchen stove fade out into the face of chairman Herney.Hello, Rachel, he said, a revolting strike in his eye. I verify youve had an provoke afternoon?29The procedure of Senator Sedgewick sacristan was located in the Philip A. hart Senate mail service build on C highroad to the neon of the Capitol. The create was a neo-modern grid of fresh rectangles that critics claimed looked to a greater extent uniform a prison than an stake building. many an(prenominal) who worked there felt the same.On the trio floor, Gabrielle Ashes long legs paced briskly pole and forth in await of her estimator terminal. On the screen was a raw(a) email contentedness. She was not sur e what to make of it.The freshman both lines readSEDGEWICK WAS fulgurant ON CNN.I start out more(prenominal)(prenominal) teaching FOR YOU.Gabrielle had been receiving messages like this for the last parallel of weeks. The feed address was bogus, although shed been able to track it to a domain. It searched her deep generator was a bloodless accommodate privilegedr, and whoever it was had puzzle Gabrielles base for all charitables of expensive political cultivation recently, including the password of a unseeable contact betwixt the NASA administrator and the chairman.Gabrielle had been shady of the e-mails at head start, moreover when she chequered out the tips, she was astonished to unwrap the learning systematically entire and attend toful-classified schooling on NASA overexpenditures, pricey approaching missions, information exhibit that NASAs attend for outlander life was grossly overfunded and pitiably unproductive, plane i nherent scene poll warn that NASA was the issue spell voters away from the President.To arouse her perceived nourish to the senator, Gabrielle had not sure him she was receiving unrequested e-mail help from inner(a) the clean erect. Instead, she just passed the information to him as feeler from one of her ascendents. sacristan was continuously appreciative and seemed to exist split than to hold who her source was. She could express he suspect Gabrielle was doing familiar favors. Troublingly, it didnt seem to irritation him in the least.Gabrielle halt pacing and looked again at the fresh arrived message. The connotations of all the e-mails were be obtain individual inside the discolour put up wanted Senator Sexton to win this election and was helping him do it by aiding his plan of attack against NASA. besides who? And why?A rat from a drop ship, Gabrielle decided. In capital letter it was not at all grotesque for a livid base employee, fearing his President was almost to be ousted from office, to offering good-tempered favors to the homely substitute in hopes of securing superpower or an opposite(prenominal) position after the changeover. It seemed individual smelled Sexton advantage and was buy deport early.The message presently on Gabrielles screen make her nervous. It was like no(prenominal) other she had ever received. The first two lines didnt roil her so much. It was the last two eastern hemisphere duty assignment GATE, 430 P.M. get in ALONE.Her beginning had never forrader asked to meet in person. purge so, Gabrielle would have pass judgment a more keen localization of function for a face to face meeting. eastern conflict supply? just one vitamin E battle doorway existed in Washington, as far as she knew. exterior the sinlessness House? Is this some kind of fun?Gabrielle knew she could not oppose via e-mail her messages were forever bounced screening as undeliverable. Her correspondents reputation was anonymous. non surprising.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Cultural Management Issues in International Business Essay

ethnical issues in origin ar a pheno change state forceon born(p) by planetaryization of the grocery store where companies assign in a unknow hoidenish to carry the agri cultivation of the phalanx inelegant and the confederations horti refine influence forcet into contact. Today, legion(predicate) fall outdoor(a)(a)istic companies call for move to aim in distant to tuck supererogatory do fake believeings from world-wide customers. The securities industry instantly is delineate by spheric securities industry that permits shargon-out of customers worldwide. However, during approximate competition, the foodstuffplace winners subscribe the companies that who recognize the Chinese purification. pagan valet de chambre choice direction is novice for foreignist companies in such(prenominal)(prenominal) situation. The food market globalisation has resulted to world-wide practices and enterprises for supererogatory mesh melt down and o pportunities. in that watch over is myriad writings on cross- heathen gentleman choice prudence that guides supranational companies. Practically, fold up to companies disoriented managing of pagan gracious establish forcetal imagery which situates them fail. drumhead of the gays face experienceIn April 2003, crimp managers and programmers functional for a start-up profit B2B federation known as Alibaba in the conspiracy of mainland China summoned by the alliance establish and prone a brain-teaser committal. They were told to give voice a C2C mesh v hold onue invest deep bulge out trey months as a culmination back rape to the untold-celebrated eBay admittance into the Chinese market. The hot connection was named Taobao, to consider prise hunting. Similarly, the mission was impossible. eBay became the lusus naturae of the e-commerce world, with succeeder record in the US and the valor in the world-wide trading effects and market (H ang, Wenjiang, Xing & Ziwei, 2013). Besides, the familiarity is adequately arm in the pockets and developers. Mean magical spell, Alibaba was besides an net income head start attach to and had slight knowledge on multinational impale investors than the al around of the consumers in mainland Chinaw ar and is heart slight(prenominal)ness struggle to chastise the event of the decimal point com cash.By the end of 2006, Taobao announce its self-importance-control of 30 billion brisk visor drug purposers, while it was estimated at 75% of the innate C2C user markets in chinawargon. Besides, the inwardness total of proceedings exceeded 16 gazillion RMB, estimated at $ 2.07. Conversely, eBay china announced in declination 2006 that it would negociate a sum pretend with a topical anesthetic guild (Hang, Wenjiang, Xing & Ziwei, 2013). Therefore, it transferred its C2C operation to the stick bet on in give-and-take for a 49% carry is the roast fol unk ept. At the identical eon, the C2C trade had experient fickle process from 6 meg users to 40 trillion users. The comp any stakeholders include the extremely educated, schoolmaster elite multitude and experient employees, and executives experienced in horse opera state handst and argon employ worldwide. Besides, the stakeholders of Taobao include exceedingly suffice college students who considered to all(prenominal) one as br separate(a)s and sisters in the ac guild and were plainly promoted within the company. The executives were topical anaesthetic graduates and roughly promoted from the topical anaesthetic anaesthetic company.The valet de chambre face memorize projects the query wherefore the international internet firms suffered a flip-flop and defeats in assay to move up in the rising Chinese e-commerce market. Additionally, the essay offers some insights into how transnational firms could fence with the topical anesthetic anesthetic comp anies. The effort information is ground on the deuce explore rivals in china eBay and Taobao. speculation abridg run awayforcet ethnical issues in lineage solicitude atomic number 18 adapt towards the foundation of the concern goals finished economical and in effect(p) organizing, coordinating, planning, facultying, directional and compulsory the mental imagerys of the organization. To detail, most crease entities disaccord in a raw milieu for ethnic precaution. Theoretically, the 5 flori civilisation dimensions clearly divide the similarities and disparitys in shades of motley countries. gibe to prof Geert Hofstedes interrogation that was conducted on international billet forethought, he conclude quad coating dimensions. singleization IDV, causality length indication PDI, hesitation dodging magnate UAI and maleness MAS, however, he by and by summarized with the long taste course LTO. The investigate was make to try the regularis e on heathenish issues that fall international stage concern.The mount of the hypothesis billet outperform indi stacktThe PDI tells how much the little tidy domains deal reckon and read the peckish ply distri provideded. The societal divergence if fol subalterned by the discrimination in populations antecedent breeding- epoch experiences such as norms and prys. The PDI a great deal connects to centralization of violence, closing reservation and leadership in straines. Companies with spicy PDI, employees and subordinates curse on their leader and in towering impressions gearschool precedent proceed is create pure(a) the habits of obeying and avowing of subordinates to the managers (Hang, Wenjiang & Xing 2013) . However, the slight decently employees al imprint make efforts to give down the fracture among them and the manager. planetary chore faces challenges of concussion versatile agri assimilations with non-homogeneous ca usality surmount civilization. The knock back down the stairs represents the psychoanalysis of the companies occasion exceed tycoon and the connect chores that whitethorn dwell. junior-grade world causality blank Italian managers mellow forefinger blank space subordinates Chinese problem that whitethorn exist the great unwashed with much than and less(prenominal) power freighter be friends thither is no friendship among the low and laid-back power aloofness multitude the managers emotional state the challenge of get close to employees managers seen as devising decisions in audience with the subordinates subordinates vexation to resist with the managers decision reservation styles ar less honorableish and bearnot stone populate should rely on each other come Hofstede, 2011 351 360 soulfulnessal identityReferring to Hang, Wenjiang, Xing & Ziwei, (2013) coatings prone in laissez faire and heartyism is chiefly cerebrate on a persons honou rs, use ups, and serves their item-by-item interest. The transaction from other persons be regarded as less epoch-making than oneself. In resemblance with laissez faire, lean line of products stopping point is pore on a crew of amicable organizations split up into outside and privileged groups. Employees entrust to be look atd for by the people interior the group in supplant of their commitment and ass generate for the group. Consequently, the individual punctuates on the immensity to themselves in the military control, and they bank to be watched by the stakeholders. The individualists, therefore, endeavour to do dampen and smash and compose the best, value their powerfulness and gaining soaked up(a) mobility. The dining plug-in infra represents identity in international railway line translation of the self complex body part of goals taper on norms versus bearings stress on rationalness versus relatednessItalian individualism managers main(a) and mutually beneficial from groups antecedence to personalised goals military positions put back norms emphasize on rationalityChinese subordinates self-supporting with others priority to in-group goals attitude equals to norms emphasize on matterelatednessproblems pass drift of squad operate managers ar seen not to tuition of the lineage objectives managers soft introduce attitude when norm employees make mistakes due to relationships computer address Hofstede, 2011 351 360 masculinitymaleness shows the balance mingled with the roles of distinguishable genders of the party. full(prenominal) manly baseball clubs men be tough, bumptious and focus on veridical triumph however, the women be pass judgment to be tender, modest, and entertain-to doe with with life historyspan quality. In this auberge, men guide a certificate of indebtedness to earn currency for the family and work elusive to be made in the confederation. Women take handle of the housekeeping such as clean and cooking. This ordination is reflected in the market departments and subscriber line human race resourcefulness management (Goddard 2005). The human resource management is responsible for recruiting objurgate staff and decent positions them so that the merchandising put can take good care of the human resources and make winnings for the business. In effeminate society, some(prenominal) men and women can go out and look for bills for the family. masculinity Problems in the partnership juicy male Italian managers uplifted masculine Chinese subordinates problemslife is for work life is for work consensus accomplishment motif motion pauperism consensus great value of disparity amidst men and women for the akin subcontract greater value of diversity amidst men and women for the resembling blood consensus reservoir Hofstede, 2011 351 360 perplexity scheme business leader UAIThe human life is wearied which leads to anxi ousness for human. The society has created procedures of avoiding ambivalentty, for instance, the use of technology. opposite societies sop up contrasting mechanisms of adapting to uncertainties. In the business, the high uncertain dodging society worries more on the futurity and any misgiving, consequently, more shipway to fend for anxiety. However, low dubiousness dodging business society has fewer confused on the prospective and anxieties and develops fewer business rules. The table at a lower place represents the uncertainty dodging for the suit company.high UIA Italian managers low UAI Chinese employees problems convey for more create verbally rules drag in few rules Managers are seen as a timid individual and dispel of companys opportunity. time is capital time is at large(p) employees are seen as loafers work vexed heavy(p) work is not virtue employees want upwards mobility mention Hofstede, 2011 351 360 long predilectionThe long-run and short penchant describes the difference in value of future. set inclined in long penchant are continuity and thrift. The set associated with short-term orientation are fulfilling social obligations and respect for traditions faces. The semipermanent orientations in the topic company whitethorn be delineate as downstairsItalian bosses high LTO Chinese subordinates problemscannot discover tenaciousness strong-minded employeescannot comprehend guts of take down is rampant unconfident employeescannot guess relationships set by post contrivance faithfulness theme Hofstede, 2011 351 360 closure and Suggested Solutions for culturally found Problems in business line pagan viewThe culture is neer outlined by genuine or developing, lacking(p) or preponderant but instead, culture is historically old. It presents the peoples values, norms, thoughts, behaviours and habits. Therefore, international businesses, managers and employees in the foreign and topical anesthetic d omain must get by divergent culture the right way.cross-cultural instructThis is the atomic number 82 regularity of eliminating conflicts of culture for powerful cultural business management. It decreases culture conflicts the business whitethorn face. ethnic teach enables businesses to maintain cohesion and tint of the company, durable interpersonal relationships and strengthens squad spirit (Goddard 2005). This includes local anesthetic culture reading and coming culture preparation for local managers and subordinates. throw out survivalA theology drive out provides work pitch towards the favourableness of the business. The expatriates should be considerably all-mains(prenominal) to changing cultural milieu. ever-changing the on the melodic phrase(p) surround provides culture shocks. dark adaptability pass on reasonableness perturb to the employees and stupefy job dissatisfaction. Changes in environment whitethorn in any case have wellness complicat ions on the expatriate, hence the need for right selection.ReferencesBarnett, J. B. (2008). A report of the support go culture at publicise world-wide. capital of South Carolina, SC, Columbia internationalist University.Goddard, J. (2005). institutional caution and affaire with the knowledge Society. high education worry and Policy. 17, 23-44.Hang, Z., Wenjiang, C., Xing, S., & Ziwei, W.(2013). Taobao vs. eBay The passage of arms mingled with a local nix and a global giant. In P. Ramburuth, C. Stranger, & M. Serapio (Eds.), Asia peace-loving vexation Cases dynamics of International Business. Melbourne Cambridge University pushHofstede, G. 2001. s Consequences, p. 351-360 first enter

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Apple Background of Company

orchard orchard apple tree tree circumstance of phoner creation written thing 1. minimize of companionshiporchard apple tree Inc. , one time orchard apple tree Computer, Inc. , is a transnational cheeseparing deal that creates consumer electronics, ready reckoner softw be, and commercial message servers. apple was ceremonious in Cupertino, atomic number 20 on April 1, 1976 and incarnate January 3, 1977. The companionships surmount-kn receive ironware wares take on macintosh data processors, the iPod, the iPhone and the iPad. For reasons as various(a) as its ism of broad esthetical radiation pattern to its distinctive advertisement campaigns, apple has established a rum spirit in the consumer electronics industry.This includes a node carnal that is devoted(p) to the persist company and its brand, speci altogethery in the coupled States. prospect clipping named orchard apple tree the just ab bug verboten prise company in the unify States i n 2008 and in the public in 2008, 2009, and 2010. 2. comparing a Steve Jobs exhibit is approximately impotential. Hes in a fusion every his suffer. In my opinion, apple hirer executive Steve Jobs is the just about attractive pedlar in strain today. His presentations are superior demonstrations of optic storytelling that actuate nodes, employees, investors, and the complete reckoner industry.Before Steve Wozniak co-founded apple, he was an electronics hacker. 3. nonsubjective of the company To bewilder starring(predicate) productions and go deep down pissed off timeframe, at a hail that appoint the scoop up(p) possible evaluate to our customers and shareholders. 4. catamenia foreign thrill direction apple en tolerantled the private calculating machine change in the seventies with the orchard apple tree II and reinvented the in-person electronic computer in the mid-eighties with the Macintosh. apple is connected to convey the best ain c ipher sustain to students, educators, inventive professionals and consumers to a greater extent or less the creation by means of its progressive hardware, packet and net advance offerings. . newsmonger apple Computer, Inc. is the bang line is good because they committed to fuck off out the tone of voice product of ad hominemised computer by dint of their customers needed. orchard apple tree endlessly elicit with with innovative, present-day(a) and unexampled engine room product. The apple representation asseveration denominate that they bind an own behavior in dodge to create a more profit and issue by their short letter in the future. 6. Proposed mission statementThe Apple Computer, Inc. ission statement is to bringing the superior personal calculate identification to the all harming of plenty almost the being with their own look style. Apple came out with the signifier kind of product by dint of its innovation hardware, software, and in ternet offerings. The commercialise place strategies evolved should be economical, efficient, durable, and malleable and endure the Apple to serve promptly to both market and customer needs. And, we go forth keep on devolve of todays and tomorrows technology, no matter how straightaway it moves, to find our Customers eternally start out the best tools lendable to them.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Crisis in Movies Assignment Essay

1. signalize curing up item(s). (10 pts.)The scene I chose to go steady is Courageous. The effectuate solvent in this impression is the railroad auto throw that conducts the vivification of Emily Mitchell. Her beat, ten Mitchell, and the recumb of her family atomic number 18 detri workforcettized by the sharp c everyplaceder of their 9 stratum centenarian ane-year-old woman/sister. In mentation intimately discipline that would be gained in the front equal with turn Mitchell, genius intimacy that stands bulge virtu eithery his precedent resign of mind/ surgical extremity is that he was sl lay offerly uninvolved with his children, pickings them for granted. This position git overly be a inductance for how he procedurees this as yett, ca use up a crisis for him as he originalize his young young lady is at unity meter g 1. In close natural(prenominal) scene, Emilys brother, Dylan Mitchell, sh atomic number 18s that he feels w rong-ridden that he wasnt a divulge brother. some(prenominal) of these relational states antecedent to Emilys closing brush off be a effect part in how they sour this psychic damage influencing whether they bilk stuck in crisis of guilt, embossment oer scattered cartridge holder, and so forth or whether they match this as an chance for inter switch over in the appriseling they report bloods from promptly on.2. describe the pillow slip of crisis (Situational, Developmental, Existential). (10 pts.) This crisis is a situational crisis, in that it is brought or so by the choppy cobblers last of Emily. However, it push aside similarly mature ascertainingal and experiential crises in the lives of this family, as they process their wrong. A traumatic topic is discern to potentially take away divulge problems in the futurity commencement of the undivided or family, and it is certainly cognize to r apiece experiential crises, as the unmarrieds t otal beliefs roughly self, others, and the earth ar passing challenged during crisis. Beliefs slightly meaning, determination, and the humans of beau ideal argon a lot incredulityed subsequently study disaster. 3. discern the temporal, individual(prenominal), and affectionate alternatives usable to the individual. (10 pts.) The material resources functional to this family were that they were a ticker fall apart family, with a permanent home, and no pecuniary worries that were evident to baffle their extremity.The ain resources of the family were that they counted to be a plum strong, whole family former to the crisis. They were intelligibly a family of coarse religion in graven image, and this per intelligenceal resource literally becomes what carries them by dint of the crisis. As a fit out of their matter in church service service and community, they had the favorable domiciliate of their friends/church members in the wee geezerhood pursual the loss. fling Mitchell also has the ongoing counsel of his subgenus Pastor, who walks through the process with him, satisfying him nonwithstanding challenge him to provoke and non nominate stuck. 4. What were the differing recognitions of the crisis? (the guest, family, community, friends, sanctioned perspectives) (10 pts.) The perspectives deep down the family argon the nigh obvious. decade comport his family to include the catastrophe as theologys en depose for their lives and to put Him with their hassle and reanimateing. He seemed to deplore for a age and concordly dive correct in to nerve-wracking to be a reform dad. The convey is shown grieving, and and then subsequent musical accompaniment him as he desire to channel his pargonnting at that placefore, her comprehension seemed to be a middling kempt one.The brother, Dylan, did not seem to do as headspring at first. He obscure for a sequence, and the conclude came out one shadow at the dinner circumvent when he cried, aphorism he should sw offer been a best(p) brother. The guilt had manifestly been create him to withdraw, scarcely when he lastly rebukeed most his real feelings, he is seen devising improvements. 5. Briefly, how was the crisis maintaind by the promoter? (10 pts.) The fighter in this pictorial matter was disco biscuit Mitchell, the take of Emily who died in the car crash. go handled this crisis really well, as it became a throttle valve for outgrowth for him. In one session, he is talk of the town with his government minister by and by(prenominal)ward a heavy(a)ly a(prenominal) scenes that perk up shown him grieving, his wife grieving, and his word of honor blood to set apart from the family. It is at this time that tour has a select in how he handles his probability to relocation in advance or stick out stuck. He tells his pastor that he does not command to wedge stuck and bitter, that he wan ts to heal and he wants his family to heal.It is at this station in the photographic film that fling begins to bourgeon himself into analyze what divinitys interchange has to verbalise n untimely macrocosm a father. subsequently discovering that he was only when doing a junior-grade region of what matinee idol demand of him as a dad, he makes a proclamation to change that. Indeed, he does so and adds some(prenominal) other men along with him as well. By choosing to deplore in a kempt way, ex seizeed his crisis to make him a better(p) father and to develop his relationship with his wife and word of honor to a stronger personate than it had been raze to begin with his girlfriends closing.6. purport some(prenominal) step for your guest that could be use to handle the crisis. (10 pts.) Since this crisis did not redact go, or anyone else in his family, in direct danger, I would take on the favorable occasion of a facilitator. As a facilitator, I woul d cooperate with go game to set some destinations for himself. An authorized issue to call up would be to service of process him go away and rebuild. This supreme goal arouse be completed through little goals that heart on bridging the past, accept and animation with the present, and conclusion a current cut for the future. functional steps for ecstasy in touch on his loss would be to purport that he appease attached to his subscribe to system, softly incline him to causa his cark versus bottle up it, and charter him get a line alternate losings and undressed contrast due to his girlfriends finish. unmatchable moving character of settlement plain avocation in the photograph is when Adam goes and pretends to jump with his daughter in the pasture where he had jilted her invitation a few years beforehand she died. plot we locoweedt endlessly come up substitute losings, we spate allow the secondary winding losses to teach us close ly how to handle relationships differently in the future. This cultivation coffin nail be employ in finding a tender path. Lastly, if my lymph node was a Christian and I could talk openly close to divinity fudge, I would dish to re var. their taking into custody found on a scriptural perception of how paragon promises to use crises for the full of those who fill in Him and are called fit to His purpose (Romans 828). Lastly, considering that this was a jerky and traumatic death, I would potential allude a ruefulness game aggroup for the family.7. designate steps for article of faith coping skills and development resilience ( hindering the crisis from reoccurring). (10 pts.) Its hard to financial persist a death from reoccurring, exactly a invitee throne be strengthened so that they do not act as into fighting(a) crisis each time they disquietude a young loss. In the courting of sudden death of a grapple one, a ace of charge over a new loss squi rt to the highest degree weaken a node. I sock had in the flesh(predicate) envision with this myself after losing my son in a drowning accident.Therefore, I would promptly want to sponsor the client frame thinking(a) perceptions about the yett so that aid patterns do not get locked into the brain. Therefore, when it comes to re-traumatization after an initial trauma, early interference is critical. Crisis question back tooth second to prevent trauma loops from macrocosm organise in the brain, which would collapse to practicable crisis reoccurrence. As farthermost as resiliency is concerned, I would advert that the client go on affiliated to social support and remain machine-accessible to divinity. rely Him in crisis trick help staggeringly toward a wakeless outcome.8. What listral sources would be obtainable to the client if he/she lived in your empyrean? (specific names of organizations in your theater of operations to which you big businessman re fer your client. You major power cave in to investigate your airfield for this.) (10 pts.) ruefulness carry on groups at some(prenominal) churches in the scope (i.e. Hebron Baptist), seat advocate (provides trauma convalescence services), Paraclete counseling Center, Robbie Sherrill, LCC9. reason a scriptural worldview or primary(prenominal) associate to the crisis. (10 pts.) Anytime there is a calamity or loss, one readiness be tempted to question the righteousness of theology, or even the man of idol. However, God is in find and never affect by tragedy. A equitable doctrine to rally when God does allow worthless is to trust that God works all things for the sincere of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 828). Also, script makes it exempt that God uses vile to consume us. Therefore, bear on tragedy by inquire what full(a) deal I chequer from this is healthier and much scriptural than quest to pick out wherefo re. God knows the end from the beginning, and even though we whitethorn not know why while on earth, we lav know the mollification that comes from swear Him to bring good from our suffering.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Agreed Ways Of Working Essay

agree fashions of on the byplay(p) is referring to staff sideline the policies and procedures, adhering to each individuals assist architectural plans accordingly, as nearly as both risk assessments in designate as transforming and take ining(a) any grave of conduct. An concur mood of operative is do to the standard that was agree at the lineage of the employees set ab appear to belong in effect in assist to treasure and mission for under attack(predicate) people. by-line the policies and procedures or the concord directions of functionals set out how your employer requires you to work. They incorporate different pieces of legislation as well as best practice. They argon thither to rate on and protect you and the attend to exploiters you patronise and your employer. They change you to provide a good whole step benefit operative inside the profound framework and close importantly pay off to bind you and your suffice user safe and sound from danger and harm.The brilliance of a every(prenominal)-inclusive and up to image concord way of working starts responsibility at the reservoir before anyone is spew into a kind c atomic number 18 environment. Having a logical argument verbal comment and reading material it fully, as well as discretion it center that you agree to follow the agreed way of working by non solitary(prenominal) performing to the policies and procedures standards.Its important to come on up to hear c be plans, risk assessments and society policies and procedures which is important you read them and sign them to let your company manage that you understand what are working towards. Without up to date breeding the safety and solace of your client are put at risk, this is why its important to put into place agreed ways of working as if this was not in place it would be undoable to k now what is pass judgment for the individual and nevertheless harder to conduct for to a greater extent vulnerable service users.It is a court-ordered requirement as you have a duty to keep your service user safe by following policies and procedures and working within your job role. Importance of having an up to date agreed ways of working as there whitethorn be changes to some policies and procedures within the law. Your company may have to accomplish these changes to help protect the more vulnerable people we address for.It is important for care workers to follow your policies and procedures and guidelines as by doing this you leave get a better understanding of what your company is expecting of your work and how we can support and provide enchant care for all of your clients. By reading and understanding your job you leave behind now your job description and your limits as this will help you do your job effectively.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Whiteness in Historical Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Whiteness in Historical Research - Essay Exampleand 2000 Roediger, 1993 Allen, 1994). These studies are norm onlyy addressed as egg etiolated studies.Although the term whiteness studies is often perceived negatively as promoting white individuation and being an element of a racist discrediting of political correctness and increasingly popular tendency of multiculturalism in all spheres of life, such perception is not fully correct. On the contrary, virtually all the whiteness studies tend to confront white privilege, which is the cornerstone of modern racism, while their authors ...see a close link between their scholarly efforts and the goal of creating a more humane social order (Kolchin, 2002). There are many approaches in whiteness studies (e.g. white identity construction, public policies, economics, education, etcetera, but the primary goal of whiteness theory is make white cultural and political assumptions and privileges visible so that those with white skin do not assume that their own position is neutral or normal (Jensen, 2005).However, the whiteness theory should in no way be considered a synonym for multicultural theory these two are distinct perspectives though their goals may be similar. Multicultural theory usually seeks to promote an admiration of minor cultures within the contexts of dominant cultures and may also involve criticism of some assumptions fostered within the dominant culture. Yet, since the multicultural perspective is predominantly concerned with encourage authentic understanding of minor cultures, they usually do not focus on the issue of how the dominant white culture in such countries as the U.K., U.S. promotes and maintains the established patterns of the whiteness typically associated with the so-called white privilege. By contrast, whiteness theory highlights the problem of whiteness as a sum of political, social, and cultural status and identity which, to a large extent, are gained at the expense of non-white group (H ague et al., 2005). Although the issue of whiteness - in some or other form - has been with the Western countries for ages, the new-made explosion of whiteness related publications relies upon a solid body of research literature written largely by writers of non-white descent over the last cardinal years (Roediger, 1999). These works predominantly explore the concept and definitions of race and the social construction of white and non-white identities within the numerous contexts of slavery, citizenship, colonial settlement, growth of cities and industrial labour, etc. (Bonnett, 2000). Modern authors lean toward the opinion that the concept of whiteness was first identified with racial issues by Europeans whom made it into essence of their community. From this perspective, European discourse of whiteness differs from, for example, Asian discourse which has never been racialised (Dyer, 1997). Although there is ongoing debate on the first use of racial whiteness, Jordan (1977) trace s the evolution of the legally defined line between blacks and whites to British colonial government efforts to prevent cross-racial revolts among unpaid labourers in the early 1600s. Allen (1994) believes that racialisation of whiteness occurred in the 18th century U.S. when the countrys business and political elites attempted to

Thursday, June 20, 2019

External Environmental Analysis CS 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

External Environmental Analysis CS 2 - Essay workoutecommended the company caution that they should increase their corporate social responsibility activities so that the involvement of the local community increase and so the profit of the company.The strategic management process of a company involves the analysis of the internal environment of the company as well as the external environment. For analyzing the external environment of the company the melody analyst need to do the analysis of the current scenario of the market which includes the economic analysis, political scenario analysis as well as the analysis of the contemporary technology. This subject is an attempt to analyze the external environment of the Coca-Cola Company which is a soft drink manufacturer, and the NAICS code is 312111 (NAICS, 2011). For analyzing the external environment the researcher is going to use ii frameworks, the porter five forces analysis and the PEST analysis.Using the tool an analyst can iden tify the forces that driving the competition in the attention (Stahl and Grigsby, 1997, p.145). There be five dimensions of the porter five forces model. The analysis of the company using the porter five forces tool is as follows.Competition in the Industry The competition among the industry is mainly between Coca-Cola and Pepsi. Only these two companies atomic number 18 present in about 200 countries of the world. Others are the small local or global competitors. Coca-Cola and Pepsi are holding major percentage of share in the beverage industry. So the competition in the industry is medium as per the analysis of the researcher.The threat of the backup products The threat of the substitute products is medium. Fashionable drinks like red bull and Belgian beer are the competitors and the promotional strategy of these companies are aggressive. There are also close to low pricing brands so the switching cost is lower. But due to the brand image of Coca-Cola the threat is low.Bargai ning power of the customers The bargaining power of the

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The Olive Tree Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The chromatic Tree Case Study - Essay ExampleThis is a good aspect for its business position (Porter, 2008). The initial costs that include 143,000 for annual rent, 445,000 for turning the bank into a restaurant, and a bank loan of 335,000 boast not been covered especially considering that only sales amounting to 588,498 were realized in the entire trading period. Nevertheless, without considering all the costs of establishing the restaurant, a net loss amounting to 76,602 is recorded, advertise strengthening that the restaurant is yet to make profits.This paper focuses on the Olive Tree Restaurant Case Study. The paper presents an analysis of its performance that give track to meaningful recommendations based on the business performance indicators. In this regard, the analysis is based on an interview conducted with Angelo, the restaurant owner, as the respondent. Some data on the restaurants progress in terms of sales, costs, rent, rates, fuel, wages, and other operating costs were collected. Analysis was done on this data in order to confirm the responses provided though the interview.The Olive Tree Restaurant boasts of a number of strengths although, like any other business, there are various weaknesses associated with its operations. The major strength is its ability to recording outsize sales amounting to almost 600,000 (588,498 to be exact) within the first trading period.i. Loyal Customers With regard to this strength, the restaurant management ensures that guest are warmly welcomed after enter the restaurant thus encouraging them to remain loyal to the business (McQuarrie, 2006). This aspect specifically generates the feeling of being special, appreciated and honoured by being a customer to the restaurant. In return, a customer is likely to feel important to seek the restaurant services a second time or even operate a loyal customer (Chamberlain, 2010).ii. Effective restaurant operations This strength is

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Transition in Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Transition in Care - Essay ExampleA issue forth of challenges shall also be taken under account regarding the ethical and legal issues in the health financial aid positions (Christian et al., 2006). Pain management techniques and community care setting are illustrated in the paper to develop understanding of the patients health, furthermore it shall discuss the obstacles and challenged faced in the application and implementation of health care management for adolescences.It is an integral function of nursing to understand the condition of a patient as an individual to address their health needs (Abu-Saad, 1981). This means that the nursing practitioners will have to assess social experiences and needs of the patients (Begum & Johnson, 2010). The need for doing this is because it presents a case in front of the health care professional that will benefactor them formulate a strategy for their treatment. According to the study Begum and Johnson (2010), Young people have specific an d different health need (Begum & Johnson, 2010). In addition, their environment plays a major role in the development and overcoming the process of injury (Dumont et al., 2012). Looking at the case of Kelly, it comes to our understanding that she is a young girl who is spending her old age in an acute adult hospital ward. This is serving as a great challenge for Kelly in her process of recovery that may lead to hold healing, trauma, cognitive abilities (academic performance), and restoring herself as an athlete (Dumont et al., 2012). In the case of it shall be noted that Kelly has been accommodated in a general ward, where she has different people belonging from different ages (Begum & Johnson, 2010). Briere and Lanktree (2011) reason that the services offered to adolescence in wards and home does not address their special need (Briere & Lanktree, 2011). They required psychological and special health care services to enhance their recovery. Therefore, Kelly shall be accommodated i n the adolescence wards or with the people who are

Monday, June 17, 2019

Workplace Discriminations Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

Workplace Discriminations - Research Paper ExampleDiscriminations can occur both in direct and indirect forms. Workplace divergences discover both the employer and employee in more ways. Employee may face immense damage to his mental health as a result of employment discriminations. Discriminated employee may not show many interests in working hard for the organization and therefore the productivity of the organization may come down. Moreover, workplace discrimination cases may reverse the image and brand value of the company in many ways. Many federal, state and local laws are prevailing in America in pronounce to avoid workplace discriminations however, these laws are not fully successful in avoiding discriminations at American workplaces. Employees and employers should work together to avoid discriminations at workplaces. This paper analyses several(a) types of workplace discriminations, its effect on employees and employers, federal, state and local laws to prevent workplac e discrimination etc. Workplace Discriminations Globalization has brought too many changes in the condescension world, and exchange of workforce is one among them. Majority of the prominent organizations in the world are currently keeping an extremely diverse workforce to accommodate the honest design of globalization. However, the cases of work discrimination are overly growing day by day due to various reasons. Discrimination means treating some spate differently from differents. It isnt always unlawful - some people are paid different wages depending on their status and skills( Directgov, n.d. para. 1). It can be witnessed in organisational functions such as hiring, promotion, job assignment, termination, and compensation. In places where employment discrimination is strictly prohibited, it may appear in opposite different forms. Even though cultural differences among workers are one of the major reasons, there are many other reasons for workplace discriminations. Race, e thnicity, gender, stereotyping, or differences in religious beliefs, sexual orientation, marriage, pregnancy, disability, age etc can also cause workplace discrimination in one way or another. Workplace discrimination can affect the productivity and efficiency of an employee negatively. In other words, it can cause damage both to the employee and the employer. Team work is necessary for an organization to function efficiently and the cases of discrimination may spoil the team spirit among the employees. America is one of the most civilized and advanced countries in the world, in which secular democracy exists. However the cases of workplace discrimination are numerous in America compared to that in some other parts of the world. In America, all types of workplace discriminations are prohibited by federal, state and local laws. However, the cases of workplace discrimination are growing every day in America. Different types of workplace discriminations Based on the nature and type, wo rkplace discrimination can be classified as direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, harassment and victimization. Direct Discrimination Direct discrimination happens when an employer treats an employee less favorably than someone else. For example, it would be direct discrimination if a driving job was only open to male applicants (Directgov, n.d. para. 3). It should be noted that driving requires many physical as well as mental skills and because of that many companies have the habit of avoiding placing females in such positions. However, if a female comes forward to take the responsibility of a driver, she should be allowed to do so if she has all the other required qualifications to excel in that position. Otherwise, such practices can be labeled as direct workplace discrimination. Since different communities are running different schools, the

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Applied science Report Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Applied science Report - Research Paper ExampleWhile clinical science takes a scientific component, it overly includes aspects of care such as communication and cognition, acquired through interaction in the health care environment. Clinical science is distinguished from medical practice, in that it includes experiences and knowledge gained through interaction, as well as relevant data surrounding clinical issues. Daniels & Powell (2006) define clinical science as the contributions of scientific disciplines to health onward motion and the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease through the development, communication and application of saucily knowledge. The definition does not suggest, however, the existing knowledge and experiences are cast aside, in gustatory perception of more current findings. It implies that existing knowledge, experience and data evoke be used to further advance or develop new methods of examination and new approaches for the clinical setting. Two topics of interest in clinical science today are those of exercise and sports psychology. Exercise is an increasingly important topic, as more Americans formulation health issues, due to sedentary lifestyles. Benefits of regular exercise are linked to longevity and holistic wellbeing of a person. Sports psychology is an important topic, as it provides insight into how top athletes develop and how they are able to become the best and fiercest competitors. This report will investigate how a physical activity program and visualization techniques can be coupled, to improve overall fitness. Numerous athletes are turning towards mental imagination to take their game to the next level (Plessinger, 2011). Understanding how athletes use imagery can help those who adopt a regular exercise program achieve the results they desire. Research Method The method of research used for this report is inquiry into current literature on both the benefits of regular exercise and the benefits of visual ization in exercise. Data collected from literature includes scientific diarys on exercise and sports performance, with the cellular inclusion of reports available on the internet, which focus on health benefits of exercise and the benefits of visualization in sports. Key words used to find relevant literature include visualization in sports, benefits of regular exercise, mental imagery in sports, science in exercise and use of mental imagery in competition. The databases used for journal articles are Academic Search Premier, for articles in Journal of Sports Behavior and Ebscohost, for Journal of Physiological Anthropology. Ebscohost is in like manner used for the Book by Carol W. Kraak and Vivica I. Articles pertaining to sports performance were also obtained directly from the Vanderbilt University, Psychology Department website and from the University of Minnesota, Department of Medicine site. Findings Physical Exercise With realization on benefits of regular exercise comes the pressure of incorporating exercise program into already over-crowded and busy daily routines. This means that maximal benefits are sought under the shortest span possible, predisposing one to risk of injury and chronic fatigue. Therefore, there is need to modernize a proper working out program. It is of great importance that before commencing an exercise program, one should consult with a clinical physician or a qualified sports physician. This takes

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Human resource Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Human option - Essay ExampleI am idealistic and answerable and would rather spend my days doing volunteer work because I am dependable, a team player and an organizer. These characteristics will be effective once I achieve a leadership or managerial position because I can organize my employees and at the same time engage in incorporated social responsibility that is good for the community and the image of the organization. I have high management skills which in line with my career victory will precipitate in handyMy future career goal is to be a strategic Human Resource Manager and therefore the Strategic human resource management is the best human resource category to help me achieve my future goal and enable me to gain enough knowledge to facilitate my debonaire initiation into this career.Strategic human resource management is a career that is aimed at enabling organizations prevents foreseeable internal problems that arise in the organization and deteriorate the status of the organization and even reduce productivity immensely. This is an area most organizations are yet to invest in because they usually assume there is a similarity between human resource management and strategic human resource management and hence neglect the strategic aspect of it (Kandula 6).In indian lodge therefore to ensure that I achieve my goal and be of help in future to an organization, I need to endeavor in my studies and concentrate on the human resource activity about strategic human resource management as it will not only provide mw with the knowledge yet also act as a guide that I will use when working in future.Career success means diverse things to different people and hence has no definite definition. According to me, career success is much deeper than achieving highly in my education (like having a doctorate) or personal success for that matter. Career success is having a positive impact on the people you have been serving (whether they

Friday, June 14, 2019

Allied Health, Information and Informed Consent Essay

Allied Health, Information and Informed Consent - Essay sheathMultidisciplinary care ensures that the squad members are able to discuss every aspect of psychological and physical needs of each patient. Multidisciplinary care approach fulfils the best and evidence-based practices for on the whole the patients (Pozgar, 2012)The multidisciplinary care is carried out since it represents the best practice of discussion planning for the patients. It entails a focus on continued care, the development of relevant referral networks that include appropriate pathways to evoke the psychological needs, the development of protocols and pathways for care and treatment. It includes the patients whose cases are discussed by multidisciplinary team.Effective multidisciplinary care entails the improved coordination of the services, great opportunities for participation in clinical trials, improvement in treatment planning and outcomes, improvement in information sharing between the multidisciplinar y team members, enhanced management and detection of the patients psychological and emotional needs, and the improved functioning of the team (Pozgar, 2012).The multidisciplinary care has been incorporated in the national clinical practice frameworks, guidelines, frameworks and plans. The multidisciplinary team is focused in treatment planning where the health professionals meet and recommend a treatment plan. Not all the professional treat the patient as a result, the issues on liability if the patients condition worsened counteract the multidisciplinary approach. As a result, before any multidisciplinary approach, they had to be the consent of the patient prior to the multidisciplinary meeting, the meeting outcomes should be documented, and the liability implication of the professional team members depended on recommendations of the individual practitioner (Magee, Laroche & Gilligan, 2001).Patients should be informed about the multidisciplinary procedures and meetings, and they s hould have the

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Principles of Economics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Principles of Economics - Research Paper Examplesgruntling customers, suppose that the company may introduce a opposite type of programming that is cheaper for the company to provide yet is equally appealing to customers. Explain what would be the effects of this action. The law of demand states that, ceteris paribas, the higher the price of a commodity, the less the demand leave be. On the other hand, the law of supply states that, all factors being constant, sellers argon more willing to supply goods at a higher price than at a frown price. This theoretical point at which sellers be willing to supply goods and buyers are getting all the commodities they are demanding is referred to as the equilibrium. The equilibrium is depicted in the figure be moo Figure 1 Market equilibrium chart (Economics Basics Demand and Supply, 2011) If the political science make a price ceiling law on cable TV that sets the price below the current equilibrium price two things will happen immediately (1 ) cable TV sellers will find the business less attractive because of increased possibility of lower revenues and thus they will lower their supply. (2) Consumers will find the lower prices attractive and thus they will increase their consumption and demand for cable TV. After some duration, the huge consumer demand and low supply will cause consumers to compete for the few cable TVs available. This is depicted below Figure 2 Effect of price ceiling (Taylor, 2006) In a free market economy, the consumer competition for cable TVs will push the prices up, which will make sellers want to supply more and hence bring the price close to its equilibrium. However, in this case, the price ceiling prevents suppliers from increasing the supply because of the low marginal benefits compared to marginal cost of supplying cable TVs. This eventually... The rationale for releasing the new guidelines to be used by the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade missionary post for evaluating proposed mergers is to provide more clarity and transparency to businesses seeking to engage in mergers and acquisitions. This expressive style business can tell beforehand whether they will be successful with their application or not. Additionally, the new Guidelines take into account changes that have taken tramp in the level-headed and economic arenas since the last revision in 1992. From the guidelines one thing that stands out is the Department of Justices and the Federal Trade Commissions focus on protecting competition and innovation within the American business sector. Mergers and acquisitions that may substantially lower competition, or to tend to fashion a monopoly will be rejected. So too will those M&As that are viewed as done to kill innovation. Some of the major implications of these guidelines are that (1) it will enable companies save on resources that they may have wasted on a merger or acquisition that ends up being disapproved and (2) it provides the legal fraternity with more clear guidelines for those who would like to seek legal redress

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Motivations for Organizational Change for Sustainability Essay

Motivations for Organizational Change for Sustainability - Essay ExampleAlthough organizational alter varies from atomic number 53 business context to another, organizational potpourri adopts a general definition that refers to a specific change that has direct and significant effects in the management, operation, and end product of an organization. Any variations in the way an organization operates and the way it is actually supposed to operate, leads to organizational change to ensure future successful growth and environmental preservation. t therefore the pace of organizational change is rapidly increasing courtesy of the new technology, social pressure, new lifestyles, environmental responsibility, and new ways of doing business. Many researches and model set about to discuss organizational change towards sustainability. However, although change is aimed for the benefit of an organization, many stakeholders in organization are usually nervous and leave behind tend to resis t change consciously or subconsciously basing their fears on the uncertainty of the proposed changes. Hence, Corporates face many challenges in initiating and implementing sustainable organization changes. An effective organizational change must be timely, sustainable, inclusive, motivational, done in the best professional way, strategic, environmental friendly, and enjoys the best organizational change management. ... An organizational change may lead to redundancy, change in operative hours, transfers, promotions, retraining, and even loss of job opportunities (University of Western Australia, 2008, p.1). A change in the corporation may also lead to significant changes in the operation size, skills required, and formation of the corporation. There are different types of organizational change. An organizational change can be organizational wide, subsystem, transformational, incremental, remedial, or developmental (McNamara, 2012, p.1). The knowledge on the type of change helps al l stake holders stick to the scope, objective and retain scope and perspective of the organizational change during the actual process of changing. An organization change process will involve different departments in an organization. Departments involved in the organizational change process include the targeted department, related departments, IT department which will build and operate the changed system, the pay department that will support the entire process, customer-facing staff department that will apply the changes in customer relations, and the management that will oversee the organization change process (Wallace, 2007, p.1). However, the most important of the entire process of change is the organization change management. Change management is the application of a set of processes that ensure in that location is a systematic control and implementation of the proposed changes within the organizations emblem (University of Adelaide, 2012, p.4). An organizations management aims at designing an effective strategy that will overcome resistance from stakeholders and hence increase their engagement towards a successful

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Project management Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Project management - Coursework ExampleThe Trans-Saharan gas pipeline (TGSP) is a dispatch whose aim is to see Algeria and Nigeria team up in a bid to have a diversification of gas supplies to the European continent. Seen by many analysts as the most incredible venture in Africa, the two countries seek to connect the supply of natural gas at Algeria for further countries to benefit (Nwaoha and Wood 2014). Unknown to many people is that this project was first-class honours degree suggested in the 70s but it has encountered a myriad of challenges before its initiation. It was not until 2009 that ministers from the concerned countries met and agreed to have the project completed by 2015 (Seljom and Rosenberg 2011). However, this is yet to be achieved out-of-pocket to various hurdles standing in the way. Even though this was previously thought to be a Nigeria-Algeria affair, Niger could not be overlooked since the project had to hap through its territory.The projects scope will see i t start from Warri region- which is in Nigeria-, pass through Niger all the way to Hassi Rmel which is in Algeria. erstwhile at Rmel, the project will then connect with the Trans-Mediterranean, Medgaz, Galsi and Maghreb pipelines that currently supply to many parts of Europe (Reymond 2007). In terms of length, the entire project is estimated to cover at least 4,128 km but for the Algerian part, which forms the basis of this Project initiation document, the scope is at 2,310 km.The objectives of this project includes expanding the natural gas marketplace to the European countries, solidify the relations among the involved parties and seeking to find an ending market for the gas product. In addition to having an improved economy, other benefits that will be evident from this project include the strengthened unity of the countries and employment opportunities for a significant number of Algerians. Natural gas is one of the most consumed commodities in not only Europe but also globall y (Engerer and Horn 2010) .The

Monday, June 10, 2019

Corporate social responsibility is likely to gain growing importance Essay

Corporate social responsibility is likely to gain evolution importance for line of business, Discuss this statement and relate your answer to ENVIRONMENT - Essay ExampleThis paper defines as the commitment of business to contribute to sustainable frugal development, working with employees, their families, their local community and society at large to improve their quality of life in ways that are both good for business and development1 especially as it is framed to accommodate the aspirations of the corporations and the local communities in which they operate. This paper further adds that, since in every society infrastructure fundamentally represents a luxury, corporations should strive at meeting the human standards of the society in which they operate by giving back to that society all that can be considered as humanly from an ethical standpoint. But hardly this is the case. Take the case of CSR problems that arise between SHELL and the indigenes of the Niger-Delta area in Nige ria in which during operations, their main sources of documentation (i.e. rivers and farmlands) are polluted and destroyed. These damages often lead to conflicts between the oil firms and the host communities.Today, the environment is facing increasing pressure from large scale and quick industrialisation due to modernisation and globalisation that is causing heavy damage all due to mass consumption of the earths resources. In a bit to purify the environment, the western world governments have enacted new environmental legislation aimed at an introduction of major new regulative regimes such as Pollution Prevention and Control (PPC) in England & Wales, where the Environment Agency (EA) is developing new methods of environmental risk screening and targeting of regulatory hunting expedition based on the better regulation principles.Under the dynamics of globalisation, economic integration, and global environmental governance, issues of global warming and CO2 emissions have been in creasing receiving tutelage today. This evolution has been unfolding since the 1992 Rio Conference on Environment and Development, through the 2002

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Online Vs. Classroom Instruction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Online Vs. Classroom Instruction - Essay ExampleAspects of the text that the author discusses that argon risky are looking at two different types of being a student. Online learning can be controversial because some people may think it is not the same as earning a real degree and think the classroom requires more hands-on work. She takes a stance against online learning and uses a source to indorse behind her thoughts saying that online classes keep students away from interacting with both fellow students and their professors, making it stiffer to work on group projects and getting support from peers and instructors.While Morgan is making this comparison, it is hard to know where she is coming from. While it states at the bottom her author biography, it does tell that she has pull in a degree. It makes me curious what her education was like. Does she really know what it is like to be in both types of classrooms? Has she ever taken an online class? If she has not, then that does n ot really give her any credibility behind her argument. People that have taken classes under both circumstances are the people that really can give their true opinion on which is more effective and it also depends on a persons learning style.One of the risks she takes in writing this is that her credibility is really at stake. If someone were to dig in her background on this opinion piece, it might be discovered that she only took structured classes within a classroom. However, she might also have been a student that only earned her education from a university such as University of Phoenix which is strictly online. No one really knows who she is which makes it difficult to know how she developed her opinions.There are galore(postnominal) factors that could determine if online education or traditional structured classroom education is best and these are some topics that the author did not necessarily address. She might be a person who is middle-aged and never had the option to take an online class. This

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Illegally evidence Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Illegally march - Case Study ExampleWithin this framework esteem result be given of the factors that reckons have taken into account when deciding whether or not to exclude such evidence. This will involve looking at policy issues in relation to the exercise of illegally obtained evidence in order to reach a conclusion as to whether in general impairment the coquettes will opt to include or exclude such evidence. In reaching a decision as to the uniformity of the application of this discretion consideration will be given to whether changes that have occurred with regard to the rights of the suspect under the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 have impacted on the admissibility of such evidence.Although there have been many changes in the law with regard to the use of evidence that has been illegally obtained many tests still use the fact of R v Sang 19801 as a yardstick by which to measure whether evidence such be excluded. In this case skipper Diplock commented th at(1) A trial judge in a criminal trial has always a discretion to refuse to necessitate evidence if in his opinion its harmful effect outweighs its probative value. (2) Save with regard to admissions and confessions and generally with regard to evidence obtained from the accused after commission of the offence, he has no discretion to refuse to admit relevant admissible evidence on the ground that it was obtained by improper or unfair means.(at p 437)In this caseIn this case the court following the comments made by Lord Diplock concluded that the judge would have no power to exclude the evidence on the basis that it had been obtained through the use of an agent provocateur2. In many ways the decision whether or not to exclude illegally obtained evidence seems to centre on fairness. Sang remains as an authority of the rules on the exclusion of evidence as was demonstrated in the case of R v Nadir 19933 where Lord Taylor CJ said that if a judgeconsiders evidence the Crown wish to l ead would have an adverse effect on the fairness of the trial, he can exclude it under s 78 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984....He also has a general discretion to exclude evidence which was preserved by s.82(3) of the 1984 Act which would allow the judge to exclude evidence he considers more prejudicial than probative.In the later case of R v Khan 1994 4 All ER 4264, Lord Taylor seemed to change his opinion of the use of Sang as an authority stating that Since, on any view, the discretion conferred on the judge by s 78 is at least as wide as that identified in R v Sang it is only necessary to consider the question of the exercise of discretion under s 78 - which is what the judge did.In general terms although the judge has the discretion to be able to rule the evidence as impermissible it is more common for the courts to allow the evidence to be adduced.Many judges are of the opinion that the effect of s78 does not make very much dissimilarity to the cases brought bef ore the court as most judges seem to decide in favour of inclusion rather then exclusion of such evidence as was the case of R v Mason 19875 and in the subsequent case of R v Samuel 19886. Mason was later quashed on appeal when it was observed that the only real evidence against the defendant was the confession and that this had been obtained by telling the defendant that his fingerprints had been found

Friday, June 7, 2019

International management and change Essay Example for Free

International management and change EssayWhen Pascal made this statement, globalization had yet to take place. People lived in diverse societies remaining cut-off from distributively other. Each indian lodge had its own perception of truth and reality. Then came on the advancement in technology bringing along inventions such as computer, internet and telecommunications making the world a global village. Perceptions started changing as schooling flow across the macrocosm happened at the focal ratio of light.People from all across the globe started sharing their experiences with each other and then reducing the differences in various farmings. However, the come of globalization has yet to pretend its peak. Cultural differences still exist within different societies and the direct of information and technology is still heterogeneous around the globe. I would now highlight approximately distinguishing features of the management expressive styles of various regions.We observe that the beliefs and values of people vary across various cultures. The Japanese work as a group and pipe organizational frame is ground on community work. The reward corpse of rules is based on the level of seniority and is excessively group based. The organizational structure is cooperation based whereas Ameri burn organizations often argon based on competitive style where individuals are rewarded based on their practiceance levels. Similarly the management style of French is also genuinely different from that of US.French follow a more creative thinking pattern and do not like to adhere to stern rules and regulations. The European management style has some key points that distinguish it from the American management style. The European management style even differs within the European countries and two countries be a special focus France and Germany because, among other reasons, the bureaucrats in those countries take on long been regarded as mandarins by the field of public administration (Dogan 1976).European management style can be classified into different clusters based upon Hofstedes cultural dimensions and Trompenaars and Hampden-Turners cultural variables (Goliath, 2004) according to which European management style can be sub-divided into Anglo-Saxon culture (Ireland, UK, and USA), Nordic culture (Denmark, Nor focusing, Netherlands, Sweden, and Finland), Germanic culture (Austria, Belgium, Germany, and Switzerland), Frankophile culture (France, Greece, Portugal, and Spain) and Italian culture. These cultures also differ greatly from the US and Japanese styles of management thus requiring different management practices.The pay for performance system can work with the European management style as employees in Europe are for the most part achievement oriented and perform good work for better rewards. The cultural beliefs and values of Europeans are pretty much different from the people of US and because the marketing techniques us ed in Europe should be different from those applied in US. For example, Europeans are very much reluctant to providing personal information as compared to US customers also the credit card usage in Europe is considerably lower than in US (Heilbrunn, 1998).The introduction of new logo and execution of matrix structure allowing a flatter organizational structure can work relatively better in the European business environment The community operations in South America demand a completely different commence as Latin American culture significantly differs from US culture in terms of communication process. The US culture emphasizes on completion of task and sentences are interpreted in their direct meaning. However Latin American society focuses on relationships and context of the communication may involve more than just the spoken words (Wederspahn, 2001).So the marketing and sales efforts in South American cannot be criterionized with the US practices since the Latin American custome rs tend to perceive communication messages in a very different way from their US counterparts. The new logo can be introduced, however introduction of a flatter organization with matrix structure may not be possible in South America as the type of culture prevalent in this society is not conducive to the works of non-hierarchical organizations. If we study the culture of Middle vitamin Eern countries, it is found that the business practices again differ significantly from those of US.The business is mostly chaotic and based upon word of mouth rather than indite agreements, the cultural values are mostly Islamic and respect for relationships is held supreme also the marketing regulations in Middle Eastern countries are very strict as compared to US or rest of the world (Kwintessential Ltd). The middle eastern management style is mostly authoritarian and based upon Douglas McGregors Theory X motivational leadership style (Daniel Workman , 2008). Thus employees have little or no mot ivation to work on their own and will perform only when directed by the superiors.Thus bright managers from US and other Western states often try to avoid working in Middle East and so they must first be provided proper cultural training in authoritative styles thus enabling them to adapt to the management practices of the Middle East. The Australian business is more similar to that of US as compared to the rest of regions as described above. The language and dress code is pretty much similar. However, Australian society is strictly based upon egalitarian principle where nobody like being bossed around. People dont like to consider others as superiors and there is nearly no hierarchical system (Slideshare, 2009).So authoritarian style of management will not be welcomed in the Australian business. The meeting and negotiation styles as swell up as the general beliefs of the Australian society are pretty close to the American beliefs. However according to a study on doings of 35,000 managers from Australia and New Zealand, the Australian managers consistently try to avoid responsibilities and do not take initiatives (Gettler, 2002). Thus FES should provide cultural and leadership training to Australian manager before implementing any build of central strategy.Discrimination issues also prevail in Australia that can make life for foreign managers very difficult. However, of late steps have been taken to strongly implement anti-discrimination laws. The roles of front line managers are also changing in Australia as they are provided more and more emancipation and responsibility (James Saville, Mark Higgins, 1994). The sales and marketing strategy in Australia can be aligned with the US strategies relatively easily because of the similarity in both societies. So the dilemma of FES is choosing between centralized and decentralized approach.Centralization can be defined as, the degree to which decision-making authority is kept at top levels of management. whil e Decentralisation can be defined as, the degree to which decision making authority is pushed down to lower levels of the firm (Schilling 2008). Both approaches have their own pros and cons. FES has seen tremendous growth over the years and has been expanding into new regions at a very quick rate. Thus the organization requires a ample amount of flexibility in its decision making that can be provided by a decentralized approach.However, due to rapid expansion, the organization requires tighter control of pecuniary resource and close monitoring of all its operations to reduce costs and proceed quality. These measures can be achieved through a more centralized approach. So what approach suits FES bests can be determined by a cost benefit analysis where each advantage and disadvantage of delegation authority has to be carefully analyzed in light of the company objectives. Thus aligning the decision making process with the vision of the organization.A centralized approach can benefit the organization by significantly reducing the administrative cost related to employee management. Infrastructure handling will also be more efficacious and it will be easier for the headquarter to align organizational goals with the functional and departmental goals ( Dezaree Seeds, Alan S. Khade , 2008). Centralized approach will also make reporting procedure simple resulting in standardized organizational policies. Thus in this way it will further help the organizational objective of flattening the organizational structure and in creation of a matrix organizational setup.A decentralized approach on the other hand can benefit the organization by providing flexibility and empowering employees at the divisional and functional level. As explained above, different regions in which FES is operating have different working environments and the condition of energy effort in Europe, Australia, Middle East, US and South East Asian regions are very different from each other. Thus decentr alization of HR and marketing policies will allow the organization to allow for to the customer contends in the ways most suited to specific regions.It will also allow greater local control and the ability to act quickly to gain local resources ( Dezaree Seeds, Alan S. Khade , 2008). Decentralization will also allow the organization to better deal with the cultural diversity and provide training to the employees as and when the need arises. One thing that business, institutions, governments and key individuals will have to realize is spiders and starfish may look alike, but starfish have a wonderful quality to them. Cut off the leg of a spider, and you have a seven-legged creature on your hands cut off its head and you have a dead spider.But cut off the arm of a starfish and it will grow a new one. Not only that, but the disunite arm can grow an entirely new body. Starfish can achieve this feat because, unlike spiders, they are decentralized every major organ is replicated acro ss each arm (Beckstrom and Brafman 2008). The type of approach taken by FES depends upon the nature and reach condition of the global energy industry. The energy industry around the world is in a continuous state of flux. As more and more energy companies around the world move private and become free from the control of state, the nature of competition is changing (ExxonMobil, 2004).Demand for power is increasing at an exponential rate and the competition from private as well as government owned companies is fierce. In the power generation sector, each country has established different laws and tariff rates for multinational organizations. Thus on a whole it seems wiser to maintain a decentralized organizational setup which is flexible enough to quickly respond to the changing conditions of the industry. FES should maintain its present functional structure by keeping the finance, production and HR departments centralized.However using the same marketing and sales techniques all ac ross the globe has a lot of negative implications. Thus allowing the regional marketing departments to work according to their specific environment is the best possible option. So in order to maintain decentralization in the marketing and sales department, the top management has to establish strong ties with all of its regional departments. A strong organizational culture based upon a clear vision and mission of the company should be communicated to all of its employees.Perhaps FES can create a hybrid model which allows centralization of decision making with respect to financial and important managerial decisions and at the same time, the marketing campaign is allowed flexibility according to the specific needs of the region. A key concern for FES is to harmonize its rapid global growth. Power and gas generation has to be taken in new countries and new plants need to be setup. The international operations have expanded a lot and efforts must be made to consolidate the existing busin ess while growing in new regions of the world.As part of the consolidation effort FES must conduct extensive employee training program instilling in each employee the vision and objective of the organization. The company should consolidate its major decision making power in the spotquarter thereby allowing Headquarter to maintain a close monitory system on all of its subsidiaries. By centralizing its finance and management activities, the company can also approve marketing budgets for different regions from its Headquarter, thus building glueyness in the finance and marketing goals.However the marketing and sales strategies for each region should be decentralized thus instilling greater flexibility and freedom among marketing departments to cater to their local markets. The pay for performance system can work smoothly in few of the regions but as explained earlier, some regions such as Middle East and some parts of South East Asian cultures demonstrate a more hierarchical structu re and it will be extremely difficult to introduce pay for performance system in these regions.Also the parameters should be clearly defined before introducing the pay for performance system in different regions. Because same results usually do not show same amount of performance in different regions. What kind of performance and what kind of pay should be decided and communicated to all regional offices. The parameters for monitoring performance should be based upon different standards for different regions. Similarly some of the major HR policies should be centralized but mostly HR of each region should be independent in choosing the who, what, when and where about its employees.For example, Middle Eastern region is very warm in summers as compared to the European region and the work habits and optimum level of work during different seasons is different for both these regions. Thus separate working policies should be established for each of the region. The RD department should rem ain centralized at the American Head Office. As a centralized RD approach is more upright for a company like FES which has not expanded business into a variety of categories (AB, 2001).However taking technological inputs from all across the globe may help the RD department in improving its efficiency and effectiveness. Thus technological integration should be built where all global units of FES are directly integrated with its Head Office and the information flow between Head Office and different regions should be quick and efficient. The production department should flow out its role from the center, managing the manufacturing process across the globe from the Head Office. So it can be seen that different aspects of FES operations require different level of centralization and decentralization.Also different regions require different level of authority delegation based upon their internal environment and national cultures. It is relatively easier to introduce standard policies in E urope and Australia as both of these cultures are very similar to that of US. However, standardizing procedures across Middle East and South America is not a feasible option. The regional business units should remain decentralized as there should be some form of flexibility to make the decision making process quicker.The regional heads should be sent directly from the Head Office, however if some regions in Middle East are not being managed effectively by American managers, then leadership services of local managers should be availed after providing them extensive cultural training programs at the Head Office. The regional units should be linked to the Head Office through the fastest technology available so that there is no or little information gap between the center and regional units.Thus in light of the cultural differences prevailing in various regions of the world, the best suited approach should be to take a hybrid approach while showing some restrain in application of a cent ralized approach and making some variations in the standards for implementation in different regions. The integration of overall business can be achieved by proper use of technology and defining proper hierarchical system for flow of information between Head Office and various regional units.