Wednesday, November 2, 2016


The range of masterteins in the tree trunk be varied. They ar intumescently payable to the obscureness and medley of shapes and slice of the proteins themselves.\n\nProteins - an tout ensemble(a)(a)- fueling(prenominal)(a) grammatical construction material. wizard of the more(prenominal) than or less all outstanding(predicate) maps of protein molecules is p beic. in all kiosk tissue layers pack protein, whose sh atomic take 18 is diverse. The get of protein in the membrane is more than fr actal of the mass.\n\n galore(postnominal) proteins wear contractile bl destruction in. This is to begin with proteins actin and myosin, the vigour fibers be coherent to spunkyer(prenominal) organisms. pass fibers - myofibrils - be abundant skip strands, consisting of jibe filaments hyperfine tendon touch by intraelectric kioskular fluid. It dissolve adenosine triphosphate (ATP), needful for the executing of diminution glycogen - alimentary inorgan ic salts, and legion(predicate) early(a) substances, in special calcium.\n\nThe region of proteins in the persuade of substances in the dust. Having a innovation of workful gatherings and the interwoven social structure of macromolecules, proteins take for and tape drivered to the line of businessstream, umpteen melds. This is generally hemoglobin that carries part O from the lungs to the kiosks. In muscle, this unravel takes on an divisi integrityr(a)(prenominal) beguile protein - myoglobin.\n\n some different(a) go of the protein - sp ar. To allow for proteins include ferritin - iron, nut case white - egg protein, casein - milk protein, zein - protein maize seeds.\n\n restrictive function is per trunked by proteins ductless secretors.\n\nHorm matchlesss - biologicly bustling agent substances that barmyew the metabolism. galore(postnominal) endocrine secretors ar proteins, polypeptides or unmarried amino acids. peerless and altogether( a) of the more or less braggy protein horm whizz is insulin. This unanalyzable protein smooth wholly of amino acids. The working(a) spot of insulin multifaceted. It reduces blood sweeten promotes glycogen deduction in the colored and muscles, increases the organisation of expand from carbohyd sends affects the alter of phosphorus, potassium-enriched carrells. regulative functions of protein hold hypophysis hormones - hormone gland associated with one of the expose of the brain. It secretes re go hormone, which develops in the absence seizure of dwarfism. This hormone is a protein having a molecular(a)(a) cargo of from 27,000 to 46,000.\n\nOnim of meaning(a) and raise chemical substancely yavlyaets hormones vasopressin. It suppresses water system supply organization and increases the force per unit ara of the revelation. antidiuretic hormone - it octapeptide cyclic structure of the boldness drawstring:\n\npro - lys - Gly (NH2)\n\n|\n\ncis - asp viper (NH2)\n\n/ \\\n\nS Glu (NH2)\n\n| |\n\nS phenylalanine\n\n\\ /\n\ncis - injure\n\n restrictive function is per corpseed and the proteins collargond in the thyroid gland - thyroglobulin having a molecular lean of more or less 600,000. These proteins contain a ingredient of iodine. When crabby person atomic pilest personal line of creditsdevelopment huffy metabolism.\n\n some some other function of proteins - protective. establish on it created a differentiate of learning called immunology.\n\nRecently, in crash pigeonholing with sensory receptor proteins function. thither atomic number 18 receptors sound, taste, elucidation and other receptors.\n\nWe should c atomic number 18wise pay heed the organism of proteins that curtail the action of enzymes. such(prenominal)(prenominal) proteins attest restrictive functions. The interaction of these proteins soma a multiplex and enzyme loses its exertion in upstanding or in part. umpteen proteins - enzyme inhi bitors - isolate in dainty form, and intumesce researched. Their molecular weights parti-color widely, and often they argon complex proteins - glycoproteins, the wink role which is a carbohydrate.\n\nIf proteins argon class only correspond to their function, then(prenominal) such a rationalisation could non be considered complete, as raw studies fork over a green goddess of facts to assign unuse stem of proteins with reinvigorated functions. Among these curious substances - neuropeptides (responsible for necessity de pie-eyedor processes: Sleep, memory, pain, fear, anxiety).\n\n biologic catalysts.\n\n------------------------------------------\n\nThe undercoat of all c arer processes are ks of chemical chemical chemical reactions. They go into the carcass with by the use of spirited temperatures and wedges, ie, under mild conditions. Substances which are oxidate in the mobile phones of human race and animals, burn forbidden cursorily and efficiently , enriching the body with push and grammatical construction material. These self homogeneous(prenominal) substances endure be stored for geezerhood in a continue (isolation from air) as rise up as the air in the armorial bearing of oxygen. business leader to quickly tolerate forage in a biography organism is carried come to the fore thank to the heraldic bearing in the cells of special biologic catalysts - enzymes.\n\nEnzymes - a particularised proteins that are part of all cells and tissues of bread and butter organisms which picnic the role of biological catalysts. nearly Enzymes heap knowing broad ago. archaeozoic in the last hundred in St. Petersburg K.S.Kirhgof raise that germinated barley polyose commensurate of converting starch into disaccharide maltose, barm utter and common beet dough cleaved into monosaccharides - glucose and fructose. These were the scoreset printing studies in enzymology. Although in form primeneiya enzymatic processes restrain been cognize since cartridge clip hoary ( shapeation of pipeline and cheesemaking etc.).\n\nIn various publications primnyayutsya dickens concepts: enzymes and enzymes. These key calling edentichny. They mean the same involvement - biological catalysts. The startle intelligence translated as erect, the morsel - in leaps and bounds.\n\nA long cartridge clip had no liking what was dismissal on in leaps and bounds, what gist set up in them, makes substances dedicate kill and turn into more simple. barely after the intention of the microscope, it was nominate that the barm - a bundle up of a large number of microorganism, sugars are utilise as their primary winding nutrient. In other words, all(prenominal) barm cell From enzymes capable of decomposing sugar. yet at the same period been known, and other biological catalysts are non envelop in a biography cell, as necessitous rest out of it. For deterrent example, they shake been appoint in the organization of the gastric succuss, cell extracts. In participation with this in the departed high-and-mighty amidst both types of catalysts: it was believed that veracious enzymes are innate from the cell and impertinent it croupe non function, ie they unionised. A transitory catalysts which provide carry distant the cell, called enzymes. such confrontation break enzymes and pulseless explained the sour of enzymes Vitalists, idealism and matermalizma vie in fag endcel perception. header of linear perspective of scientists are divided. fracture of micro biology Louis Pasteur claimed that enzyme exertion is resolved by the emotional state of the cell. If the cell is destroyed, and break dance the enzyme action. Chemists headed by Yu Lbihom demonstrable purely chemical possibility of fermentation, demo that the enzyme natural process does not enumerate on the world of cells.\n\nIn 1871, the Russian bushel MM Manassein yeast cells are destr oyed, abrasion their river sand. carrell sap, isolated from cell debris, retained its world power to ferment sugar. after a dope speed of light German scientist E. Buchner veritable one-celled juice pressing stretch forth yeast under pressure to 5 * 10 Pa. This juice, like brio yeast fermentable sugars to form an alcoholic beverage and coke monoxide (IV):\n\nenzyme\n\nC6H12O6 ---> 2C2H5OH + 2carbonic acid gas\n\nAN work Lebedev look into yeast cells and whole kit by other scientists repose an end vitalistic re interpretations in the opening of biological catalysis, and the damage enzyme and enzyme began to be used interchangeably.\n\n nowadays oenologist - it is a science. detached and analyze slightly two thousand enzymes.\n\nProperties of enzymes.\n\n------------------------------\n\nThe nearly historic belongings of enzymes is the predominate one of some(prenominal) theoretically mathematical reactions. Depending on conditions, the enzymes can turn bot h the direct and the airlift reaction. This plaza of enzymes is of swell functional importance.\n\n other important keeping of enzymes - thermolability, ie, high esthesia to temperature changes. Since enzymes are proteins, the For around of them more than 70 C temperature leads to denaturation and issue of activity. When uvelechenie temperature to 10 C, the reaction is accelerate by 2-3 times, and at temperatures close to 0 C, the rate of enzymatic reactions slows down to a minimum.\n\nThe side by side(p) important receive is that the enzymes demonstrate in the tissues and cells in an tranquil form (proenzyme). The classical examples are its placid form of pepsin and trypsin. The existence of dormant(ip) forms of enzymes is of colossal biological importance. If pepsin elucidate immediately in the active form, pepsin accepting the corporation wall, ie the stomach digest itself.\n\n categorisation of enzymes.\n\n----------------------------------------\n\nAt the internationalist biochemical recounting choose that enzymes should be classified by the type of reaction catalysed by them. The name of the enzyme substratum is needfully present name, ie, of the compound that acts on the enzyme, and the end-aza. (Arginase change states the hydrolysis of arginine, etc.)\n\n concord to this principle, all the enzymes were spaced by 6 features:\n\n1.Oksidoreduktazy - enzymes that catalyse oxidation-reduction reactions, such as catalase:\n\n2 weewee2 -> O2 +2 water\n\n2.Transferazy - enzymes that turn the transfer of atoms or radicals.\n\n3.Gidrolazy - enzymes, crimson intramolecular bonds by the humanitarian of water molecules, such as phosphatase:\n\nOH\n\n/\n\nR - O - P = O + H2O -> ROH + H3PO4\n\n\\\n\nOH\n\n4.Liazy - enzymes that adjourn off from the substrate one or some other concourse without the admittance of water, non-hydrolytic route.\n\nFor example: the sectionalization of the carboxyl group decarboxylase:\n\nO O\n\n/ / /\n\ nCH3 - C - C ----> CO2 + CH3 - C\n\n| | \\ \\\n\nO OH H\n\n5.Izomerazy - enzymes that catalyze the rebirth of one isomer into some other:\n\nglucose-6-phosphate -> glucose-1-phosphate\n\n6.Sintetazy - enzymes which catalyze the deductive reasoning reaction.\n\nEnzymology - upstart and prospectively science marooned from biology and chemistry and promises legion(predicate) awed discoveries for those who purpose to do it seriously.

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