Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Malcolm X s Impact On Society s Function - 1531 Words

Malcolm X, Malcolm Little or El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, are all different names to one heroic figure. No two people can differ on the impact that Malcolm X has left, not only on the African-American society, but also on the world as a whole. Born in Omaha, Nebraska USA in May 19, 1925 Malcolm X ideologies in life and philosophy were really a result of several life events that he struggled with and experienced while growing up. Between loosing his parents, being bullied in school and finally having Prison sentence, El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz decided that some changes should be arranged in the society’s function. Starting from there, he became a man with a message and a mission. Malcolm X was seeking a change, a step forward and a ray of light. After going through a lot in his life, Malcolm X was detriment to be the burning candle that illuminates the roads for others. Almost 50 years later since his death, a lot of people still look up to him as a spiritual leader and still consid er him an icon when it comes to civil and human rights movements. Today, in a world that is moving in the path of equality and unity, we can only think of those who built the early stages of this ground we all stand equally tall above. Thanks to influential people like Malcolm X, we can today see the impotency and the growth of the seeds he grew back in his days. In spite of the fact that he is a well-respected and loved man, there is still a group of people (23%) who thinks Malcolm X should not beShow MoreRelatedThe Representation Of Black Men And Women By Angela Davis And Malcolm X Essay1974 Words   |  8 PagesWhile the representation of Black men and women is one that throughout the years has not often been given thought to by people outside of the Black community, in the Moynihan Report and essays and speeches by both Angela Davis and Malcolm X, we see how the representation of Black people has for years been detrimental to the progression of the Black community. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Dystopian Warning in Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 451

The typical utopian world that people dream of consists of freedom, equality and political order. Dystopian fiction, however, is only the illusion of a perfect world. In reality, a dystopia is the complete opposite of a utopian society. It is commonly written to warn the reader of what might come if a certain way of life continues. In Fahrenheit 451, Bradbury predicted many issues that plague society today. The larger societal and individual issues Bradbury warns against are the consequences from the lack of social interactions, the spread and focus on technology, and the rise in violence. When it comes to social interactions in Bradbury’s world, people tend to avoid discussion and other normal contact with one another. This lack of communication can be evident in modern day as well. In a conversation at the beginning of the novel, Clarisse tells Montag, â€Å"‘I’m antisocial, they say. I don’t mix’† (29). However, Clarisse is truly gregarious as she converses with her family and Montag while other people avoid people.Society pegs her as different and strange. In today’s world, people are more absorbed with their own lives than the lives of the people that surround them. Even with social networking, there is less face-to-face contact. It has become normal to communicate over the internet and other networks instead of speaking in person. Clarisse is the oddity in her world. Montag explains to Mildred what Clarisse was like, â€Å"‘But Clarisse’s favorite subject wasn’t herself. It wasShow MoreRelatedFahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury1200 Words   |  5 Pagesauthors are able to create work that speaks to their observations and views on society and its functions. In the book Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury incorporated the corruption of the society in which he lived in into the dystopian society created in his book. 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The United States is heading down the path of becoming a dystopian society. Citizens in the United States have the same general behavior as those in Ray Bradbury’s novel, Fahrenheit 451. This novel features a world where cars are fast, music is loud, and watching television is the main way to spend free time. People rarely make time for each other, rarely imagine and formRead MoreThe Transformation Of Society In Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury952 Words   |  4 PagesThe central message Ray Bradbury is warning his readers within the novel Fahrenheit 451 is the direction society is heading into failing themselves. The notability and progression of this theme is simple to see in todays society as the novel was written in 1953 and some of the predictions are not far off from what can be seen in the current time period. Within the novel, Bradbury plays on this theme by displaying the numb and sameness the technology in Montag’s society is causing its citizens.TheRead MoreFahrenheit 451 Comparison Essay1185 Words   |  5 PagesFahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury’s Prediction of the Future TREVOR YOUNG Fahrenheit 451 is a dystopian novel written by Ray Bradbury that depicts a futuristic American society where books are banned and independent thought is persecuted. Bradbury uses his imagination to take a hard look at a world consumed by technology, and he presents predictions about pleasure, violence and anti-intellectualism that are alarmingly similar to the modern American society. Notably, in both societies people find

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Internet censorship Free Essays

Internet censorship Introduction Internet censorship is carried out by governments for many reasons to prevent users from accessing certain sites and sharing information. It restricts Internet users from accessing certain information and also controls what can be published or viewed. It can be used in response to riots, protests and elections, since the internet makes it very easy for events like these to be organized. We will write a custom essay sample on Internet censorship or any similar topic only for you Order Now Internet censorship has been going on for the past decade and has caused rise too lot of controversy. It vanes for different countries and has become a big Issue relating to human rights and redeem. Advantages Internet censorship has many advantages. It can protect citizens from inappropriate content, for example a child will be protected from any websites showing adult content Like pornography. It can also help reduce and prevent Illegal activity. For example, illegally downloading music. It has also been initiated to prevent riots and protests, like with the Arab Spring. The Internet made spreading the news of protests and riots very easy, leading to more revolutionary acts. This caused Internet in some of these countries to be completely inaccessible at times. Another advantage is that he chance of online identity theft is reduced, which protects citizens from identity theft happening to them. The amount of spam and viruses Is also less which protects your computer. Disadvantages The main disadvantage of Internet censorship is that it restricts access to information. This violates a human right, which is to be able to gain knowledge. This could also Limit educational resources. The freedom of speech and freedom of self- expression Is also restricted, which are also human rights violations. Internet censorship gives the Government power over Its citizens since they can control what s accessible and what is not. This can allow the Government to manipulate and control people. And even if the Internet censorship is seen as good and successful, many people are able to bypass the censorship. For example, by making use of proxy servers. This defeats the whole purpose on censoring the Internet in the first place. Although It may not seem as Important, Internet censorship also widens social gaps. It makes It harder for people to communicate. Censorship systems also cost money, and if they can be bypassed by citizens this makes them a waste of money. Businesses can be negatively impacted too due to not being able to access the best resources and not being accessible themselves. Major parties Involved China has the most strict internet censorship in the world. Internet filtering and censorship in China is referred to as ‘The Great Fire Wall’. Anything discussing the Dalai Lama, Fallen Gong and general websites including Faceable, Twitter and Youth are blocked. All pornographic or politically disruptive content is deleted. Even the Internet access of individuals is monitored. They do this because of many anti-Japanese, anti-pollution, anti-corruption and ethnic riots which have been organized in the past with the use of Internet. China’s Internet police has a size of 30,000. However, some users are able to evade the controlling of the Internet by using proxy servers. North Korea Most people in North Korea are not able to get online. A small amount is able to access an internal Intranet that connects to state media, called Agamemnon, which is highly controlled and censored. Only elite members, foreign residents and visitors in special hotels are allowed full access to the Internet. The Government is in full control of all media outlets and all news comes from one source, The Korean Central News Agency. They control the Internet to be able to control the information given to residents about politics and to be able to make the leaders of North Korea (Kim Gong- IL and Kim Gong-UN) look as good as possible. Cuba Only 5% of Cubans have access to the global Internet. This is due to tight control, high costs and slow connections. 23% have access to a government intranet with limited content. Cuban Internet is out of date due to the US embargo, lack of funding ND the Government’s fear of freedom to access all information. Cuban citizens get around the censorship by using embassies, coffee shops or illegally purchasing other people’s surnames and passwords who are allowed Internet access. Iran Iran blocks many Western sites like Faceable and Twitter and anything that may oppose politics or show anything sexually explicit. A plan was announced that they were going to create their own fully monitored domestic Internet. But many people believe separating a domestic internet from the worldwide Net completely is not possible. How to cite Internet censorship, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Sensors Satellite Observations and Modeling †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Sensors Satellite Observations and Modeling. Answer: Introduction: The report introduces the concept of oil slick detection. The pollution that is caused by the oil needs to be protected. The use of the SAR and MODIS imagery technique is used in order to protect the oil pollution. The oil slick is the layer or the thin film of oil that is floating in the water (Sun and Hu 2016). The repost presents the various methodologies that can be used in order to protect the oil slick. The most applicable methodology in this case is also discussed in the next section of the report. The oil slick may be caused by a number of factors such as the spilling of the oil in the ocean while carrying the oil from one place to another. The use of the oil in the industries is later secreted out in the form of gas polluting the air or in the form of liquid polluting the water. The process of oil slick detection helps in knowing and helps in the prevention of oil leakage. The use of the SAR is mostly done in order to detect the oil slicks that occur due to the various reaso ns. The report presents the literature review regarding the various oil slicks that have taken place (Zhao et al. 2014). The literature review also presents how the use of SAR and MODIS has been made in order to protect the oil slicks that are taking place. The use of remote sensing is made in order to protect the various oil slick processes. The use of remote sensing helps in the proper measurement of the water surface of the oceans and the other water bodies (Sun et al. 2016). The remote sensing offers the highest form of resolution. The use of the airborne remote sensing instrument has the fastest response to the pollution that is caused by the air. However, due to the excess expense that is involved in the airborne remote sensing the use of satellite remote sensing is made in order to check the pollution that is being caused by the oil. The various processes have the various advantages and disadvantages according to which the oil slick takes place. Lastly, the report presents th e best method that can be used for the protection of the oil slick. The above figure clearly depicts the SAR method for the four phases in the oil click detection. The figures a and b have properly demonstrated the baseline, the proposed method, the IVSaliency method and the PRSaliency method. The figures c and d have properly demonstrated the baseline, the proposed method, the SDPoISAR method and the PRSaliency method. Synthetic Aperture Radar or simply SAR is the coherent radar system that eventually uses the air path of this platform for the purpose of simulating the largest antenna or aperture electronically as well as generating the higher resolution imagery of remote sensing (Zhao et al. 2014). This particular type of radar system is mainly either space borne or airborne. Thus, the individual transmitting or receiving cycles or PRTs are completed with the accurate data from every cycle that is being stored electronically. The processing of signal utilizes the phase or magnitude over the successive pulses from all the elements in any particular synthetic aperture. This particular methodology is selected for the case study for its extra ordinary working principle and inherent advantages (Maianti et al. 2015). The increasing use of the oil has led to the increase in the amount of the oil that requires to be transferred across the seas and the oceans in order to maintain the supply of the oil. As a result of which the amount of slicks have also increased to a great extent. Thus, the importance to the detection of the measurement of the oil slicks at water bodies has increased by a great extent (Marghany 2015). The use of more shipping routes for the passage of the ships across the water bodies have made it necessary for the measurement and the protection mechanism to become more strict. The use of the remote sensing can be made in order to detect the oil slicks that are taking place. The detection process may also reduce the amount of slicks that is taking place. The remote sensing process helps in the detection of the possible oil slick that may take place. This also provides the advantage of the nature of the oil that may be slicked and the estimated quantity of the oil that may be spille d. All these information is valuable as this process helps in the detection of the damage that may be caused by the oil slick. The use of the remote sensing helps in the maintenance of the ecosystem (Pisano et al. 2016). The detection of the oil slick has become necessary as the marine life is being affected largely. The protection of the marine animals and the marine plants has become increasingly necessary otherwise the animals and the plants may lead to extinction. The remote sensing process is an important process and may be classified as the passive systems and the active systems. The passive systems refer to the use of the sensors and the detection and the emission from the various natural resources. This process takes place in the visible spectrum (Salberg, Rudjord and Solberg 2014). The other type of the system that is used is them active system. The active system presents the use of the response of the reflection from the objects radiated from objects that are artificial sources. The artificial sources may be the use of the laser and the radar systems. There are various methods that are involved in the detection of the oil slicks. The methods involve the Synthetic Aperture Radar System or SAR, satellite monitoring and the airborne monitoring. The use of the various processes depends on a number of factors. The various factors involve the use of the high temperature resolution as the nature of the oil changes and there may be temperature fluctuations that are involved (Pisano, Bignami and Santoleri 2015). A proper method for the prevention of the oil slick should have the high temperature resolution as it may be a threat to the ecosystem. The second property involve the capacity to view the image even if a thick cover is present in a particular area. The method presented should have the capacity to have the wide spectral resolution, which is important for the detection width and the position of the spectral band. The use of the spectral resolution helps in the detection of the difference in the oil and water that is adjacent to the oil. SAR method: The SAR method may be considered as one of the most efficient and the effective instrument in order to detect the slicks that occur. The use of the SAR helps in the detects the oil spill and the oil spills appear as the dark patches on the image of SAR. The SAR process is used as the spills damp the short waves. The observation that is done by SAR does not depend on the weather conditions that are the drastic weather or the change in the weather conditions or the clouds does not affect the observation (Pettorelli et al. 2014). The SAR can even work in the challenging conditions as well and gives the correct and efficient result. The various conditions may be the stormy weather, where the chances of the accident are increased. The SAR can also work in the night condition. The use of the remote sensing satellites can be made in order to check the oil slicks that taken place. The altitude, the obit and the sensor of the detection device characterize this process (Migliaccio, Nunziata and Buono 2015). The remote sensing device senses the oil slick that has taken place and makes the various reports regarding the various effects of the oil slick and how the oil slicks can be prevented. The use of the satellite monitoring helps in the extension of the range of application to large altitude.The airborne monitoring is an oil spill monitoring method that can be used in order to prevent the oil slicks that is occurring in excess. This process helps in the support of the oil spill cleaning process. There has been introduction of the large number of sensors that is included in order to sense the large number of oil spills that is involved. The use of this method helps in the detection of the potential spillers (Maianti et al. 2015). There are ultraviolet scanner, microwave sensors, laser fluorescence sensors and many other sensors that are involved. The use of these well developed and advanced sensors helps in the possible detection of the spill that may occur due to the various oil spill activities. There are multi- sensors that are involved which helps in the better detection of the oil spills. The use of these multi- sensors helps in the analysis of the data and the helps in putting forward the result of the possible oil slicks that may occur. MODIS method: The use of the MODIS method is another process that helps in the detection of the oil slick that may occur. The use of the MODIS method helps in the detection of the oil slicks. The more number of oil slicks result in the danger to the life of the aquatic animals and the plants. The use of the MODIS method helps in the detection of the images of the oil slicks that is occurring. The use of the Moderate Resolution Imaging Sprectroradiometer (MODIS) is required for the analyzing of the data and the putting forward of the data that is produced by the passive optical sensors that are present (MacDonald et al. 2015). The MODIS structure involves the use of mainly three thresholds. The three thresholds involve the by index threshold, by value and by function. The three thresholds are followed by the integration and the various applications of the algorithms that are presented in order to detect the oil slicks. The MODIS process is an efficient and effective process. As per the requirement given, the process of the SAR is the best process for the implementation of the method for the protection of the oil slick. The SAR process satisfies all the criteria that need to be met. The use of the SAR is an efficient method and the use of this method can be made in order to detect the oil skill. The use of the SAR technique can be used as the SAR process has the right amount of spectral region. Compared to the other processes the coverage area of this process is more and as a result of which this process is more effective than the other processes (Liu et al. 2013). The SAR has the capacity to serve in areas that is prone to excess weather change. In drastic weather condition as well the SAR process has the ability to work and detect the oil spill that may occur. The use of the SAR process can be made at night and day as well. It is difficult for the other processes to operate at night and this provides an added advantage to the SAR process and this is the reason why the SAR is preferred over the other processes. Literature Review The SAR and the MODIS are the two technologies that are used in this article. The main purpose of the report is to detect the oil slicks that are produced in the various regions. For the protection of the oil slicks two main methods are considered in this report. The use of the SAR and the MODIS technologies are used in order to detect these oil slicks. The SAR technology is more widely used than the MODIS technology. There are other various applications of the SAR and the MODIS. These technologies are used in other fields as well (Liu et al. 2013). This literature review presents the use of the SAR and the MODIS technology in the various other fields as well. The use of the SAR is discussed at first. The applications of the SAR technologies can be defined as: The use of SAR can be made in the field of oceanography. The use of the SAR can be made in this field as the use of SAR can be made in order to calculate the spectra of the wave, the speed of the wind and the various other characteristics that may be involved in order to calculate and predict the nature and the characteristic of the wave and the ocean. The use of the technology is often made by the meteorological department in order to predict the weather conditions that may occur (Lavrova et al. 2014). The technology can give the pattern of the waves and the various other characteristic and the condition of the ocean. The calculation of the speed of the wave helps in knowing of the condition of the weather. The use of the technology can provide the various images and the various movements of the wind, which can help in the calculation of the wind speed. The calculation of the wind speed helps in the detection whether the weather will be stormy or calm. This technology can also be ex tended to application in the calculation of the ocean currents. The use of the technology helps in the knowing the chances of the flood. Thus, the technology is helpful with respect to the fact that it can help in saving a large number of lives from the flood. The use of the SAR technology can be extended to agriculture. The use of the technology helps in the classification of the various crops into different sections and defines the various methodologies for the proper maintaining of the crop and the various other method in order to improve the growth and the quality of the crop. The SAR technology helps in the betterment of the quality of the crops. The help of the SAR technology that puts forward the various characteristic and the various properties of the soil does this (Li et al. 2013). All the requirements and the properties of the crop are suggested by the use of the technology. The use of the technology can be made in order to know the characteristics of the soil and the crops that can grow on that type of soil. The measurement of the soil moisture is made by the use of the SAR technology. The use of the SAR technology is also made in order to know the moisture of the soil. By knowing the moisture of the soil, it can be decided whi ch soil is eligible and required for the irrigation and the cultivation of the crops and for agriculture. Thus, the use of the SAR technology can help in knowing the various information about the agriculture. The use of the technology helps in the knowing of the various characteristics of the crop and the characteristic of the soil where the crop is grown. The use of the technology helps in the development of the planting structure and discusses the spatial distribution of the crop. All these information is important on the basis of which the various discussion is made regarding the use of the correct soil and the correct soil. The use of the SAR technology is the most advanced technologies whose used is made in the agricultural field. The use of this technology helps in the identification of the crop from the aspect of data and technology (Lavrova and Mityagina 2013). The use of the SAR technology is made in this case as the improvement of the various parameters relating to the agr iculture is made. The agriculture is an important sector and the use of the various insecticides and the crop production and quality has to be maintained in order to serve the people and in an healthy manner. Moving Target Indicator: The increase in the rise of the number of attacks and the number of bombing taking place has led to the invention of the large number of weapons that can detect the bombs and restrict the attacks. The use of the SAR technology is also made in the Moving target indicator concept. The use of the moving target indicator helps in the changing the operations relating to the battlefield and the bombing. The use of the GPS bomb is looking forward to the displacing of the present bomb that is in use. The use of the SAR helps in the production of the maps of the areas that ranges from a few meters to large kilometers. Thus, the use of the SAR technologies help in the detection of the various materials such as the vehicles, the ships, fences, and aircrafts that is present close to the SAR detector (Kim et al. 2015). The use of the Moving Target Indicator helps in the identification of the slowly moving vehicles, aircrafts and the helicopters. The use of these radars can sometimes even define t he type of the moving vehicle. The use of the SAR technology in the Moving Target Indicator helps in the proper detection, locating of the moving target in a proper manner. The use of the SAR technology also allows the Moving Target Indicator to even work in drastic weather conditions. The use of the present bombs that is the traditional laser bombs needs that the weather conditions is not very humid or the moisture is not present. This property is not required in the present bombs, which implement the SAR technology and can operate in any weather conditions. The use of the SAR technology helps in the proper detection and there is loss of accuracy in the measurement. The use of SAR helps in the efficient and the effective bombing of the target. The other property why the use of the SAR technology is made is that more number of targets can be handled at the same point of time. The use of the SAR technology helps in the efficient bombing even in the adverse weather conditions. A large number of targets can be managed even in the adverse weather conditions and in the night (Khanna et al. 2013). Thus the aircrafts that bomb the other aircraft can handle a large number of targets at the same time and can even operate in an efficient manner in the dark. For the efficient bombing to take place the proper detection of the target is necessary. This efficient detection even in the drastic weather conditions is done by the use of the SAR technology. The radars that is present under the Moving Target Indicator is used for the coverage of a large area and the use of the radar is made in order to detect the articles that may be present or the detection of the target and the bomb in this case. The use of the SAR in the various fields is presented and it is quite evident that the use of them SAR in the various fields have helped in the advancement of the technologies in the various fields and have also helped in the making of the work easier in the various fields (Hu et al. 2015). The application of the MODIS technology has been presented in the next part. The various applications of MODIS technology are: Monitoring of Water Quality: The use of the MODIS technology can be made in order to monitor the water quality. The use of the data that is presented by the MODIS technology is used in the controlling of the water quality. The water quality management is necessary for the management of the quality of the water. There is large number of pollution that can take place from the various sources such as the pollution from the various industries, pollution from the oil leaks taking place from the ships and the other vehicles that carry oil and the other waste materials. There are many people who use the water bodies for the washing of the utensils and the other materials which are of daily necessity (Guo, Liu and Xie 2013). The use of the water bodies have led to the excess pollution. If the pollution is not managed then there would be drastic effects that may take place such as the consumption of this water will lead to the effecting of the large number of people and the various children will also be affected. The use of the water management is thus needed in order to protect the various people from being affected by the use of the polluted water. The use of the MODIS principle helps in the detection of the pollution that may take place and may provide solutions for the prevention of the pollution that is caused by the water. The use of the MODIS principles helps in the detection of the oil slicks that may take place (Xu et al. 2016). It also provides solution and the various ways in which the industry waste may be deposited and the waste may be effectively managed. The MODIS technology helps in the prediction when the possible pollution can take place and as a result of which the prevention of the pollution of the water is possible to a large extent. The use of the MODIS technology helps in the collection of the data of the pollution caused, the type of pollutant that was responsible for the pollution in a major way. This will help in the creation of the awareness and will help in knowing the r eason of the pollution that has taken place. This will help in the restricting of the cause of the pollution from the next time (Garcia-Pineda et al. 2013). The use of the MODIS principle is made because of the presence of the high spectral resolution, which helps in the better detection of the pollutants. The other properties and the reason for the use of the MODIS principle is the short period of revisit, the fast acquisition process and the other property is the free of charge. Thus, by the implementation of these properties the pollution that is caused may be controlled and the proper water management is possible in an efficient and effective manner. The MODIS is largely responsible for the snow cover products that are produced. The MODIS presents the automated process in which the snow covers work. The MODIS snow covers are an improvement over the previous products that were used. The use of the MODIS snow cover has an much more efficient and more effective operation as compared to the snow covers that were used previously (Fingas and Brown 2014). The snow covers generated by the use of the MODIS technology involves the automated process by which the consistent data that is involved may be used and the process is carried out. The snow cover information is required by the data set that is generated by the long- term studies of the climate. The MODIS instrument involves the integration of the large number of instruments, which is necessary for the carrying out of the tasks performed by the snow cover. Thus, the use of the MODIS snow cover is an instrument that is an improvement over the previous instrument. The MODIS snow cover is responsible for the carrying out of the work in a much more efficient and effective manner. Description and Sustainability Aspect There are a number of ways in which the water bodies are getting polluted. One of the major reasons of the pollution is the leakage of the large quantity of oil into the water bodies. The process of the leakage of the oil into the water bodies is responsible by the various ways is called as oil slick. The oil slick form the major part of the water pollution. The oil slick process has to be reduced (De Dominicis et al. 2013). The article makes the mention of two concepts for the reduction of the oil slick. The two methods are the SAR and the MODIS method. The reduction of the oil slick is necessary as the water bodies form the major source of water for the domestic purpose at a number of homes. The water of the water bodies are also supplied as drinking waters at the various houses. The use of the various techniques has been made for the reduction of the pollution of the water bodies. The reduction of the pollution is necessary not only for the humans but for the aquatic animals and p lants as well. The pollution that is caused by the various agents affects the aquatic life as well. The discussion here is to be made about the pollution that is caused by the oil slicks as the oil slick forms the major part of the pollution that is caused in the water bodies (Collins et al. 2015). The formation of the film of oil blocks the sunlight from reaching the animals and plants. Both the species require sunlight to survive. Moreover, due to the formation of the film of oil the oxygen supply is also cut off as the oxygen cannot reach the plants and the animals due to which the marine life is affected. The use of the various technologies that are made in order to protect the pollution that is caused due to the slick of the oil in the water bodies is mentioned in this part. The first technology that is used is the SAR technology and the other is the MODIS technology. Both the technologies are efficient and solve the purpose of the reduction of the oil slick that is taking place. The SAR technology however is more efficient as compared to the MODIS technology. The use of the SAR technology puts forward the advantage of providing efficient and correct solutions even in drastic conditions of weather (Cheng et al. 2014). The SAR can even operate at night. The us e of the SAR can be made for a large area as the radars that are present under the SAR have a large coverage area. The large coverage area is responsible for the detection of the large number of devices or the large number of obstacles. The use of the SAR can be made in a large number of important devices. The use of the SAR tec hnology can be made in order to reduce the oil spill that is caused. By the use of the SAR methodology the oil spill predicted thus reducing the chanced of the oil spill and reducing the chances of the oil slick, which causes the pollution that occurs in the water bodies. The SAR works in the principle that the SAR works as sensors, which have the capability to capture the microwaves that are reflected from the surfaces of the various materials. The presence of the oil works as an obstacle and does not allow the microwaves to enter (Chen and Hu 2014). The microwaves that are returned are detected by the SAR sensors and it can detect the presence of a coating of oil, which puts forward the presence of the oil slick. By the use of the method of SAR the oil slick is prevented to a large extent. The other method that may be used is the MODIS method. The MODIS method is another method that is used for the detection and the prevention of the oil slick. The MODIS has the capability to provide the measurements and the calculations in the various dynamics which are done in large scale such as the cloud cover of the Earth, the processes of the ocean and the process on the land (Caruso et al. 2013). The MODIS is also responsible for the processing of the activities of the lower atmosphere. The MODIS carries out the working by the help of the on board calibrators. There are four calibrators that are present. The on board calibrators involve the in- flight calibration, the solar diffuser, the solar diffuser stability monitor and the spectral radiometric calibration assembly. The process of detection can take place through these calibrators. By the use of the MODIS method the data for the oil slicks can be collected and by the help of these data the oil slick in the future may be prev ented. In order to establish the MODIS image there are mainly three algorithm that is followed. The Thresholding by value algorithm is followed in order to detect the value of the RGB of red color. The second algorithm that is applied is to present the image of the oil spill in an accurate manner. This algorithm is known as Thresholding by Index (Bayona, Domnguez and Albaigs 2015). This process is an important part which helps in the proper image formation of the oil spill. The third and the last algorithm of the MODIS method is the Thresholding by function, which helps in the proper obtaining of the accuracy and the checking of the efficiency. This process works in the principle by the calculation of the RGB values of the green and the red colors. In case the green has a pixel less than three then the oil is detected and the detection of the oil slick is detected. By the help of the three algorithms, the oil slicks can be detected and the oil slick may be prevented. Sustainability can be defined as the process of changing where the resource exploitation, the technological development orientation, investments directions as well as all types of institutional alterations are in harmony and thus enhancing all the potential in meeting the aspirations or human needs (Maianti et al. 2015). The specific organizing principle of the sustainability aspect is the sustainable development that involves various domains like economic, social and environment. The sub domains in this sector are political, technological and cultural. For this particular case study of Oil slick detection using SAR and MODIS imagery, the sustainability aspects mainly involve the environmental changes. The detection of oil slick with the help of the two methodologies of SAR and MODIS is the most advanced step or advancement in the satellite or radar system. Although, satellites are taking down the entire world, they are providing advancements in the technology and thus providing sust ainability aspects to the society (Caruso et al. 2013). The four aspects of the sustainability in this case study are functions as well as structure of the natural ecosystems and their interactions within various radar systems or satellites. Conclusion From the report, it can be concluded that due to the oil slick there are a large number of living beings which are affected. The oil slick from the various sources affects the marine life in a large manner. The use of the various technologies is made for the reduction of the oil slick that is occurring from the ships or from the industry waste. The implementation of the various technologies is discussed in the report. The implementation of the various technologies for the prevention of the oil slick is presented in the report. The various applications of the SAR and the MODIS technology is also presented in this report. The applications are involved in the literature review. The literature review also involves the application of the MODIS technology. The two technologies are largely responsible for the reduction of the oil slicks. The various methodologies for the different technologies are presented in the next section of the report. The method from the point of view of the sustaina bility is also explained in the section. After the discussion of the various technologies that can be implemented, the best technology that can be used is put forward and the reason why the SAR was selected as the best technology to be used is also stated. The SAR has the properties that the other processes do not have. The SAR can work in conditions in which the other monitoring and detection systems cannot work. The use of the SAR is made and it is different from the other properties as the SAR technology also applies in the changing and the drastic weather conditions. The SAR can work in the same efficient and effective manner in the bad weather conditions as well. The use of SAR presents the effective and the efficient results at night, which is difficult for the other technologies to present. Thus, for oil slick detection the SAR technology is the best possible technology that can be used. 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